
Plectranthus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

    Common name: Gicht-baum.


Plectranthus fruticosus.

Natural order: Labiatae.

Preparation: Tincture of the plant.


Fretful, morose mood, with inability to fix my attention upon the work in which I was usually very much interested; also frequently answered in a distracted way, and was in general disinclined to talk (fifth day). Ill-humored and morose (first day). Ill-humored (third day). Ill-humor, discomfort. Peevish, irritable mood (second day). Indolent, on waking, in the morning, with no desire to rise (fifth day). Distracted in mind, so that he could not keep his attention upon a very interesting subject (first day).


Head very much confused the whole day (third day). Head confused and heavy (eighth day). Heaviness of the head (third day).

Dulness of the head, on waking, in the morning. Dulness of the head; (second and fifth days). Frequent but not very violent headache, especially confined to the frontal region, associated with a pressive sensation. Headache, towards evening (first day).

(Violent headache, becoming almost intolerable; it involved the whole anterior part of the skull as far as the vertex; every motion caused a sensation of swashing, with distressing throbbing and beating in the blood vessels, not at all relieved by cold applications, and only momentarily by ice, associated with intolerable of the light, redness of the white of the eye, stoppage of the nose, sore throat, yellow expectoration, burning hot fever and prostration (first night); on the next day the headache had disappeared, except on stooping there was still a sensation as though it might return; the difficulty of swallowing was greatly diminished, and in the afternoon I began to perspire; on the left shoulder there were transient gnawing, paralytic pains, aggravated by motion and pressure; the secretion of urine was increased, with more desire for water and also appetite; on the third day there was still some difficulty of swallowing, and persistent pain in left shoulder, with continuance of the thirst; the urine passed this day showed an iridescent film; on the fourth day the symptoms had almost entirely disappeared, and a new symptom occurred, transient pain in the urethra while urinating; on the next day, there appeared hydroa febrilis on the lips). Forehead. Pressure in the right frontal eminence, in the evening (second day). Pressive pain in the forehead, on rising, at 6 P.M. (second day). Drawing pain in the right frontal eminence, unaffected by position or motion, extending towards the right temple, soon after waking, at 6.30 A.M. (fifth day).

Drawing pain in the right frontal eminence, returning on walking out of doors, aggravated by pressure with the hand; afterwards it suddenly disappears and reappears as a drawing in the occiput towards the nape, where it continues for two hours; when it immediately disappears on going into the open air (fifth day).

Violent boring pain in the forehead, extending toward the right temple (first night). Pain in the forehead, transient, but frequent (fourth day). Slight pain in the forehead, in the forenoon (sixth day). Stitches in the right frontal eminence.

Temples. Pressing pain in the temples, aggravated by chewing, transient, at 5 P.M. (fourth day). Tearing in the right temple (after 30 drops). Violent sticking pains in the temples, that at times extended into the eyes and across the forehead (fifth night). Sticking pains in the right mastoid process. Occiput.

Pressive and tension in the occiput, nape of the neck, and cervical muscles, extending downward across the upper part of the scapulae, and gradually involving the upper arms, as far as the elbows and wrists, and even the first finger-joints (in the fingers it was more on the flexor surface), in which it became a jerking tearing pain, lasting four or five minutes, then intermitting for ten or fifteen minutes; it recurred twice in the same manner, and then entirely disappeared (first day). Pressive pain in the occiput, aggravated when lying on the back, compelling him to frequently change his position, on waking, at 4 A.M. (second day); also on awaking at 6.40 A.M. (third day); at this time the pain extended after rising, over the whole sinciput, forehead, eyebrows, into the upper lids, so that raising the lids was difficult. Drawing pain in the right side of the occiput, in the evening (second day). The drawing pain in the occiput became very intense, in the evening, so that it disturbed me at my work; I was frequently obliged to rise and walk about the room, which afforded transient relief (fifth day). Drawing pain in the occiput, while outdoors, disappearing on entering the hours, in the evening (sixth day).


White of the eyes, especially of the left eye, yellow (second day). Sensation as though vision were remarkably clear and distinct (though the day was cloudy and dull), (fourth day).

Flickering before the eyes (fifth day).


Stitches through the left ear at times, in the forenoon (first day). Sticking continued, now in the right, now in the left ear (third night). Sticking in the right ear on entering the house, in the afternoon, at first transient, afterwards violent and persistent; the pain extended from within outward, and lasted several minutes (sixth day). Violent stitches in both ears, obliging him to cry out. The left ear seems stopped, at times (third day). Roaring in the ears, lasting a long time.


Excessive catarrh, with frequent inclination to sneeze; great stoppage of the nose, with at times discharge of tenacious yellow mucus (fourth day). Great stoppage of the nose (first night).

Great dryness of the nose, in the morning, gradually disappearing until in the afternoon much nasal was discharged (third day).


Painful drawing in the right side of the cheek, involving the whole right infraorbital region; the pain extended to the last upper molars; this pain continued during the night, with fever, consisting of alternations of heat and coldness, with accelerated pulse, that prevented sleep; on the nest day, the right side of the face was swollen, very sensitive to the air and to the slightest pressure. Slight burning on the lips, immediately after the dose (fourth day). Lips very dry (first night). Dryness of the lips and palate, in the afternoon and night (fifth day).


Teeth. Violent drawing pain in both the upper and lower incisors, with heat of the cheek, that was somewhat swollen (second day).

Acute drawing pain in the upper sound incisors, in the evening (second day). Drawing pains in the teeth of the right upper jaw, extending to the temple and ear; on attempting to chew there was a feeling of tension in the right articulation of the lower jaw; these symptoms disappeared after an hour, on going out (fourth day); they returned at 10 A.M. with great intensity, and continued to recur periodically (frequently intermitting for a few minutes) until going to sleep, in the evening (fifth day). A pressive pain in the sound teeth of the right side of the lower jaw, in the evening (sixth day). Frequent sticking in the right upper teeth, always in the morning (tenth to twelfth day).

Sensitiveness of the upper incisors (after 30 drops). Tongue.

Tongue coated (first night). A sensation at the root of the tongue and on the soft palate, at first cool, afterwards burning, in the evening (sixth day). General Mouth. Opening the mouth became more and more difficult, so that in the evening of the ninth day he could scarcely get the little finger between the teeth, associated with stitches in the throat on swallowing; on examining the throat, there was only some redness of the posterior wall in the pharynx and right side of the palate, on the latter of which were two small ulcers; the difficulty of swallowing had disappeared on the thirteenth day, but the difficulty of opening the mouth remained the same; the ulcers had entirely disappeared; about noon, on the thirteenth day, there appeared without cause, a digging pain in the right upper teeth, with increased secretion of saliva and feeling of soreness of the gum of both sides; on the fourteenth day the sticking pain extended to the right articulation of the jaw, and the burrowing pain in the upper jaw continued and extended to the lower jaw, together with a sensation in the angle of the right side of the jaw, as though I would get a tooth at this point; on the sixteenth day the pain in the articulation of the jaw was very slight, through the gum was still painful to the touch, after which it entirely disappeared. Opening the mouth painful; could not open it as wide as usual; swallowing caused a sticking sensation, especially in the right side of the neck (eighth day).

Burning through the mouth and fauces, as after the first dose, with the addition that it was aggravated by all food and drink (immediately). Burning in the palate, with dryness of the throat, immediately after a dose (third day). Burning sensation on the palate (first night). Dryness of the mouth and throat (first night). Taste. Pasty taste (first night). Bitter taste in the mouth.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.