Sinapis Alba homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


Common names: White mustard, Senf-kohl.

Brassica alba, Boiss. (Sinapis alba, L.) Natural order: Cruciferae.

Preparation: Trituration of the seeds.


Distracted in mind, while reading, must make great effort to prevent his thoughts from wandering, and is even obliged to read a sentence several times before he can understand it (fifth day).


Dulness of the head, as in commencing intoxication, with obscuration of vision, especially on walking; the forehead above the eyes is principally affected (fourth day). Dulness in the head, changing into vertigo, on slowly turning the head to either side (fifth day). Sensation in the head as if it were hollow, and as if all objects about him disappeared, very sudden and transient (sixth day). Heaviness in the head, in the morning (eighth day). Rush of blood to the head (eighth day). Headache better in the open air, worse in a warm room (eighth day). Pain in the forehead and pressure, worse on moving and stooping, in the morning (eighth day). Dulness of the head, in the morning on rising (ninth day) Heaviness in the forehead as from intoxication or too great warmth of the room, in the morning (ninth day). Heaviness and dulness in the head (thirteenth day).

Heaviness and dulness of the head after a meal (fifteenth day).

Pressive pain in the right frontal eminence, aggravated by moving the head back and forth (fifteenth day). Sticking-jerking pains in the head, extending from within outward, toward evening (fifteenth day). Headache relieved after walking in the open air (sixteenth day). Heaviness of the head while reading in bed, in the evening before falling asleep (twentieth day). Pain in the left frontal eminence paroxysmal, pressive, in the evening (twentieth day).


Sudden sensation of warmth with stitches in the left eye compelling winking; the eye fills with tears, after which the sensation disappears (first day).


Root of the tongue thickly coated yellow, on rising in the morning (seventh day). Tongue coated yellow, on rising in the root (eighth day). The thick coating, which had been confined to the posterior portion of the tongue, now extended along the sides, and was especially thick on the left side (eleventh day).

Profuse accumulation of water in the mouth, with copious secretion of frothy salt saliva (second day). Profuse secretion of saliva, so rapid that he could not sufficiently spit it out (second day). Accumulation of water in the mouth with nausea; the nausea was better during rest and worse when walking about (second day). Watery saliva, that actually runs out of the mouth (second day). Excessive accumulation of water in the mouth (after a quarter of an hour, fourth day). Increased secretion of saliva, with much spitting and nausea (fifth day). Profuse secretion of saliva and mucus, obliging frequent spitting (fifth day).


Scraping feeling in the fauces, provoking frequent hawking (first day). Sensation as if a large morsel of food had been swallowed (second day). Pressure in the pharynx and stomach (second day).

Disagreeable burning in the pharynx, extending through the oesophagus to the stomach (second day). Burning in the pharynx (second day). Burning in the oesophagus rising up from the stomach like heartburn (third day). Burning and pressure in the oesophagus (fourth day). Pressure in the oesophagus, with heartburn (seventh day). Burning and pressure in the oesophagus and stomach (twelfth day). Pressure and burning in the pharynx and stomach (immediately, thirteenth day). Sensation as if a hard body were lying in the oesophagus, back of the manubrium of the sternum, with burning like heartburn in a small place and many eructations of gas, in the morning on rising (eighteenth day).

Burning in the oesophagus, with accumulation of water in the mouth, compelling much spitting, worse after a meal (eighteenth day). Sensation as though a hard body were lying high up in the oesophagus, especially noticed on swallowing hard food, and also on empty swallowing; in the afternoon this sensation became very distressing, when it seemed as though a plug were sticking in the pharynx, and the pharynx were too narrow (this sensation appeared after the crawling and biting in the anus had disappeared and seemed to alternate with it), (twentieth day). During the day the sensation of a plug in the pharynx gradually increased, became worse towards evening; after it had disappeared a crawling biting and burning in the anus, which had not been felt the whole day, reappeared (twenty-first day). Burning in the pharynx and oesophagus, with a sensation of constriction on swallowing hard food (twenty-third day). The symptoms in the pharynx always seemed to occur in the morning, those in the rectum in the evening.


Thirst. Thirst with heartburn (fourth day). Thirst without heartburn, towards evening; after drinking water a sensation of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen, just as after eating (sixth day). Eructations. Frequent odorless and tasteless eructations (first day). Frequent empty eructations relief (second day). Uprisings of a sour acrid liquid from the stomach, with a gripping scratching sensation in the pharynx, in the evening (second day). Frequent eructations of air aggravating the heartburn; it seemed as though the acids eructated were unusually hot (third day). Eructations tasting of food (fourth day). Many copious eructations of gas (fourth day). Eructations, of the odor and taste of the food after a meal (fifth day). Many eructations, tasting and smelling of the food (sixth day).

Eructations tasting and smelling of the drug many hours after eating (sixth day). Extremely distressing eructations of the drug (eighth day). Heartburn. Heartburn with eructations (third day).

Violent heartburn (fifth day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and inclination to vomit (second day). Frequent ineffectual efforts to vomit (second day). Nausea and secretion of saliva (after a quarter of an hour, third day). Extremely distressing qualmishness in the pit of the stomach, like an anxiety (third day). The sensation of qualmishness in the pit of the stomach was worse while lying down, but the salivation and nausea were better; while walking the reverse was true (third day).

Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach and some nausea (third day). Nausea and burning in the pharynx and stomach (fifth day).

Efforts to vomit without nausea (fourth day). Very great nausea, with anxiety in the pit of the stomach (sixth day). Repeated empty retching (sixth day). Nausea, more easily borne while at rest, sitting or lying, than while walking (sixth day). Nausea with salivation and retching (soon), (seventh day). Qualmishness in the stomach (soon), (seventeenth day). Qualmishness in the pit of the stomach (soon), (twenty-second day). Qualmishness with nausea (twenty-third day). Retching and vomiting of water, with violent retching and burning in the stomach and abdomen, extending to both sides under the false ribs, and even up under the whole chest, with inexpressible discomfort and anxiety in the pit of the stomach (fourth day). The ejecta by vomiting consisted of flakes of mucus with blackish veins like clots of blood; this ejecta was yellow, odorless, and tasteless, contained much tenacious and gelatinous mucus; the vomiting was followed by scraping in the throat and burning rising up from the stomach (fourth day). Stomach. Burning pressive sensation in the cardiac orifice of the stomach (first day). Burning in the stomach and nausea, with accumulation of water in the mouth and sour taste (immediately after a dose, second day). Burning pressure, heaviness, and qualmishness in the epigastric region, with accumulation of water in the mouth (second day). Burning pressure in the stomach just beneath the ensiform cartilage (second day).

Pressure and burning in the pit of the stomach, for an hour (second day). Intermittent pains in the stomach and pit of the stomach (second day). Burning and pressure in the pit of the stomach, with heartburn (third day). Anxious feeling in the pit of the stomach (fourth day). Burning in the stomach and pharynx (fourth day). Burning in the stomach and pharynx, with accumulation of water in the mouth (fourth day). Fullness and pressure in the stomach and abdomen after the midday meal (fourth day). Very acute bruised pain, even on slight pressure, in the pit of the stomach, just beneath the ensiform cartilage; pressure on it took away breath (fourth day). Fullness in the pit of the stomach, soon after a moderate meal (fifth day). Sensation of fullness and distension in the abdomen, that feels tense (fifth day). Very violent burning in the pit of the stomach (fifth day). Heaviness and distension in the pit of the stomach, and sensitiveness of the abdomen to touch, immediately after breakfast (sixth day). Distressing burning and pressure in the pit of the stomach (sixth day). Burning in the stomach and pharynx (sixth day). Bruised feeling in the pit of the stomach and abdomen, also when touched (sixth day). Burning and pressure in the stomach and pharynx (seventh day). Pressure and burning in the stomach and pharynx (immediately), (eighth day). Painful burning in the stomach, with sensitiveness to pressure, accompanied by pressure and burning in the oesophagus, in the evening (eighteenth day). Pit of the stomach painful to pressure (twenty-second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.