Mercurius Corrosivus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Mercuric chloride HgCl. Hydrargyrum bichloratum corrosivum; Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus; Bichloride of mercury; Corrosive sublimate (oxymuriate of mercury). Preparation for use: Triturations or solutions.


Emotional. Brain evidently much affected. Delirious; (fifth night). Delirium; was obliged to be forcibly confined to his bed (fourth day). Completely delirious (after forty minutes). Rather low-spirited. Greatly depressed (sixth day). Her groaning alarmed the family (after half an hour). Anxiety; (after second day). Increased anxiety, during the night. Great anxiety; she dared not stir, as the pain and vomiting were renewed by the least pressure on the stomach (after two hours and a half). Ill- humor, in the afternoon (thirteen day). Frequent ill-humor, so that nothing will please him; alternating with joyfulness. Very ill-humored all day (third day). Intellectual. Dullness of intellect, though rational when fairly awake (fifth day). When he spoke his thoughts were disconnected, indeed, he could not clearly describe his sensation; he spoke of three kinds of headache, remarked upon their disassociation, tried to correct himself, until he was obliged to stop from weariness (second day). Stupid pale, with dry unsteady eyes. Weakness of the intellect; he looks at us with wide-open eyes, and does not understand us (after two hours). Mind so weak in the evening, that I looked sometimes at the person talking to me without really understanding him (twelfth day). Required to be aroused to give answers to questions. Intellect slightly affected; a little stupor (third day). Lay in half stupor (sixth day). Complete stupor (third day). Stupor and delirium (which increased till death), (on sixth day). Coma for twenty-four hours (afternoon, second day). Head much affected, with coma (after twelve hours).


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head, relieved by emission of flatus. Confusion, heat, and heaviness of the head (sixth day). Head somewhat confused (eighth day). Several attacks of vertigo. Slight vertigo (fourth day). Excessive vertigo (third day). A kind of whirling vertigo, with good vision; almost entire loss of hearing, lasting from half an hour to an hour, especially at 9 P.M., on lying down, seldom during the day, with tearing pains in the occiput. Dizzy whenever he lifted his head from the pillow (after two hours and a half). Giddiness (after six hours and a half). General Head. Dulness of the head (fifth day); (sixth day). Dulness in the head, especially above the eyebrows (third day). Heaviness of the head (after one bath). Head heavy and confused (second day). Heaviness and dulness of the head (fourth day). Great uneasiness in head. Much pain in the head (third day). Violent pain in head (second day). Congestion to the head and face, with burning in the cheeks (eleventh day). Headache (after six hours and a half). Frequent headache, especially in the temples. Severe headache (after half an hour); (fourth day). Intense headache (seventh day). Headache dull, dizzy. A severe, sudden dull aching pain in forehead and vertex, worse on stooping or shaking head; relieved by applying the cold hand to the forehead (almost directly after second dose); it extended to centre of cerebellum, when it felt like a bone-ache, about 5 P.M. (after five hours and a quarter) during tea-time it suddenly went off; it made him feel rather low- spirited. Pain in the head, like a drawing in the periosteum of the skull (eighth day). Pressive feeling in the head. Forehead. Dulness in the forehead, with undulating, waving pain in both hemispheres of the brain. Dulness in the head, in the upper frontal region (fourth day). Dull pain in the right frontal eminence (after four hours). Violent headache in the forehead (seventh day). Headache (sticking) in the frontal region, lasting an hour, soon (fourth day). Distressing sticking pain in the forehead (sixth day). Headache; stitches mingled with pressure above the left eye, aggravated by stooping. Temples. Pains in the temple (eleventh day). Headache in the temples (seventh day). Headache confined to the temples, changing to a pressure above the left eye (twelfth day). Violent temporal headache (after two doses). Parietals. Stitches in the head, in the left parietal bone (first day). External Head. Pain the most agonizing at once set in, and before the doctor shoemaker had done rubbing in the second, the first was in torture, screaming that his head was on fire. By the time they reached home their sufferings were so intense that they could be heard screaming from every part of the village.


Objective. Staring look. Eyes red, glistening. Eyes bloodshot and protruding from sockets (after half an hour). Eyes sparkling. Eyes glistening and injected (sixth day). Eyes glistening, and in constant motion. Eyes dull and dim, and expressive of agony (after five hours). Inflammation of the eyes, which protrude from their orbits. Subjective. Eyes painful (eleventh day), with some injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva; the pain was pressive burning (twelfth day). Burning in the eyes (eighth day). Burning in the eyes, and on the margins of the lids, as in commencing conjunctivitis (after four hours, first day). Burning and a sensation of dryness in the eyes (fifth day). A contraction of the corrugator supercili, with partial strabismus (third day). Tearing as if in the bone above the left eye, near the root of the nose, and in the other parts of the bone (first day). Burning tearing in the upper part of the left upper eyelid (first day). Itching of the left eye (first day). Conjunctiva. Redness of the conjunctival. Conjunctiva of both lids red and much injected (fifth day). Conjunctiva injected (after half an hour); less so (after three hours and a half). Ball. Pain behind the eyeballs as if they would be forced out. Itching sticking in the muscles of the right eyeball (eleventh day). Pupil. Pupils dilated. Pupils largely dilated and insensible to light (second and third days). Pupils contracted; (after four hours); (sixth day). Pupils perhaps slightly more contracted than usual (soon). Pupils scarcely stimulated by the greatest light. Pupils insensible to light (second day). Vision. Photophobia, while walking in the sunlight (first day). Objects seem smaller and more distant than usual, for several hours (fourth and fifth days); especially letters (first day); repeated several times during the day, especially after violent yawning (eighth day).


Ears seemed stopped. Sticking within the left ear (fifth day). Pulsation in the left ear, as if caused by an artery (seventh day). Violent pulsation in the ears, especially in the left (eleventh day). Hearing. (Frequent roaring and humming in the right ear, which he usually has, very much increased), (fifth day). A whirring in the left ear rhythmical with the pulse.


Excessive coryza. Frequent nosebleed (eighth day). Constant sensation of dryness posteriorly in the nose, as if in the upper surface of the soft palate, especially in the open air (fourth and fifth days).


Objective. Expression of mental exaltation and bodily pain. Face expressive of anxiety. Countenance denoted exhaustion (ninth day). Countenance exhausted and sunken (eighth day). Lying with his eyes half shut, and with quite a choleric aspect (after one hour and a half). His aspect is precisely that of a patient attacked by cholera, but who has not yet reached the stage of perfect collapse (after one hour and a half). Face red (sixth day). Face red, puffy, soon. Countenance flushed (after one hour and a half); (third day); (seventh day). Countenance flushed (after one day); and fuller than usual (second day). Face rather flushed (after eight hours and a half). Lividity of countenance. Face pale (after four hours). Face pale (tenth day); extreme pallor (fifteenth day). Paleness of the face in the night. Face pale, colorless (after five hours). Countenance pale and anxious (after one hour and a half); (second day). Countenance pale and anxious and feature pinched (after one hour and a half). Face pale and sunken. Face pale, sunken, with an expression of anxiety. Pale face, with sunken eyes, as in cholera (after two hours and a half); yellow hippocratic countenance (fourth day); face greenish (fifth day). Blanched (sixth day). Face blanched, drawn, and singularly fixed in expression (sixth day). Face swelled, much flushed, and covered with cold sweat (after one hour). Face somewhat swollen (fifth day). Face much swollen (after one hour and a half). Face much swelled, especially the lower part (after four hours). The face was so swollen that the patient looked like a monkey. Face puffy and bright-red. Features shrunken (second day). Face rather collapsed and covered with cold perspiration (after half an hour); rather less collapsed, free from perspiration (after three hours). Distortion of the face. Convulsive motions of the face. Cheeks. Cheeks swelled, shining, and tense (after one hour and a half). Tearing- burning pain extending from the teeth of the upper jaw up to the eye (eleventh day); tearing pain extending from the left eye down into a molar tooth; burning pain in the mouth (twelfth day). Tearing in the left zygoma (first day). Tearing in the upper jaw, antrum highmorianum towards the eye, followed by swelling. Lips. (Lips black. Lips of a deep color (after four hours). Lips dark red, much swollen. Blue lips (after four hours). Blue lips and countenance. Lips and tongue whitish and sunken (after five hours). Lips white, swollen. Lips swollen and incrusted with a dry secretion (sixth day). Lips greatly swollen. Lips excessively swollen and tender (after four hours). Upper lip swollen (second day). Lower lip considerably swelled (after one hour and a half). Lower lip considerably swollen and a small blister on the inside of it (second day). The lower lip was very much swollen and so much everted that its margin rested upon the chin. Convulsive motions of the corners of the mouth. Lips dry, cracked. China Stiffness of the jaws, immediately; also soreness (ninth day). Pains in the jaws. Sensitiveness of the angle of the left lower jaw to touch (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.