Ranunculus Sceleratus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Ranunculus sceleratus, L. Natural order, Ranunculaceae.Preparation, Tincture of the whole plant.


Delirium. A species of hydrophobia. Sad mood, grief, in the evening. Oppression and anxiety. Disinclination to work, ill- humored. Great absentmindedness, tears a paper, on which he had made some annotations, looks at it, discovers from the pieces that he has torn it, and toys with it with his fingers.Forgetful, cannot recall what he though before.


Vertigo, when sitting. Vanishing of thought, giddiness (after three hours). His head feels dull, especially in the morning, after the characteristic uneasiness, in the afternoon. Dulness of the head, and slight pressure of the temples towards each other (after six hours). Heaviness and sensation of fullness in the whole head. His head feels as if in a vice. His head feels distended and thick. Inflammation of the brain. Forehead and Temples. Sense of fullness in the forehead, also from the vapor of the juice. Continual pressing above the temples, from without inward. Gnawing, with pressure in the right temples. Pressing in the temples, from within outwards (after half an hour). Fine sticking from the right temple to the right superciliary ridge (after eight hours). Stitches in the left temple (after ten hours). Vertex and Occiput. Long- continuing, dull, aching-gnawing pain in the left vertex, fixed in one point. Pain, like a suddenly coming and speedily disappearing gnawing, at one spot of the vertex. Painful pressure in the region of the vertex, as with a dull instrument (fifth day). Drawing-clawing pressure across the vertex. Jerking in the head, in the region of the vertex. Burning pain in the region of the vertex, continuing a few minutes. Pressing pain on both of the tubercullis infer. ossis occipitis, ceasing when pressed upon, but soon returning. Dull pain in the occiput, the whole of the head feeling painful externally (fourth day).External Head. (Hard blotches above the temples, which do not suppurate), (fourth day). Contraction in the hairy scalp.

Stitches, with drawing, in the skin of the vertex. Itching of the hairy scalp, immediately, that obliges scratching.

Biting of the whole of the hairy scalp.


Contortion of the eyes. Slight smarting in the corners of the eyes, and recurring periodically for many days. Burning of the margins of the eyes (after ten hours). Violent smarting in the eyes, while expressing the juice. Lid. Eyelids somewhat agglutinated, white of the eye light- yellow, with the finer vessels visible. (Slight inflammation). Stinging smarting in the outer canthus of the right eye (after half an hour).Lachrymal Apparatus. Profuse lachrymation, while expressing the juice. Lachrymation, at night. Conjunctiva. Injected state of the conjunctiva, from the vapor of the juice. Ball. Pain in the eyeballs, when moving them quickly. Pressing in the eyeballs, soon, recurring periodically for many days (four hours). Painful pressure in the eyeballs, all day, after expressing the juice.


Boring and drawing in the left outer meatus auditorius, in the evening (second day). Boring pain behind the right ear, in the evening (fifth day). Continued drawing along the right outer meatus auditorius. Stitches in the front of the right ear, in the evening (second day). Long stitches in the right meatus auditorius externus. Otalgia of the right ear, with aching pain in the head and drawing in all the teeth. Stitches in the right ear (second day). Some earache (after three-quarters of an hour).


Frequent sneezing, while expressing the juice. Copious secretion of a watery mucus from the nose (from the vapor of the juice).Beside the right nostril a red spot as large as a penny, which turns white when pressed, and then causes a sore pain (after ten hours). Pricking in the outer parts of the tip nose.

Tingling and smarting in the nose, from the vapor of the juice.


Convulsion in the face, in the outer parts of the abdomen and the limbs. Spasmodic twitchings of the facial muscles and extremities, risus sardonicus. Slight drawing, with feeling of coldness above the right eyebrow, down the cheek, as far as the corner of the mouth, for half an hour, evening. Sensation as if the face were covered with cobweb, in the evening (second day).


Teeth. Teeth on edge, and afterwards stinging pains in the same.Toothache, burrowing under some roots of the left lower double teeth, as if pushed up from below (after eight hours, all the afternoon). Drawing pains in the molar teeth, the whole afternoon and evening. Painful drawing in the upper right molar tooth. Drawing pain in the right upper molars. Drawing pain in the upper left molar tooth (after seven hours). Tearing pains in the lower right molar tooth, early in the morning (sixth day). Stinging gnawing in the front teeth, in the evening (second day). Stinging drawing in all the teeth. Drawing and jerking in all the teeth, in the morning (second day). Very transient jerking in the incisors. The teeth are sensitive all day (second day). Gums. Pain, swelling, and redness, and bleeding of the gums. Tongue. White-coated tongue and sweetish taste in the mouth, in the morning, for several days. White-coated tongue (after fifteen hours). Obstinate pains, burning, redness, inflammation of the tongue. Peeling off of the cuticle of the tongue, and cracking of the tongue. Smarting at the tip of the tongue (after ten hours). Shootings in the tip of the tongue (third day). Violent burning at the tip of the tongue, while chewing the fresh herb. General Mouth. Tremulous sensation around the corners of the mouth and the lower lip, preceding the vomiting, but without any inclination to vomit. Excessive dryness of the mouth, at night. Stinging pains in the parts of the soft palate. Smarting-drawing pain in the region of the palate (third day). Smarting in the region of the palate and fauces, while expressing the juice. Saliva. Ptyalism (after half an hour). While expressing the juice, a large quantity of frothy mucus accumulates in the mouth, obliging him to spit frequently.

Taste. Loss of taste.


Thick mucus in the throat, that is difficult to hawk up (after seven hours). Choking in the throat, at night. Mornings, dry throat (after twenty-one hours). Contractive sensation in the throat, frequently before breakfast, increased by eating bread.Continued sticking in the skin of the pit of the throat.

Scratchy-scrapy sensation in the throat (after half an hour); the scratchy sensation grows somewhat burning (after two hours). Throat scratchy, with sensation of soreness (after a quarter of an hour). Scratchy sensation in the throat, as if sore, with occasional dry cough, that increases the sore pain (after fifteen hours). Scraping in the throat, immediately.

Tonsils. Swelling of the tonsils, with shooting stitches in the same; in the evening (second day). Stitches in the tonsils. Pharynx. Burning in the pharynx. Burning continuous, and sometimes convulsive arthritic pains of the pharynx and oesophagus. The fumes arising from the plant while boiling it irritate the pharynx, eyes, and nose, and occasion a flow of mucus and tears. Is impelled to swallow several times (after fifteen hours).


Appetite and Thirst. Strong sensation of hunger, without real appetite (after three hours and a half). After eating, sensation of hunger, and yet eructations with it (after eleven hours).Want of appetite, in the evening. Little appetite at dinner, followed by a turn of nausea. He wakes after midnight with great thirst, and heat of the whole body. Eructations. Frequent empty eructations, immediately after taking the drug; returning for many days before breakfast. Frequent eructations tasting of the ingesta, after a meal. Rancid, sour eructations, in the evening. Several prolonged eructations after eating bread and butter (after five hours). Hiccough and Heartburn. Hiccough (after half an hour). Heartburn. Nausea and Vomiting. Turn of nausea, while expressing the juice. Nausea, especially after midnight. Transient nausea, almost vomiting (after a quarter of an hour). Desire to vomit, returning periodically, in the morning. Stomach. Complete inactivity of the stomach.

Troublesome sensation of fullness in the stomach. Tension in the pit of the stomach, while expressing the juice.

Constriction of the stomach. Pressure and sensation of fullness in the pit of the stomach, increased by external pressure, most violent in the morning. Horrid pains in the stomach, and fits of anxiety. Pains in the stomach. Stitches in the pit of the stomach, causing an acute pain.


Stitches in the hepatic region. Acute stitches in the region of the gall-bladder. Long stitches in the region of the spleen, worse during a deep inspiration. Pinching colic, especially in the region of the navel, as after taking cold (after half an hour). Screwing pressure behind the umbilicus, at night. Sensation as if a plug were lodged behind the umbilicus, especially in the morning, for several days. Rumbling and pinching in the abdomen, immediately. Passage of flatus after a frugal meal. The abdominal walls are painful. Torpor of the intestinal canal. Long-continued, violent pains in different parts of the abdomen, which cannot be compared with any known pains, accompanied with slight fainting turns; a sort of convulsive pains in the intestines. Violent and peculiar pain in the bowels; two drops of juice excited even a still more troublesome feeling, the entire oesophagus seemed inflamed.Cutting in the intestines, at night (second day). Aching pain in the groins.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.