Muriaticum Acidum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Acidum hydrochloratum (HCl). Preparation: Dilutions with pure water.


Emotional. Easily excited. Joyous, trustful mood (after several hours), (curative effect). Sad mood. Sad, quiet, and discontented with his lot. Sad; absorbed in herself, as if there were no life in her, during the menses. During the menses she is sad, taciturn, as if she had no life. Despondent, ill-humored, and peevish, about everything. Anxiety, with cold perspiration on the face. Attack of anxiety at 8 P.M., with fullness of the abdomen, as if it would burst; perspiration runs from the head, the arms fall down, and she becomes weak, as if paralyzed. Anxious thoughtfulness; he cannot free himself from the slightest trouble (immediately). Inclination to start up in fright. Very irritable, and inclined to anger and peevishness. Peevish, fretful mood. Very fretful. The brightness of his disposition constantly diminished, until in the evening he became very fretful; he was unwilling to take up any work; in the evening. Contented with nothing; everything vexes her, with great prostration; in the afternoon in the open air. Morose mood. Abrupt in speech, morose, quiet, staring in front of him (after four hours and three days). Intellectual. While at work, thoughts of events that had just happened forced themselves upon him, and were very vivid in his mind. Deep reflection, and quiet absorption in himself, as if something disagreeable were impending, though with desire to work. Disinclination for mental work (after three days).


Vertigo. Vertigo suddenly in the open air; objects turned about with her (second day). Vertigo in the head, with tearing in the vertex, and a sensation as if the hair were drawn up (sixth day). Vertigo and stupefaction. Whirling in the open air, and unsteadiness while walking. Whirling in the head; worse in the house, with dimness of vision. General Head. Sitting up in bed, with head forcibly twisted backwards, without spasms (after twelve hours). Feeling as though the brain were loose while carrying a heavy weight. A burning sensation in the head, especially in the forehead, in the morning on stooping. Pressive- tensive headache, extending from the occipital bone through the brain to the forehead. Headache at 5 A.M., waking her from sleep, followed by violent stitches above the right ear. Headache, from walking in the open air. Dull headache, as before coryza (after one hour and a half). Pressure from the middle of the brain to the left side of the forehead. Headache, as before coryza, pressing towards the eyes, disappearing while lying down, after frequent sneezing. Pressive heaviness in the head in the morning after rising, aggravated by great exertion of vision, until objects became confused before the eyes, with reeling and sleepiness. Sticking headache. A stitch in the head on blowing the nose. Violent stitches in the upper part of the head and in the forehead, from noon till going to sleep. Piercing stitch extending into the head, after rising from stooping, after dinner. Headache in the morning, as if the brain were torn and beaten, as in pernicious fever. Forehead. Dulness in the head, in the forehead. Pain in the forehead, afterwards involving the whole head. Pressive pain in the forepart of the head, in the brain, aggravated by moving the eyes. Stupefying, pressive pain in the forehead, in every position, aggravated by touch. Pressive headache from within outward in the forehead and temples. Heaviness in the forehead, pressing down upon the eyes, with dulness, disappearing upon pressing upon it. Headache in the forehead and occiput, aggravated on rising in bed, especially that in the forehead. Stitches in the forehead, extending to the temples, aggravated by stooping and by pressure. Long, frequently repeated stitches in both frontal eminences, extending towards the middle. Tearing headache in the forehead. Sudden shocks of tearing and pressure in the forehead, extending to the right orbit (after five hours). Temples. Tensive pain in the right temple. Pressive pain in the left temple. Dull, pressive cutting posteriorly on the mastoid process, with pain like a suppuration when touched. A stitch in the head above the left temple (after one hour). Stick like tearing in the right temple (while standing), disappearing on touch and when yawning. Pulsation in the right temporal artery while lying upon it. Vertex. Boring pain in the vertex, extending from the cranial bones into the brain. Violent tearing in the vertex, at times with a sensation as if the hair were drawn up (sixth day). Jerking pain in the vertex several times in the evening. Sides. Pressure in the left side of the head. Stitches in the right parietal bone, and afterwards violent tearing in the right lobule and about the ear. Tearing in the right parietal bone, at times with stitches extending to the forehead, at times into the margin of the orbit; at times, also, with tickling in the left ear, and burning in the concha. Occiput. Heaviness in the occiput, as if the head would sink backwards, as from weakness of the cervical muscles. Heavy sensation in the occiput, with drawing stitches in it, extending towards the nape of the neck; swelling of the cervical glands, that are painful to touch, and heaviness and dizziness of the head, with dimness of the eyes. Pain in the left occipital protuberance, from walking in a raw wind. Tension and sticking in the occiput, in the evening. Violent tearing and sticking in the occiput. Shock like paroxysmal tearing in the side of the occiput, extending into the forehead. External Head. A feeling on the scalp as from bristling of the hair after a fright. Burning pain on the scalp above the temples. Tension in the skin of the left side of the head. Ulcerative pain externally in both temples and in the forehead. Violent itching on the vertex, so that he must scratch the skin off; not relieved by scratching.


The eyes easily become inflamed. Burning in the eyes, and they are agglutinated, in the morning. Burning in the eyes, in the morning, while washing them. Burning and pressure in the eyes, as after exerting vision in the evening. Pulling in the left eye, beginning in the occipital protuberance, without pain, but causing stitching in the upper lid (after four hours). Sticking from within outward in the eyes, which are red. An itching stitch in the right external canthus during rest. Corrosive biting in the left external canthus in the evening. Itching-biting in the right inner canthus, not relieved by rubbing. Itching in the eyes. Brow and Orbit. Burning, pressive pain externally above the left eye. Fine tearing in the margin of the orbit. Lids. Swelling and redness of the upper and lower lids, without pain. Agglutination of the eyes in the morning. Jerking through the upper lid towards the zygoma, as from a thread drawn through (immediately). Ball. Cutting in the right eyeball during rest. Pupil. Pupils greatly dilated (after eleven and fifteen hours). Pupils contracted (after one to three hours). Pupils now dilated, now contracted, at intervals of four or five hours. Vision. Great sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Flickering before the eyes and hemiopia, during which one vertical half of an object seems cut off from the other.


External. Drawing pressure in the antitragus, pressure upon which causes pain, extending into the ear. Tearing in the right outer ear (first day). Tearing in the lobule of the left ear. Drawing- tearing behind the ears, slowly extending towards the nape of the neck, and there causing a painful stiffness of the neck on moving it. Pain in the lobule of the ear when touched, as if it would become ulcerated. Middle. Heat, first in the left, then also in the right ear, as if a vapor would issue from it; followed by redness and swelling of the back of the hand, with wrinkling like a smarting, with lachrymation of the eyes and diminished smell and hearing; afterwards, redness and burning of the face, lasting four hours. Constant pinching deep within the right ear; at times with violent stitches extending behind the ear, where it is then painful to touch (after eight hours). Jerking-pinching deep within the left ear; from frequent recurrence of cramp like earache. Pain in the right ear, like a rhythmical pressure from within outward, with sensitiveness of the external ear to touch. An itching stitch in the left ear, disappearing on boring into the ear. Tearing in the left ear, frequently repeated (fourth day). Tearing in the left ear like earache. pain in the left ear, as from an ulcer, aggravated by boring in with the finger. Gnawing pain in the right ear, in the evening. Itching in the left ear (after two hours). Hearing. Hearing more acute than usual (secondary effect). Very sensitive to noise. The earwax become dry, the hearing diminished; after a few days there is a sudden noise in the ear, and he better and more easily. The ticking of the watch is heard better than the sound of the voice. Chirping in the ear at night. Roaring in the head. Roaring and whistling in the right ear (first day). Frequent ringing, whistling, and roaring in the ear (fifth day). Singing in the ear, frequent and long lasting (third day). Whistling in the ear.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.