Reinrez homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


The warm spring at Reinerz, in Prussia. ANALYSIS (DUFLOS).

In 16 ounces are:

Sodium carbonate,.. 4.266 grains. Silics,…. 0.499 grains.

Sodium chloride,.. 0.120 grains. Arsenic acid united with Potassium sulphate,. 0.649 grains. Ferric oxide, Calcium carbonate,.. 6.297 grains. Phosphoric acid united Magnesium carbonate,. 1.797 grains. with Ferric oxide and Ferrum carbonate,.. 0.289 grains. Lime,…. a trace.

Manganum carbonate,. 0.023 grains.


Drawing in the forehead, in the morning (third day). Drawing in the left frontal bone. Slight drawing in the left frontal bone, in the afternoon. Profuse falling of the hair (eighteenth day).

Falling of the hair of four weeks after the proving.

Nose and Face

Profuse secretion from the nose (fourth day). Dryness of the lips, in the morning (fourth day).


Violent toothache during the first eight days of the proving.

Dryness in the mouth, at night, waking from sleep, followed by sweat. Burning on the hard palate (sixteenth day). Tickling on the hear palate, provoking cough (sixteenth day). Increased secretion of white mucus in the mouth (seventeenth day).


Mucus in the fauces, white and less tenacious than formerly (fifth day). Easy expectoration of mucus from the fauces, in the morning.


Appetite increased at first.


Distension of the abdomen, disappearing after two white stools (ninth day). Distension of the abdomen, in the afternoon (eighth day). Distension and heaviness in the abdomen (third day).

Heaviness of the abdomen, relieved by constant motion (fifth day). Heaviness and distension in the abdomen. Sensation of fullness in the abdomen, relieved by copious stools. Fullness in the abdomen (twelfth day). Sensation as though a hernia would occur along Poupart’s ligament (twentieth day). Sharp pressive pain in a small spot in the left inguinal region, in the evening, in bed, relieved when turning to the right side.

Rectum Anus and Stool

Hemorrhoids (ninth day). Burning in the anus during stool (twenty-sixth day). Burning in the anus (ninth day). Discharge of bright-red blood with the stool, with burning in the anus (eighth day). Blood with the stool (eleventh day).

Urinary Organs

Sudden and violent desire to urinate. Frequent sudden desire to urinate; urine watery and scanty (fifth day). Increased secretion of urine (twenty-second day). Increased micturition, with profuse secretion (twenty-fourth day). Increased secretion of urine, lasting four weeks after the proving.

Respiratory Organs

Cough, in the morning, with some expectoration of mucus; worse in the afternoon (fifteenth day).


Palpitation, for a few minutes, without anxiety (twenty-third day).


Violent rheumatic sticking pain in the dorsal muscles, between the scapulae, aggravated by every motion (relieved by Bryonia), (eleventh day).


Slight sweat, at night (third day); night sweat (fourth day); profuse (twenty-sixth day). Night sweats for four weeks after the proving.

Conditions Aggravation

(Morning), Drawing in forehead; dryness of lips; expectoration of mucus form fauces. (Afternoon), Drawing in left frontal bone; distension of abdomen; cough. (Evening), In bed, pain in spot in left inguinal region., (Night), On awaking, dryness in the mouth; sweat. (Motion), Pain in dorsal muscles.

(During stool), Burning in anus.


(Constant motion), Heaviness of abdomen. (Copious stools), Fullness in abdomen. (Turning to right side), Pain in left inguinal region.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.