
Pediculus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Pediculus capitis.

Natural order: Of insects, Hemiptera.

Preparation: Tincture.


Very merry, in evening (eight day). Merry mood, at 3 P.M. (second day). Great unmeaning merriment (fourth day). Excessive merriment; she laughs at everything (eighth day). Good-natural and obliging (tenth day). Causeless melancholy; she worries about trifles (sixth day). Irritability; causeless anger (eighth day).

Malicious, jeering temper (eight day). Entire carelessness about the present or future (fourth day). Strong disposition to study (eighth day). Inclination for study, with quickness of apprehension (fourth day). Eagerness for work (fourth day).

Writes with feverish rapidity, in the evening (twelfth day).

Words came more easily (he usually stammers), (first day).


Confusion of the head, on rising, in the morning, with beating in the right temple (second day). She is awakened in the night by a dizziness, with inability to open the eyes (nineteenth day).

Violent headache, with dizziness and nausea, at 11 A.M. (second day). Violent headache, with nausea, when walking (sixth day).

Headache (thirteenth day). Headache, and pressure on the nasal protuberance, 10 A.M. (second day). Headache, with pressure in the orbits, which prevents raising the eyes (eleventh day). Less headache than on the day before (fourth day); headache appearing at very short intervals, and abating immediately (fifth day); better (sixth, seventh, and eighth days); intolerable pain from 5 to 7 P.M. (ninth day); the headache is less frequent and severe (thirteenth to thirtieth day). Acute intermittent lancinations in the head, worse when stooping (fourteenth day). Heaviness of the head (third day). Dull pain in the head, when rising, in the morning (sixth day). Dullness of the head (first day). Forehead, Temples, and Vertex. Violent headache, with lancination in the forehead, when walking (eighth day). Violent frontal headache, from 5 to 7 P.M. (first, second, and third days); less headache than on the day before (fourth day). Violent frontal headache (twelfth day). Frontal headache, so that she cannot move her head, all day (first day); at 11 A.M. (third and seventh days); when walking and after a meal, at 8 P.M. (fourth day); increased by bending the head forward (eleventh day). Lancination in the forehead (second day). Lancination in the left temple (thirteenth day). Weight at the vertex (seventh day). Parietals and External Head. Lancinations in the right parietal bone, for a quarter of an hour (twelfth day). The hair falls off (ninth day). (The hair, which was fast falling out before the proving, ceases to do so), (fourth day). Horripilation in the left half of scalp, as if the hairs would bristle up, at 9 A.M. (second day). Contraction of the scalp (twelfth day). Sensation as if she were lifted from the ground by the hair (nineteenth day). Itching of the scalp (after half an hour, first day); (sixth day). Itching of the scalp, in front (fifth day); at 9 P.M. (eleventh day). Itching of the scalp, as if lice were running all over it (seventh day).

Eyes and Ear

Rings around the eyes (third day); (fifth day). Smarting in the eyes, as if from weeping (ninth day). Sensation as from gravel in the eyes (third day). Weariness of the eyes, with redness and smarting (eleventh day). Smarting around the eyes (third day).

Weight over the left orbit, with itching in the corner of the right eye (ninth day). Pupils dilated; eyes seem larger (eight day). Weakness of sight during the whole proving (ninth day).

Dimness of sight when walking; the brain feels as if compressed, with throbbing and severe pain, on rising in the morning (twentieth day). Great weakness of sight; cannot read or sew; at 1.30 P.M. (eleventh day). Itching in the right ear (thirteenth day). Heat in the ears, at 4 P.M. (eleventh day). Roaring in the ears, at 8 P.M. (third day). Cracking in the right ear, when eating, at 2 P.M. (fifteen day). Whizzing in the ears when whistling (fifteenth day).

Nose and Face.

Inflammation of the nasal fossae (sixth day). Lancinations in the root of the nose for five minutes (twelfth day). Swelling and redness of the face (eleventh day). Scarlet redness of the face (twenty-third day). Deep redness of the face (fifth day); (eleventh day). Redness of the face (third day). Swelling of the left cheek for a day and a half (sixteenth day). Formicant pain in the right cheek (third day). Dry, swollen, and very red lips; heightened color of the face (seventh day). Lips black and cracked (third day); in the evening, during the last days of the proving. Weariness of the lower jaw, as after chewing a long time (eleventh day).

Mouth and Throat

Lancinations in the right upper molars (ninth day). Tongue very painful, red, and much fissured (eleventh day). Very painful sensation of burning and pricking on both sides of the tongue, which is red and deeply cracked (tenth day). Small pimples in the mouth (ninth day). Scraping in the throat, at 8 A.M. (eight day).

Scraping in the throat, with some hoarseness (ninth day). The scraping in the throat continues, but is less severe than yesterday, at 7 A.M. (ninth day). The sore throat keeps getting worse until evening, and lasts all night (eighth day). Dryness of the throat (thirteenth to thirtieth day). Sore throat, every evening, for four days (twelfth day). Sore throat, with constriction of the pharynx, which prevents deglutition (thirteenth to thirtieth day). Constriction of the pharynx (eleventh day). Scraping in the tonsils, when swallowing, especially on the right side, lasting all day and continuing the next (ninth day). Constant swallowing of saliva (thirteenth to thirtieth day).

Stomach and Abdomen

Hunger, with inability to swallow food; the pharynx feels contracted, followed by faintness and nausea; at 8 A.M. and at noon (sixth day). Aversion to food (eighth and twentieth days).

Thirst, with hoarseness; less scraping in the throat; in the evening (ninth day). Constant nausea, in the evening (nineteenth day). Difficult digestion, with contraction of the stomach (seventh day). Colic in the stomach, with lancinations in the umbilical region (third day). Slight colic (second day). Violent colic, making her scream and weep, for half an hour, at 9 P.M.

(eleventh day). Colic and diarrhoea, after dinner (second day).

Stool, Urinary and Sexual Organs.

Diarrhoea in the evening, continuing the next morning (first day). Very soft stools, in the evening (fifth day). Small hard stool (ninth day). Small hard stool (tenth and eleventh days).

Frequent and copious micturition, even four times in an hour (sixteenth day). Frequent and copious discharge of watery yellowish-green urine, during the last days, with stool almost every day (before the proving she was usually constipated). Urine light yellow, and very odoriferous (sixteenth day). Yellow clear urine since the commencement of the proving (tenth and eleventh days). Red urine (third day). Male. Prolonged erection, without sexual desire (second and third days); (second day). Prolonged erection (fourteenth day). Emission at night, without amorous dreams (fourteen day). Female. Very painful lancinations; great heat and itching in the uterus (twenty-third day). Shifting pain in the uterus; she cannot lean upon it; in the evening (twenty- third day). Painful stitch in the uterus (twenty-third day).

Leucorrhoea (sixth day).

Respiratory organs and Chest

Dry cough (fifth day). Dry spasmodic cough (thirteenth to thirtieth day). Constant feeling of suffocation (second day).

Transient sensation of strangulation, especially in the evening, after eating (eight day). Suffocative feeling in the chest, from 4 to 6 P.M. (first day). Suffocative sensation in the chest, which is painful to touch, at 8 P.M. (eleventh day). Pains in the chest increased by contact, at 9 P.M. (fifth day). Pain in the breasts when drawing breath (eighth day). Frequent pain in the loins when standing (fourth day).

Superior Extremities.

Bruised pain on the shoulders and arms, which are very sensitive to touch (fifteenth day). Severe pricking on the arm, as with a pin (after two hours, first day). Return of rheumatism in the right arm (third day). Pain in the bend of the right elbow, especially when extending it (eleventh day). Smarting raw pain on the left forearm, increased by contact (this pain appeared six months before), (fourth day). Redness of the hands, with blue spots (eleventh day. Swelling and redness of the hands (eleventh day). Itching, redness, and swelling of the veins of the back of the right hand, at 9 A.M. (second day). The hands tremble so much that she cannot sew (fourth day). Small lancinations on the back of the left hand, at 2 P.M. (ninth day). Lancination and severe itching at the first phalanx of the middle finger (fourth day).

Inferior Extremities.

Great weakness of the legs (sixth day). Violent lancinations above the right knee-pan (thirteenth day). Very violent lancinations above the left knee-pan, for a quarter of an hour (twelfth day). Weariness of the knees, especially the left knee, which gives way when standing, at 7 P.M. (fifth day). Weariness of the knee and upper part of the left leg, from 4 P.M. until evening (thirteen day). Throbbing for some seconds above the left knee-pain; it was felt the evening before; it is very circumscribed in a space of not more than eight to ten centimeters in diameter (sixth day). Ganglion under the foot, as large as an almond, hard, swollen, and extremely painful when walking (twelfth day). The ganglion on the foot continues (thirteenth to thirtieth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.