Oleum Jecoris Aselli

Oleum Jecoris Aselli homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Oleum morrhua, cod-liver oil. The oil obtained from the liver of various species of fish, mostly of the genus Gadus, especially from the species Gadus morrhua, L. (the Newfoundland cod); order of fishes, Telostei. Provings made with De Jongh’s Norwegian oil.


Giddiness in the head. Giddiness in the head. Headache over eyes.

Dull aching pain on top of head (second day). Headache in the forehead all the time. Dull aching pain in the forehead. Steady aching sensation from left to right temple.


Eyes swelled. Heaviness over the eyes, with dry and parched hands. During the second week of the action of the oil, flow of tears when walking in the open air, the left eye more than the right; this symptoms occurred whenever he had taken a dose the preceding evening. Eyelids so heavy that she can hardly raise them. During chill blindness before the eyes. Everything turns black.


The face becomes red. Redness of countenance. (During the action of the Oleum jecoris aselli she looked fatter and healthier in the face than she had done for a long time). A growth of short, thin hair on the chin and upper lip, where she had never had any previously.


(The putrid smell from a decayed tooth, the nerve of which had been destroyed by arsenic, ceased during the action of the cod- liver oil). Yellow coating on the tongue. Loaded tongue. Tongue coated yellow. Parched feeling in mouth.


Soreness in the throat after hawking up phlegm. Tickling in the throat; weakness in breast.


The voracious appetite often observed in rachitic children was diminished (curative). Loss of appetite for dinner and supper.

Loss of appetite. Loss of appetite; could not take any mile (second day). Great thirst. Constant thirst. Thirst before and during the chill. Nausea, with want of appetite. Sensation of nausea. Nausea. Vomiting. Vomiting of bile and mucus, with bitter and acid taste, at the expiration of the chill. Acid vomiting with the chill (after second day). Sick stomach (second day).

Sick stomach (after second dose). A sensation of ardor in the stomach. Weight in pit of stomach, after omitting the oil for six days.


Next morning, after walking, soreness and heaviness in the region of the liver, increased by exercise; after which, half an hour later, soreness in the region of the kidneys; this soreness continued for several days, whenever he exerted himself. Sore like a boil on pressing region of liver, after omitting the oil for six days. In moderate doses it promotes the secretion of the kidneys and the skin. Beating pain in the spleen. Aching pain in the left side (region of spleen) on breathing and coughing, with corresponding pain at the apex of the shoulder-blade, at the expiration of the chill. Occasional jerking drawing pain in region of spleen (after third dose). (Relieved the flatulence to which he was subject).


Diarrhoea once in the night, and again early in the morning (after half a spoonful). Purging with the chill (after two days).

A greater or less increase of the alvine evacuations.

Costiveness, after omitting the oil for six days. Constipation of bowels.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

Soreness in the region of the kidneys, after the soreness and heaviness in region of liver. Discharge of mucus from the urethra, with burning, every morning, during an evacuation from the bowels. Acceleration of the urinary secretions. Urine with brick sediment. (Cure of incontinence of urine). Urine reddish, with pink sediment. It acts as an emmenagogue. Increase of the menstrual evacuation so strong as to render a suspension of the oil necessary. In one case, re-establishment of the menses (curative).

Respiratory organs

Swelling of the thyroid gland. Cough all night. Hard coughing spells, in the morning. Hacking cough. Tickling cough in the middle of the upper part of the chest, with palpitation of the heart (after taking the oil three times). (With the appearance of the fever the cough got better). Constant expectoration of somewhat tough, thin mucus, in the morning, a very unusual occurrence with him, with soreness in the throat, after hawking up the phlegm. Expectoration of tough greenish-yellow phlegm, with saltish taste; by continuing the oil, the phlegm gradually became white. Expectoration of thick white phlegm. The phlegm became white. Shortness of breath, with beating of heart.

Artificial asthma continually increasing in violence (cure of fetid breath).


Pneumonia of both the upper lobes of the lungs. Soreness of the chest. Soreness in chest on coughing, with expectoration of thick yellow phlegm. Oppression and head of chest. Towards evening, a kind of rheumatic pain in the left chest, in the region of the heart, and also about the muscles of the chest. Pain on the right side, above and below the shoulder-blade; the breathing on that spot is arrested by soreness; in addition, there is a sharp stitch in the left side, lasting for several minutes. Burning heat in left chest. Sensation of excoriation on the left chest, worse in the upper and lower part of left chest, extending to the back. Weakness in breast; tickling in the throat.

Heart and Back.

Palpitation of the heart. Palpitation of the heart, with cough.

Rush of blood to the heart, with a creeping sensation all over the body (second day). A sudden stitch in the heart. Beating of heart, with shortness of breath. Anxiety and beating of the heart, with oppression. Oppression in the region of the heart.

Weakness and dull aching in sacral region, relieved by pressure.


Continued aching and sore pain in elbow and knee-joints.

Rheumatic pains in the knees and arms; pain in the knee, particularly around the patella, increased on pressure, and sensation of heat on touching the parts. Aching pain at the apex of the shoulder-blade, with the pain in the region of the spleen.

Hands dry and parched, with heaviness over the eyes. Pains in the bones of the left arm. An abscess appeared on the gluteus muscle of the left side, near the seat; the abscess discharged three times; afterwards, another boil on the right side of the chest appeared. Soreness of both feet.


After using it a considerable time, emaciated persons increase in size and weight. Acceleration of the pulse, and other indications of a seizure approaching inflammation. Atrophy. General lassitude of the whole system. After taking a tablespoonful of the oil daily for some weeks, she feels miserable all over, with great nervous irritation. After taking a small dose, all the symptoms gradually disappeared. (Whilst continuing the dessert spoonful of the De Jongh’s oil every afternoon, he experienced a decided increase in his strength and general health). Creeping sensation all over the body, with a rush of blood to the heart (second day). Soreness all around the body to the back, immediately.

Sense of fluttering, like the movements of a watch, commencing in the region of the sacrum and gradually rising to the occiput; as the sensation ascends the back, it affects the abdomen and chest in such a way that she becomes, as it were, transfixed; she can move neither hand nor foot; these sensations occur whilst in a state of motion or rest; if in motion, she must at once cease all movements. Stitch in the right side, on drawing a long breath, all day (second day); at a later period, on again taking one drop of the oil, the violent pain on the left side returned, with aching on the right side through to the back. Bearing down pain in the side. Quick, sharp stitch in the left side. (The pain in the side continued; it was particularly aggravated by bending the side inward).


In moderate doses it promotes the secretion of the skin and kidneys. Redness of the skin over the whole body, at night, in bed, with much itching, disappearing in the morning. Eruption of small red spots, with itching. An eruption of the skin, similar to psora, made its appearance, and from that time the cure made rapid progress. Sometimes there appear eruptions of a papular or vesicular nature. (The scrofulous ulcers with which the patient was affected discharged a large quantity of mucus).


Less sleepy at night than usual. Sleeplessness after 3 A.M.


Chilliness. Coldness of the body. Chill at 3 A.M.; chill in evening. Cold feet from the time he began to take the medicine.

Chill, accompanied by an attack of acid vomiting and purging, for six hours, with a spasmodic pain in the region of the navel; this chill returned every evening for four days, and was accompanied by a sick stomach and diarrhoea; relieved by Iris versicolor (second day). Chills and hectic fever. Febrile symptoms; chilly at night when going to bed; afterwards fever, oppression, and heat of chest; hot room disagreeable to him; burning of face.

Heat. In half an hour flushes of heat; the face becomes red, the stomach; there is fever and heat all over, to the extreme ends of the toes; this effects lasts from eight to ten hours. In half an hour flushes of heat, with redness of countenance, heat in the stomach, and fever all over, to the extreme ends of the toes; this effect lasts from eight to ten hours. Heat in the palms of the hands every night. Burning heat in the palms of hands for several days; the first day after taking the medicine more aggravated than the second. Every night fever and excitement in the whole system, producing wakefulness and very vivid dreams. A regular tertian intermittent fever commenced on the 8th of February, returning four times, receding two hours at each renewed attack; the first paroxysms occurred at 12 M., the second at 10, the third at 8, and the last at 6 A.M.; the chill lasted about two hours, passing down the back and around the abdomen; this chill was succeeded by a fever, with profuse perspiration.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.