Pyrus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

  Common name: Mountain ash.


Pyrus Americana, L. Natural order: Rosacea.

General Symptoms

Some irritation of the eyes; no other symptoms. Feels like crying; feels as if the knees are immensely swollen, as if the toes the same; knees and toes ache; feels constricted around the waist, obliged to loosen the clothes at ounce; headache begins over the eyes; left side of head aches terribly, like a toothache; aches everywhere, in every joint; left great toe feels as if torn from its socket; sense of prolapsus of womb, bearing down and pressing out as if swollen, and burning all over; pains in the head knife like; all the pain intense, acute; thinks the conditions that of inflammatory rheumatism; as if the lungs were congested, especially at the base; can hardly breathe, as if cold water in stomach; thinks mucus accumulated in the cold stomach; craves hot tea; headache extends to the right side; head feels as if would burst; great weight on top of head: toes burn, aching at heart, twinging pains in arms, legs, and toes; as if rectum were shrunken, dried up; bearing-down pains, and pressing out like labor-pains; feels gloomy and discouraged, but can’t, cry; very cold, shivers internally; thinks she must look blue; cold creeping all over; pain in knees subsides, and is succeeded by pain as in the tendons and along the calves. “Oh, such a drawing pain, cutting and drawing also, like that in the head.” Feels resolute, as if full of a gloomy determination; thinks meat bad for her, would not digest; needs soft, mild food; irritation of bladder and urethra; feels as if prolapsus of bladder; dreads to move, especially on account of the joints; sensitive to cold; stomach still feels as if full of cold water; sick feeling under right scapula; thinks bile deficient; shooting pains in forehead; feeling as if coldness in stomach, extends up under sternum; same feeling in the gullet; excessive aching of bones of toes, seems unendurable; thinks the stomach very weak, as if it would digest nothing; thinks it is dry and wrinkled; hypochondriac not nervous; feels lazy, as if she would like to lie in bed and be waited on; selfish; headache penetrating in temples; thinks she is clairvoyant; can read character and understand motions; can see into herself; thinks the blood dark blue; feels pains drawing, rending along posterior aspect of thighs and down to toes; left side most affected; feels as if the left leg were drawn up and would never straighten again; pains seems to move in meandering lines, seems to be able to go out of herself for a short distance to walk around and return into the body; thinks she is looking down upon her own body; seems to her that the fundus of the stomach is depressed in the abdomen, as if on the fire at the pyloric end of stomach; thinks there is a red spot there looking like raw beef, as if the stomach were burnt up with raw whiskey; exclaims in a plaintive tone, “Don’t get out of patience with me” (of which I had give no indications); cries, feels babyish apprehension; fears something terrible is about to occur; very chilly; can’t talk loud; voice gone; she feels weak, as if amount to die; moans and groans; calls for help; oppression about the heart, as if it had stopped beating, as if going into convulsions; feels as in a spasm of the heart, tetanic, as if the blood were too thick to circulate; thinks she would have died but for the blood were too thick to circulate; thinks she would have hemorrhage; brain is active, intellect clear, thoughts vivid, the whole being intensified; next morning sense of constriction at base of lungs; some cough; clammy feeling of skin; very sensitive to air. Causes a glow all over, hands sweat; some pain in finger- joints; throat feels obstructed; some hoarseness; dry cough, as if the pharynx were stuffed with cotton; it is an effort to talk; tongue feels partially paralyzed, cannot direct it; throws the paper down, has lost inclination to read; feels indolent, indifferent; feels chills when air strikes; spasmodic breathing, like crying; sad, weeping mood; tears will come; eyes smart; heart aches, as if from some great sorrow; eyes feel as if they had been crying a long time, as if swollen, burning; very sensitive to cold; easily chilled; chills down the back and both legs; ends with a very tranquil feeling, particularly of consciousness; next morning, tight feeling of patella; joints all feel constricted and sore. Very chilly, can’t endure cold at all; other symptoms not recorded. In all three, pains and chilliness were much increased by moving about.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.