Polygonum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names, Smart Weed, Water Pepper, etc.


Polygonum acre, H. B. K. (P. punctatum, Ell.; P. hydropiperoides, Pursh). The closely allied species, P. hydropiper, L. is not perennial, but in other respects is very similar to P. acre; both possess properties nearly, if not absolutely, identical. These are the only American acrid species. Natural order, Polygonaceae.

Preparation, Tincture of the whole plant.


A slight vertiginous feeling passed over the head, followed, in a short time, by a sensation in the arms and legs as of a galvanic current passing through them (after two hours, third day).

Dizziness and trembling of the limbs, with pain in left temple and left side of head (after second dose, fourth day). Head feels dull (after third dose, second day). Obtuseness of the head and general lassitude (third day). Dull headache all the morning (tenth day). Dull headache, with pain in epigastric region, after dinner (fifteenth day). Headache, in the afternoon, with cold feeling in the stomach (eleventh day). Headache (thirteenth day).

Headache during forenoon and after dinner (fourteenth day).

Fullness of head (after fifth dose, second day). Pulsative headache, with sensation of fullness (fourth day). Dull throbbing or pulsative headache (sixteenth day). Dull pain in forehead (eighteenth day). Headache in left frontal region (first day).

Severe frontal headache (third day). Great pain in the head, shifting from the frontal to the occipital region (third day).

Frontal headache, with darting pains through the temples, in the orbits, the knees, and legs (tenth day). Momentary pain in the right frontal protuberance, and instantly afterwards in the right occipital protuberance (after half an hour). 1 P.M. pulsative and acute pain in left temple (ninth day). Pain in left temple and left side of head, with dizziness and trembling of the limbs (after second dose, fourth day). Slight pain in the sinciput and trembling of the limbs (one hour after third dose, second day). Pain in forehead and sides of head, extending into the orbits (three-quarters of an hour after second dose, second day). Occasional shooting through the occiput (third day).


Itching and burning in the eyes (after second dose, fourteenth day).


Frequent sneezing, as from cold, in the head (nineteenth day).

Smarting raw feeling in pituitary membrane, as from cold (after third dose, fifteenth day). Irritation and smarting in schneiderian membrane, as if from cold in head (after second dose, sixth day).


Pain in region of zygoma (left side).


Pain in the right antrum, as if proceeding upwards from a tooth, yet the tooth from which the pain appeared to proceed was sound; this pain occurred frequently (after seven hours, third day).

Tongue coated yellow (fourth day). Tongue feels as if swollen (eighteenth day). Burning all the way from the roots of the tongue to pit of stomach (eighteenth day). Sensation of heat in the mouth and throat, commencing at the tip of the tongue and extending to much of the mouth, then to the throat at the right upper part (after a quarter of an hour second day). The salivary excretion, which before had been thick and scanty, now became abundant and thin (fourth day). Taste pungent, like that of black pepper.


Sore throat (eighteenth day). Smarting and scraped feeling in the throat (after third dose, fourteenth day, and after second dose, fifteenth day). Burning and scraping in throat (ninth day).

Burning in throat, fauces, and stomach (eighteenth day). Scraping in the throat (after third dose, second day). Sensation of dryness and scraping in throat (after one hour, first day).

Dry tickling sensation in the throat (after third dose, second day). Burning and scraping in fauces (after second dose, nineteenth day). Scraping and dryness in the fauces (soon after second dose). Throbbing of the carotid arteries (third day).


Appetite and Thirst. Voracious appetite (fourth day). Appetite greatly increased (tenth day). Increased appetite for breakfast (eleventh day). Hunger (fifteenth day). Appetite diminished (after second dose, sixteenth day). Voracious appetite for breakfast (seventeenth day). Loss of appetite (fourth day). Great thirst for cold water, yet water produces nausea (sixteenth day).

Thirst, with nausea (sixteenth day). Eructations. Eructations (third day). Nausea. Nausea and rumbling in the abdomen, with diarrhoeic stools (two hours after first dose, second day).

Nausea, with slight pains in lower intestines, rectum, and anus (after third dose, second day). Continual nausea, as if proceeding from the small intestines, and thence extending upwards to the pit of the stomach (third day). Breakfast with usual appetite, but felt nauseated after meal, followed by rumbling and movement in the abdomen, as from approaching diarrhoea (fifth day). Nausea, with cold feeling in abdomen (sixteen day). Nausea, with thirst (sixteenth day). Constant nausea (after second dose, sixteenth day). Nausea after eating, as if proceeding from the abdomen (seventeenth day). Stomach.

Aching in stomach and abdomen all day (ninth day). Tensive feeling in stomach (thirteenth day). Throbbing cutting pain in stomach (after two hours, first day). Severe pain in epigastrium, lasting for about half an hour (half an hour after second dose).

Pain in the pit of the stomach, with cutting and shooting pains in the lower intestines (one hour after thirst dose, second day).

Pain in the stomach, relieved by food (after second dose, fourth day). Pain in epigastrium and the lower intestines (ninth day). Pain in epigastric region after dinner, with dull headache (fifteenth day). Sharp cutting pain in stomach and intestines (after second dose, nineteenth day). Acute pains in the epigastric and umbilical regions (fourth day). Shooting pains in stomach (after second dose, twentieth day). Sensation of heat in the stomach, borborygmus, and emission of flatus per annum (soon after third dose, second day). Burning pain in the stomach, immediately (third day). Burning in stomach and abdomen (after second dose (sixteenth day). Burning in the stomach (two hours after dose, seventeenth day). Burning in stomach, throat, and fauces (eighteenth day). Cold feeling in the stomach, with headache, in the afternoon (eleventh day). Cold feeling in pit of stomach (seventeenth day). Cold feeling in pit of stomach, and shooting pains, with burning, in chest (two hours and a half after dose, nineteenth day).


Sticking pains in the right hypochondrium (third day). Severe lancinating pains in left hypochondrium, while walking (half an hour after third dose, fifteenth day). Dull heavy pains in the umbilical region, relieved by pressure (first day). Emission of offensive flatus (sixteenth day). Borborygmus (second day).

Rumbling in the abdomen (two hours after first dose, second day).

Rumbling in the abdomen, with desire to stool (after second dose, fourteenth day). Continual rumbling and pain in abdomen, with tenesmus ani and hard lumpy faeces (two hours after dose, seventeenth day). Constant rumbling in abdomen (twentieth day).

Rumbling pain and griping in abdomen, with copious discharge of clear light-colored urine, which was previously red and scanty (after third dose, second day). Griping pains in the abdomen, with loose stools and painful urination (seventeenth day). Aching in abdomen and stomach all day (ninth day). Lancinating pains throughout the whole abdomen (nineteenth day). From 5 to 6 P.M.

cutting colic like pains just below the stomach, in region of colon (seventh day). Sharp cutting pain in intestines and stomach (after second dose, nineteenth day). Cutting cramp like pain in abdomen (sixteenth day). Occasional pulsative pains in region of colon, lasting one hour (eighth day). Cold feeling in abdomen, more in region of transverse colon and stomach, with nausea (sixteenth day). Rumbling and gurgling in the lower part of the abdomen, proceeding upwards, with desire for stool (sixteenth day). Cutting and shooting pains in the lower intestines, with pain in the pit of the stomach (one hour after third dose, second day). Pulsative pains at the pit of the hypogastric region, as if in the left portion of the bladder (fourth day). Pain in the lower intestines and epigastrium (ninth day). Pain in hypogastrium and rectum, with rumbling in those parts, proceeding from below upwards, and insufficient stool (after second dose, sixteenth day). Pain in lower parts of abdomen half an hour and after eating (fifteenth day). Pain in hypogastric region, rectum, and anus (ninth day). Cutting pain in lower part of bowels, with constant urging to stool, and frequent discharge of flatus (sixteenth day). Throbbing pain in left inguinal glands, lasting half an hour (sixteenth day).

Rectum & Anus

Dull pain in the rectum (after second dose, fourteenth and twentieth days). Pain in rectum and anus and in hypogastric region (nineteenth day). In the evening the interior of the anus was studded with itching eminences, as from corrugation, without contraction, a kind of hemorrhoidal tumor (third day); they disappear within two days. Ineffectual urging to stool, with discharge of a great quantity of fetid flatus (after two hours and a half, third day). Constant urging to stool (tenth day). In the afternoon straining at stool, with mucous jelly-like discharge; yellowish-green stools (after second dose, sixteenth day). Tenesmus, with nausea, at 0 P.M. (sixteenth day). Tenesmus ani, with hard lumpy faeces (two hours after dose, seventeenth day). Ineffectual urging to stool and tenesmus, with pulsative pains in the hips and loins (nineteenth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.