Spigelia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


Spigelia anthelmia, L.

Natural order, Loganiaceae. Preparation, Tincture prepared from the powdered plant.


Unnaturally joyful mood. Lively, quite, and contented mood without care, with all the pains and troubles. (*For a long time before he was always solicitous and suspicious (secondary action curative action). -HAHNEMANN.*) Lively, contented, and trustful mood, alternating with palpitation and anxious oppression of the chest. After the first day the mind was more active and lively than usual. Uneasiness and apprehension; could not remain anywhere. Could not enjoy himself with others, though at the same time he was not sad (after seven hours). He sits as if lost in thought, and stares at a single point (after three hours).

Anxious forebodings, therewith inclination to a peevish, indolent mood. Anxiety and apprehensive solicitude for the future (after ten days). Deep thought about his future (after twenty-four hours). Sad and peevish (with redness of the face). Mood sad, at the same time very peevish. Sad mood, at the same time despondency and fearfulness (after half an hour). Gloomy mood for three hours, followed by a joyous and excited mood; gloomy again in the afternoon. Earnestness; he is vexed if one jokes in the least with him. Easily angered. He is very peevish and sensitive about everything that does not seem good, for many hours. Extreme ill humor, in the evening; he could kill himself, with chilliness of the body (after eight days). Mental indolence and great forgetfulness. Lack of attention. Every work associated with mental exertion is difficult. Does not talk willingly (after seven and a half hours). His memory seemed more trustworthy, and more active than before (after five days). Great forgetfulness, loss of memory. Weakness of memory; he cannot thing of the things that he knows best.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion and emptiness in the head, in the upper part of the forehead; the scalp is very sensitive to the touch, and the hair seems to bristle (after three hours).

Vertigo, as if he were intoxicated and had not a firm step (after fourteen hours). Vertigo; after standing a few minutes he is in danger of falling. Vertigo; whenever he looks down he thinks that he will fall over. Vertigo; on looking in front of him he is in momentary danger of falling forward. Vertigo whenever he turns his head, in walking; but on looking straight ahead he feels nothing, in the open air (after five hours). Vertigo; while walking he staggered, as if he would fall to the left (after four hours). When walking he became dizzy; everything seemed to turn in a circle; he was obliged to stop; he seemed intoxicated.

Vertigo while sitting, standing and walking (most tolerable while lying), the head sinks backward, with nausea at the palate, and discomfort in the abdomen and thorax; in the abdomen a pinching pain, with a sensation as if he would be obliged to go t o stool, whereupon he loses all consciousness. General Head. Heaviness and pain in the head on shaking it. Dulness of the head. Dulness of the whole head (after half an hour). Dulness in the whole head, together with a pressure from within outward, in the forehead (after five days). Dulness in the whole head, in the evening; he seems quite confused. Painful dulness in the head. Constant dulness in the head, so that every work associated with reflection was difficult. Dulness of the head, especially of the right side. The head seems stupefied, as after smoking strong tobacco (after half an hour). Sensation of emptiness, and dizziness in the head, as in intoxication, while sitting (after one hour). Pressure in the cerebrum and cerebellum, which, at the same time, causes dizziness. Constant pressive headache, worse on stooping (after thirty-five hours). Sensation in the brain, as if the head were tightly bound, lasting a long time (after twenty-eight hours). Headache like confusion. Headache like a heaviness; on drawing the facial muscles it seems as though the skull would burst upward and asunder. The headache is worse when lying down, better when walking. The headache is worse in the open air. Does not dare to shake the head; it hurts into the brain, and he becomes dizzy. When speaking loud, or coughing, the head hurts as if it would press out. He does not dare to stoop; it then seems as if the brain spread out and would force out in front. A thrust like violent pressure in the head from without inward toward the middle of the brain, in one point caused by every step when walking in the open air (after six hours).

Sensation of swashing in the brain when walking. Swashing in the brain when walking; he feels every step. Fine burrowing-tearing pain in the brain, especially violent in the left parietal bone, on motion, on walking, and especially violent on making a false step, towards evening; several evenings in succession (after eleven hours). Forehead. Pain in the forehead. Confused headache in the forehead and temples; at the same time a sensation of compression in both sides forward. Boring headache in the forehead. Pain, as if there were a heavy weight beneath the left frontal eminence. Pressure from without inward in the left frontal eminence, externally and internally in the brain at the same time. Pressure from within outward, in the right frontal eminence (after an hour and a quarter). Violent pressure and pressing outward, in the forehead (after two hours). A pressing outward in the forehead, on stooping (after three- quarters of an hour). Pressure in the forehead, as if the brain would press out, momentarily relieved by pressure with the hand.

Pressive headache in the whole forehead. Pressive headache from within outward, in the left side of the forehead (after half an hour). Tearing pressure in the head, from the left frontal eminence to the occiput (after thirty-four hours). Tearing pressure from within outward, in the frontal bone (after eight days). Tensive-pressive headache from within outward, in the forehead (after thirty-four hours). Tensive tearing pain in the forehead, especially beneath the left frontal eminence, extending towards the orbits (after six hours). Thrust like-tearing pain in the forehead, worse in the right frontal eminence, that causes an involuntary fixing of the eyes on the object at which he is looking, while standing and sitting (after twenty-seven hours).

Very violent tearing in the forehead, occiput, and temples. While taking the Spigelia, a shoot of pain through the forehead was felt. Large pulsating stitches in the forehead from evening till morning, so that he could cry out; together with hammering in the ears. Sharp sticking just behind and above the right frontal eminence. Burning pain in the right side of the forehead, extending to the eye, so that he could not turn it without pain.

Burning pain in the left side of the frontal bone (after thirty- one hours). A shaking and swashing in the forehead, even on moving the head. Temples. Very violent pressure in the temples (after one hour). Violent pressure from without inward, in both temples, especially in the right temple (after fifty-six hours).

Violent pressure in the right temple, gradually extending more and more (after two hours and three-quarters). Drawing pressure in the left temple frequently recurring. Tearing thrusts in the right temple (after fifty hours). A tearing pressure, and as the pain became a little better a dull sensation, as of a swelling in the left zygomatic process. Jerking tearing in the right zygoma (after thirty hours). Violent, fine stitches, as from electric sparks, in the left temple. Burning in the left temple, externally. Burning headache in the left temporal region, and in the forehead. Vertex and Parietals. Pressive drawing in the right side of the vertex and occiput. Violent pressive pain in a small spot in the crown. Itching crawling in the left side of the vertex (after thirty-two hours). Pressing asunder headache in the right side (after eighty-two hours). A pressive pain in the right side of the head, involving also the right eye, in the morning in bed, but still more after rising; the pain was deeply seated, was unaffected by pressure, was very acute on motion; on suddenly turning the head the brain seemed to be loose; every jaw, step, even straining at stool, aggravated the pain when present, or produced it when not already present. Pressive headache in the left half of the brain, immediately. Jerks and thrusts in the left side of the head (after fifty-four hours).

Intermittent, contractive, tearing-sticking pain in a small spot in the left parietal bone, more posteriorly, seeming to be rather external. Slow tearing stitches in the left side of the head.

Occiput. The occiput is heavy and drags down like a weight.

Drawing dulness in the occiput, in the evening, while walking in the open air (after ten hours). Pain in the occiput, as after a blow. Pain in the occiput, as though an artery were beating against an obstacle. The occiput is especially painful; cannot lie upon it. The occiput is painful to touch in the region of the crown, and even when not touched it is painful, as if ulcerating, and from time to time there is a dull sticking jerking, which seems to penetrate deeply into the brain. Violent pains in the occiput and nape of the neck, about 3 or 4 A.M.; it seemed stiff; in the morning he could not move the head till after he had risen and dressed, when the pains disappeared. Boring headache in the occiput and vertex, as if it were attempting to draw the head backward. Burrowing and burrowing-tearing pain in the occiput, in the left side of the vertex and in the forehead, more violent on motion, as also on every loud noise, and when he speaks loudly, or even on opening the mouth slightly, most tolerable while lying (after twelve hours). Most violent pressure inward in the left side of the occiput, during which he could not stoop without aggravating the pain, unless he pressed the hand hard against the painful spot. Intolerable bubbling pain in the occiput, violently increased at first on walking, afterwards by the slightest motion; most relieved by leaning backward while sitting; lying horizontally aggravated it. Violent jerks in the occiput, and then in the temples on every step, while walking in the open air (after twenty-eight hours). Pressive stitches in a small point in the left side of the occiput (after forty-nine hours). External Head. (The scalp is covered with pimples). The scalp is sore externally, and the hair is sore to touch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.