Nitricum Acidum

Nitricum Acidum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Nitric Acid; hydrogen nitrate; HNO3. Preparation: Dilutions with distilled water.


Emotional. Delirium (first night). Attacks of rage and despair, with curses and imprecations. He becomes violent about trifles all day, and then has to laugh at himself. Inclined to be angry and use insulting expressions. Long-continued rancour, insensible to apologies and excuses (after four days). Inclined to be violent and to quarrel (after five hours). Taciturn. Easily excited; much affected by peevishness. Very easily startled and frightened. Great weariness and indolence, as if completely exhausted and bruised, while sitting and walking. Starting up as from fright on falling asleep. Tendency to start. In the evening, in bed, all sorts of images appeared to him: they walked, ran, disappeared, reappeared, became larger and smaller, with chilliness. Visions, instead of sleep, every night. Faint like weakness every other morning, with anxiety. She became lost in thought about a long-past anxious event, from which she could not free herself, almost like a waking dream; from time to time she aroused herself from it with fright, but always became again deeply buried in the same train of thought; she was able to think of anything else only with the greatest difficulty. At once she is taken with a peculiar anguish, runs to her physician, but he is not at home, hires a carriage to drive to the house where she expects to find him; during her ride all the anguish is gone; arrived at home she feels as bad as ever, and feels herself thus forced to drive about the whole day, till all the effects of the Nitric acid have passed off. Anxiety, as if he were engaged in a lawsuit or dispute, causing uneasiness. Anxiety all day. Anxiety, like palpitation, with nausea, without efforts to vomit, as if she had committed a crime, at night in bed; she could not remain in bed; no palpitation was perceptible to the hand; it lasted two hours. Anxiety at night. A kind of anxiety after eating. Anxiety, with palpitation that takes away the breath. More anxious than usual during a storm (after fifteen days). Oppression and anxiety if she walks rapidly, with perspiration on the back and chest.

Timorous, and easily affected by anything unpleasant. Vexed at the least trifle, even at himself if he makes any mistake.

Homesickness. Tired of life. Anxious oppression, like nightmare, as if some one were lying under him and holding him fast with the arms about his abdomen, so that he could not free himself, immediately after falling asleep. Discontentment with himself, that induces violent weeping, which makes him feel better.

Depressed and very anxious in the evening (the day before the menses). Depressed, as if despondent and as if in deep thought.

Depressed, despondent mood, not lachrymose. Her spirits became much depressed. Most excessive despondency and anxiety. Absorbed in himself, silent, with the sadness. Very fretful and uncomfortable in the morning after rising. Very ill-humored and peevish at himself. Sad, and seeming to be depressed. Very easily affected and inclined to weep. Sad mood, without actual pain. She wishes for death and yet dreads it. Peevish, with a sad and obstinate mood, with restlessness, so that she does not know where to turn. Impatience (after six hours). Very impatient, in the afternoon. Peevish disposition, as after a vexation.

Excessive irritability (after three days). Excessive irritability, anxiety, and general weakness after a stool.

Peevish, irritable mood. Ill-humored and peevish. Ill-humored in the morning on waking. Very fretful and despondent. The child begins to weep very much on the slightest provocation. Very lachrymose without cause. She fancies that she will die soon, yet is not physically ill. Boundless despair. Hopeless despair.

Joyless, indifferent. Could scarcely free himself from sad thoughts. Lying in a state of apparent stupor (after several hours). Discontented, despising life. Indifferent, without interest in anything. Changeable mood, at one time lively, at another sad (after sixteen hours). Intellectual. Paroxysms of anxious thoughts without cause; in the evening he became quite anxious, could not sit still, was obliged to walk about. If she exerts herself to reflect upon important things her thoughts vanish. She has no thoughts at all, and cannot comprehend anything; cannot even understand what is said to her, just as if she did not hear well, which, however, is not the case (after five days). Diminished power of though, disinclined to any scientific work. Indisposed to earnest work. Great weakness of memory. No desire to work (second day). His ideas frequently vanish and the train of thought disappears. As the physical weakness increased, the memory diminished. Loss of ideas, almost without consciousness.


Confusion. Confusion of the head, like a loss of consciousness, at times, worse in the open air. Confusion and weakness of the head (after four days). Vertigo. Vertigo on stooping. Vertigo on rising from stooping (fourth day). Vertigo in the morning on rising, with obscuration of vision; is obliged to sit down.

Vertigo, with nausea, in the morning; after a few minutes eructations. Vertigo and weakness in the morning immediately after rising, so that she was obliged to support herself. Vertigo on rising at night, so that she did not know where she as.

Vertigo, with pulsation in the head and pressure in the middle of the brain, in the evening. Great vertigo in the evening; she could scarcely hold herself on rising from a seat. Vertigo in the evening immediately after lying down in bed. Vertigo, as if he would lose consciousness. Great rushing to the head; he became dizzy. Obscuration and dizziness of the head. General Head.

Heaviness and dulness in the head, with nausea. Spasmodic painful drawing in the head, that was confused and befogged. Dulness of the head, so that she cannot think or pay attention long. Tension in the skin of the head. Rush of blood to the head. Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it. Heat of the head all day.

Sensitiveness of the head to the jar of the carriage and to a hard step (after thirteen days). Head affected, not clear, especially after a meal (second day). Headache in the morning on waking, disappearing after rising. Attack of headache at first in the morning in bed, a dull pain; after rising, violent pressure in the right temple, chilliness, qualmishness in the umbilical region; at last, very distressing pain in the abdomen, as from incarcerated flatus, and frequent eructations (eighth day).

Headache, with tension in the eyes on moving them. Headache, more sticking than pressing, above the eyes, always after eating (after sixteen days). Headache, as from intoxication the previous day, very much aggravated by stooping, with pain in the eyes as from smoke. Headache, as if the head were tightly bound up.

Drawing headache (after two hours). Dull headache and heaviness of the head. Cutting headache. Headache with the dysentery (after fifteen hours). Short, violent headache while walking in the open air. He woke two or three times at night with headache, and could not again fall asleep for one or two hours. Attack of headache in the afternoon for several days in succession, followed by nausea and anxiety; at night, vomiting with faintness and diarrhoea.

Pain in the head, as from rush of blood, so that she could not think at all, together with a veil before the eyes. Painful tension within the head and in the eyelids. Feeling of tension in the head and whole body. Painful heaviness of the head, as from coal gas, woke him in the morning. Pressure in the head and heaviness in the lower extremities (first days). Feeling as if the head were in a vice from ear to ear over vertex, arising and departing gradually, for about an hour after breakfast; afterwards felt as if she had no head; it felt light on her shoulders; it felt numb, or as if made of putty (second morning).

Feeling as if some one were forcibly pressing the head. The head is heavy and oppressed while sleeping and while dozing at night.

Excessive pressing downward in the head, with very violent coryza. Pressure in the head always on coughing. Feeling of fullness in the head. Painful sensation of fullness in the head, as if it would burst, for half an hour, several times during the day. Pain as from fullness of blood in the head, eyes, and upper part of the nose, on shaking the head and blowing the nose.

Sensation of satiety, with dulness in the head. Sensation in the head as in violent coryza, though without special discharge of mucus. Sensation of burning points or sparks on the head.

Intolerably painful hammering in the head. Sudden shooting into the head on stooping, as if heavy with a hundredweight (after six days). Jerk like beating in the head on stooping and lying down.

Roaring in the head. Constant humming in the head. Jerking in the head in the evening. Stitches in almost all parts of the head.

Crawling, asleep, and numb sensation in the head. Forehead. Pain in the forepart of the head. Pressure in the forepart of the head and upon the eyes, that were then immovable. Very acute drawing pressure upward in the forehead. Sharp pressive pain in both frontal eminences, mingled with stitches. Pressure in the forehead daily in the morning, lasting half an hour. Compressive headache anteriorly in the forehead all the afternoon (after a two hours). Temples. Drawing pain in the right temple (after a few hours). Drawing in the temporal muscles. Heaviness of the head in the temples, with frequent chilliness. Stitches in the temples (after three days). Stitches in the left temple, in the evening, not in the night. Violent stitches in the right temple (after sixteen days). Throbbing headache in the right temple, with nausea, in the morning on waking, for several days (after twenty-nine days). Sticking, at times throbbing, headache in the left frontal eminence, with a feeling as if it closed the eyes, from 4 P.M., worse in the evening, lasting into the night, when it even woke him. Sticking-beating headache in the left temple the whole afternoon (after sixteen days). Throbbing headache in the temples. Vertex. Pressure in the top of the head, in the temples and eyes, as from pressure with the thumbs (after nine days). Sticking pain in the upper part of the head every day, more in the afternoon, as if it would tear the head asunder; she was obliged to lie down, and could not sleep at night on account of it. Boring stitches in the vertex, in the evening. Pain in the roots of the hair when touched on the vertex, in a spot as large as the hand. Parietals. A jerk in the lower portion of the left hemisphere of the brain, from before backward. Throbbing headache in the left side of the head all the afternoon (after eight days). Terrific pain in left side of head (after several days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.