Senecio homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

      Common names: Golden rag wort, Squaw-weed, etc.


Senecio aureus, L. Natural order: Compositae. Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.


In very good spirits (second day). Evening, in a very meditative mood, very serious, disposition to think to the past and future (ninth day). Sad most of the day (third day); sad (fourth day); gloomy (ninth day); sad and desponding, in the evening (tenth day); sad (fourteenth day); sad most of the day (twenty-fifth day). Home-sickness (second day). Sometimes very sad, sometimes highly elated (fifth day). Sometimes elated, sometimes depressed (second day). Inability to fix and mind on any one object for any length of time (tenth day). Mind confused (fourteenth day).


Dizziness, coming on suddenly, while walking the street, so sudden that I came near falling on my face, feeling like a wave from the occiput to the sinciput (fifth day). Giddiness, feeling like a wave from the occiput to the sinciput (seventh day); giddiness until to-day (thirteenth day). Giddiness (third and fifth days); occasioned giddiness (ninth, tenth, and eleventh day); giddiness, a sensation as if the brain was pressing forward so strong that it feels like hard work to stand up (twelfth day); giddiness in the open air (fourteenth day); giddiness (twenty- fifth day); giddiness, coming on suddenly, several times to-day, feeling like a wave from the occiput to the sinciput (twenty- ninth day). Dull stupefying headache (after second dose).

Uncomfortable fullness of the head (first night). Head feels very light (eleventh day). Headache, in the afternoon, in the forehead, pressing from within outward (nineteenth day). Pain in the forehead, shooting from within outward (fourth day). Darting pain in the forehead and eyes (sixteenth day). Sharp cutting pain in the frontal region, over the eyes (fifteenth day). Headache in the neighborhood of the temples, pain seems to be pressing outward (eighth day). Sharp lancinating pain in the left temple, the upper part of the left eye, and inside of the left half of the lower jaw (sixteenth day). Sharp cutting pain in the coronary region (fifteenth day). Pain in the anterior part of the head, feeling as if it were pressing outward (twelfth day).


Sharp sticking pain in both eyes and in the forehead, shooting from within outward (twelfth day). Sharp pain in the left eye, shooting from within outward (ninth day). Flow of tears on going into the open air (ninth day).


Tenderness in front of the left ear (fourth day).


Excessive secretion of mucus in the nostrils and bronchi (fifth day). Abundant secretion of transparent mucus in the nostrils and trachea (first day). Secretion of much white transparent mucus in the nostrils and trachea (fourteenth day). Coryza (eighteenth day). Catarrh (second, third, and fourth days); affects the trachea, bronchi, nostrils, and eyes (fifth day). (I had a catarrh when beginning to prove this drug, which is now entirely cured), (eighth day). Lubrication of the nostrils, in the evening (first day). Sneezing and sense of fullness in the nostrils, relieved after a while by a copious flow of mucus (eleventh day).

Inclination to sneeze (after second dose). Dryness of the nostrils (after second dose). Sense of fullness in the nostrils (second and third days). Sense of fullness in the nostrils, but no mucus (seventh day). Sense of burning and fullness in the nostrils, with a little mucus (sixteenth day). Morning on rising, feeling of tightness in the nose and yawning (tenth day). Sense of smell acute (seventh day).


Face pale; the countenance appeared depressed (second day). Lips and gums pale (seventh day). Darting lancinating pain in the left side of the face (fifth day). Sharp cutting pain inside of the left angle of the lower jaw (fifteenth day).


Pain in a carious molar tooth (second day). Teeth very tender (sixth and seventh days). Dry tongue, and slightly coated, in the evening (first day). Feverish breath, in the evening (first day).

Dryness of the mouth and fauces, in the evening (first day).

Dryness of the mouth and throat (first night).


Frequent hawking (fourteenth day). Frequent hawking of tough, white, transparent mucus (twelfth day). Frequent hawking of white transparent mucus (fifth day). Frequent hawking of tough, white, transparent mucus; secretion of mucus in the nose and trachea (eleventh day). Sensation of tightness in throat, with a disposition to attempt to relieve it by swallowing (ninth day).


Loss of appetite in the evening (first day). Thirsty (third day); in the evening (ninth day); in the afternoon and evening (eleventh day). Drinking much cold water (ninth day). Eructations of sour gas (twelfth and fifteenth days). Occasional eructations of air (ninth day). Nausea in the evening (first day). Nausea and weariness, which continued for several hours (second day). Nausea (fifth day); nausea until to-day (thirteenth day). Morning, on rising, nausea and yawning (seventh day); nausea, on rising (eighth, fourteenth, and seventeenth days); occasional nausea (ninth day); nausea (fifteenth day). Uneasiness about the stomach, in the evening (first day). About the middle of the afternoon, lasting about an hour, sensation as if a ball was in the stomach, rising up into the throat (fourth day). About the middle of the afternoon sensation as of a ball in the stomach, rising into the throat, lasting for a few minutes only (ninth day). Sharp pain in the epigastrium (seventh day). Sharp pain in the diaphragm (second day).


Stitches in both hypochondriac regions (fourth day). Before breakfast, pain in the abdomen, seems to have a center about the umbilicus, and spreads out in all directions; relieved by a stool (ninth day). Cutting colic like pain in the umbilical region (second day); colic, mostly in the region of the umbilicus (fourth day). Frequent stitches in the region of the umbilicus (sixteenth day). Rumbling of wide in the abdomen, in the evening (first day). Flatulence (second and third days). Frequent discharge of flatus (second and third days). Discharge of flatus (fourth day). Flatulent colic (second and third days). Colic and diarrhoea, in the evening (sixth and eighth days); griping colic like pain, relieved by a thin watery stool, in the evening and at night (seventh day). Colic (eleventh day). Colic pain relieved by a thin watery stool (first day); colic (third day); Afternoon, pain of a griping character in the bowels (eleventh day). Griping pain in the bowels, in the evening, mostly in the region of the umbilicus (tenth day). Griping pain in the lower part of the abdomen (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Pain in the bowels and urging to stool, when rising, which soon passed away (sixteenth day). Sensation as if the bowels would move, in the evening (first day). Smarting pain in the left inguinal region (third day).


Painful tenesmus (sixth day).


Copious diarrhoea, in the morning, attended with great debility and prostration (second day). Diarrhoea and colic in the evening; stool of a thin watery character (sixth day); thin watery stool, in the evening and at night (seventh day); thin and watery (eighth day). Thin watery stools, containing and hard lumps (second day). Stools of a watery character (third day). Stool containing blood (sixth day). Faeces in hard lumps, mixed with mucus of a yellow color (eighth day); faeces seem to be natural (ninth day); morning, stool a little thinner than usual, composed entirely of faeces, as far as I can judge from its appearance; in the evening, after supper, thin dark-colored stool, with much straining (tenth day); stool thin, of a dark color (eleventh day); one thin watery stool, with much tenesmus (fourteenth day),.

Urinary Organs

Tenesmus of the bladder, in the morning (second day). Smarting pain in the urethra, about the fossa navicularis, before urinating (seventh day). Urging to urinate followed the chilliness; urine tinged with blood (second day). Slight urging to urinate; uncomfortable heat in the neck of the bladder; slight pains in the region of the kidneys; passed urine frequently for twenty-four hours (second day). Urinated several times during the night (first night). Copious flow of urine; blood urine; urging to urinate, in the morning (second day). Urine excessive (fifth day). Increased flow of urine (fourth day); urine about 23 ounces, and high-colored (seventh day); about 20 ounces and high- colored (eighth day); urinated three times to-day, in all about 20 ounces of high-colored urine (ninth day); 8 ounces of high- colored urine (tenth day); 12 ounces, specific gravity 1035, and high-colored (eleventh day); 12 ounces high-colored, sp. gr. 1030 (twelfth day); 10 ounces, high colored, sp. gr. 1038 (fourteenth day); 10 ounces, sp. gr. 1040, in the morning, 1030 in the evening (fifteenth day); 12 ounces, high-colored, sp. gr. 1038 (seventeenth day); 40 ounces, sp. gr. 1036 (eighteenth day); normal quantity, sp. gr. 1025 (nineteenth day); normal quantity sp. gr. 1030 (twentieth day); normal quantity sp. gr. 1040 (twenty-first day); normal quantity, sp. gr. 1040 (twenty-second day); normal in quantity and color, sp. gr. 1040 (twenty-third and twenty-fourth days); for the past two weeks the urine has been of the normal color and quantity, from 30 to 35 ounces a day, average sp. gr. 1040 (thirty-seventh day). Urine void of sediment and inodorous (first night). Urine less in quantity than usual (fourth day); scanty (fifth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.