Manganum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Manganum carbonate or acetate (Braunstein). Preparation: Triturations of the carbonate or solutions of the acetate (Hahnemann).


Emotional. Weeping mood. Anxiety, with shortness of breath, and profuse perspiration all over. Constant uneasiness, as if he apprehended something sad. Ill-humor. Ill-humored and fretful (after thirty-sixth hours). Ill-humored, so that he was not pleased with the most joyous music, but was immediately affected by the saddest music. Fretful, contemplative, when sitting still, with discomfort in the whole body, four afternoons in succession. Fretful, discontented with himself, and solicitous about the future; he talked little, thought he was weak in mind, and made mistakes in speaking in every sentence. Everything she even thinks of makes her fretful (after two hours). Very fretful, depressed, and sad at 4.30 P.M. Morose and vexed at every trifle in the morning, with a wrinkled forehead; even the mere speaking of others excited him. Embittered mood, implacable, and for a long time having a grudge against one who had offended him. Intellectual. Distraction of mind. Weak memory.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion and gloominess of the head, with general weakness, while sitting. Vertigo while sitting and standing; was obliged to steady himself to prevent falling forward. General Head. Dulness and heaviness of the head, first in the occiput, then in the forehead, Heaviness of the head and so great sensitiveness of the scalp that she could scarcely tolerate the combing of the hair, in the morning and evening. The head is heavy, and feels larger then usual, at 4 P.M. Head heavy, dull and painful, with internal heat in it, at 3 A.M.,; better in the open air and returning in the house. Head so heavy that he can scarcely hold it up, with a very fretful mood, in the forenoon. Rush of blood to the head while sitting, standing, walking, and lying, with a sensation of heat in the face, without redness or external heat. Orgasm rising from the nape of the neck over the vertex to the forehead in the afternoon during motion, with stupefaction and a confusion of the senses while standing, lasting a few minutes. Drawing tensive pain here and there in the head. Constrictive pain in the vertex and occiput. Headache from morning till 5 P.M., a painful pressing forward from the occiput over the forehead into the frontal regions, where it seems as if everything would press out; worse at 1 P.M. (seventh day). Constant headache in the open air, disappearing in the house. Dull headache in the house. Drawing pain in the occiput, orbits, and forehead, where it is aggravated on stooping, and disappears on pressure with the hand. Pressive pain over the whole brain, from above downward, late in the evening and on waking in the night (after four hours). A burning pressive pain in the sides of the head and in the occiput, relieved by going into the open air. Beating and throbbing in the whole head, as if the brain would suppurate, disappearing in the open air but returning in the house, at 2.30 P.M. Shattering of the brain on motion, with pressive pain in the head, and also in the upper abdomen. Painful shattering of the brain on shaking the head. Forehead. Burning sensation in one spot of the right frontal bone. Fine burning in the frontal bone above the right temple (after one hour and a half). Boring inward in the frontal bone, between the left side of the root of the nose and eyebrow. Dull pressive pain in the upper part of the frontal bone. Stupefying pressive pains in the forehead, which at last become an internal sticking and boring. A contractive sticking pain here and there in the whole forepart of the head, especially the temples, mostly in the open air. Stitches as with knives or needles in the left side of the forehead at intervals. Slow drawing, seldom pressive, stitches in the sinciput only on going into the open air, and ceasing after awhile in the house; together with shaking chilliness over the whole body, without gooseflesh, also only in the open air, better in the house (after twenty-four hours). Tearing in the left side of the forehead, as if in the bone, especially on moving the frontal muscles. Fine tearing from the left frontal eminence to the temple. while talking (after one hour). Drawing-tearing from above the right eye (after eighteen days). Temples. A pressive digging in the temples, extending to the eyes and forehead, better on stooping, returning on sitting upright and bending backwards (after four hours). Drawing pains in the temples, as if in the bones. Sharp pressive pain above the left temple on getting up and walking. disappearing on sitting down again. Constant stitches in the left temporal bone. Tearing in the mastoid process behind the right ear. Fine tearing in the left temple on moving about in the open air (after two hours). Parietals. One sided headache (after four hours). Sticking headache externally beneath the left parietal bone, extending to all sides of the skull. Pain like needle stitches externally on the right occipital bone in the morning in bed, extending down to the fifth cervical vertebra, and aggravated on turning the neck. Some violent stitches in the left parietal bone, extending forward on stooping (after half an hour). Tearing in the right side of the head, and especially deep in the right ear, on rising from stooping (after three-quarters of an hour). Drawing-tearing in the left side of the head (after eight hours). A sticking-tearing extending from the posterior and lower portion of the left parietal bone to in front of the vertex, so violent that she believed that a part of the head would be torn off; deep internally, while standing, at 8 a. m; same pain next day at the same hour. Occiput. Dull pressive headache in the occiput, with a feeling of emptiness in it, taking away his senses, relieved by application of the hand. Beating or throbbing pain in the right side of the occiput like a suppuration, during rest and motion, at 1.30 P.M. External Head. Feeling of coldness in a small spot on the vertex, even when the head is covered, with bristling of the hair. Drawing cramp in the muscles at the left mastoid process, so that he was obliged to hold the head to the right side. Tearing and tearing jerking externally in the occiput three afternoons in succession; at other times pain in the same spot; worse when touched.


Constant dryness in the eyes in the evening. Feeling of heat and dryness in the eyes. Pressure in the eyes while reading by lamp light, as from too much reading, with overpowering sleepiness. Crawling-jerking here and there in the right eye, which causes an agreeable tickling. Biting pain in the external canthus. Brow. A shattering, like a violent sticking, above the right eye on walking rapidly, even in the house (after twenty days). A needle like stitch extending inward in the right superciliary ridge. Lids. Swelling of the lids. Throbbing in he right upper lid. The eyelids are painful on the slightest motion, and on looking at the bright light they become too dry, with a feeling as on waking from sleep. Jerking stitches in the both upper lids. Ball. Sharp pressure on the eyeball on moving the eye inward and upward. Pupil. Pupils dilated (after twenty-five hours). Pupils very much dilated; the light blinds him and causes pain in the eyes; when the light is held before the eyes, pupils gradually contract, but suddenly dilate on removing it. The right pupil is more dilated than the left. Pupils contracted (after one hour and a half). Pupils very much contracted during the whole proving; and only at times, mostly in the evening, somewhat dilated. Vision. Obscuration of vision, with contraction of the pupils; he does not see clearly at a distance. Great short- sightedness for several days. Vision vanishes if she looks long at any object, at 4.30 P.M. If he looks intently at near objects (even those not bright), the eyes pain, and he is obliged to close them; a light held near them causes still greater pain. Sparks of fire, like rays, in the evening on closing the eyes; it seems black as soon as he looks at the light.


External. Cramp like pressive pain behind the left ear, on going into the open air, disappearing on touch. A jerking-sticking pinching in the left outer ear, only gradually disappearing on violent rubbing. Jerking-tearing in the right concha, in the evening on lying down, disappearing in bed. Painfulness of the external ear to touch. Pain as from suppuration in the right concha, in the evening (first and second days). Fluttering as from a large bird before the left ear; at the same time warmth extending into the ear, as if she were near a hot stove, gradually disappearing (after one hour and a half). Middle. Feeling of coldness in the right ear, like a draft of cold air. Excessive pain goes suddenly from the teeth into the inner ear. Earache in the left ear. Digging in the bone within the ear, at night. Sharp pressure at times in the right ear, on going into the open air, as if he would have earache. Dull sticking pains in the ear whenever he speaks. plus Foot note. plus Or swallows.-LIPPE. Violent drawing-sticking pain, especially in the forenoon on walking rapidly, extending from the forehead into the ear, ending at the tympanum as a stitch from within outward, continuing while walking, and gradually disappearing after standing still (after forty-eight hours). Violent drawing-sticking pain, always on laughing extending from the stomach into the left ear, in the region of the tympanum. Scraping-sticking in the region of the tympanum. Jerking, painful tearing in the right ear, in the morning (second day). Crawling-tickling in the region of the tympanum, not relieved by boring in with the finger. Itching in the left ear. Hearing. Deafness as if the ears were stopped. Roaring in the ears, after stooping, with diminished hearing for a moment, as if the ears were closed. Sounds like the bell of a clock in the ear in the morning, Sounds like the croaking of frogs in the right ear, while walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.