Spiranthes homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…

      Common names: Lady’s tresses; (G.) Wendelorche.


Spiranthes autumnalis, Rich.

Natural order: Orchidaceae.

Preparation: Tincture of the root.


Tendency to melancholy thoughts. Melancholy. Excessive complaining, with sobbing. Complaining mood. Ill-humor. Confusion of ideas. Indolence and ennui.

Head.- Confusion and Vertigo.

Confusion in the forehead.- Vertigo. Vertigo, like sea-sickness.

Vertigo, so that he is obliged to lean the head against the wall.

Vertigo, aggravated by sitting or lying down. Vertigo, on rising from bed. Vertigo, relieved by walking. GENERAL HEAD. General heaviness of the head. Sensation of fulness; heaviness and heat in the brain. Intolerable pain in the head. Cerebral troubles on bending or raising the arm. Sensation of a band tied about the head. Pain in the head, worse in the evening. FOREHEAD. A weight on the forehead. Weight and pain in the forehead. Pain at noon, traversing the forehead and bones of the nose. Pain in the forehead, principally in the left side. Painful jerking in the forehead.

Temples. Sensation of a blow in the left temple. Sensation, as if a nail were driven into the right temple. Constant pain in the right temple.

Vertex and Parietals. Pain on the top of the head. Pain on the top of the head, on touch. Pain in the sagittal suture, in the middle of the forehead, in the nasal bone. Occiput. Pain in the occiput. External Head. Falling out of the hair. Painfulness of the scalp prevents combing the hair. Pain in the roots of the hair.


Eyes brilliant. Eyes fixed. Subjective. Pain in the left eye, at night, which prevents opening the lids. Pain in the eyes on looking upward. Burning in the eyes and lachrymation. Eyes seem cool. Brow and Orbit. Swelling of the right eyebrow. Heaviness of the eyebrow, which produces sleepiness. Painful jerking in the arch of the orbit. Burning in the left orbit. Lids. Lids swollen.

Weight upon the Lids. Burning in the lower lids. Conjunctiva.

Inflammation of the sclerotic and conjunctiva. Heat of the conjunctiva. Pupil. Pupils dilated. Vision. Vision dim.

Obscuration of vision, with sleepiness. Instantaneous loss of vision. Photophobia. On looking fixedly at distant objects, they seem to move and undulate. The canopy over the bed seems to move, and to be on the point of falling. On closing the lids, wheels of fire are seen.


Pain within the left auditory canal. Itching in the ear, internally and externally.


Dryness of the Schneiderian membrane. Dry coryza. Dropping of water from the nose. Epistaxis. Clots of blood come from the nostrils. Pain in the nostrils. Pain in the right nasal bone.

Pricking in the wings of the nose. Burning itching at the root of the nose. Itching in the right wing of the nose. Smell very acute.


Fixed, meditative expression. Swelling of the face. Redness and heat of the whole face. Blackish color of the face. Paleness of the face. Paleness of a nursing infant. Pain in the nerves of the face. Cheeks red and hot. Pricking in the right cheek. Burning in the upper lip between the nose and mouth. Redness most marked on the chin. Pain in the chin.

Mouth.- Teeth.

Pain and elongation of the teeth. Toothache, only at night. Pain in the lower teeth. Pain in the molar teeth. Pain in the roots of the incisors. Sensation of coldness in the teeth. Gums. Gums red and burning. General Mouth. Numerous small excrescences on the palate, which was bloody. Putrid odor from the mouth. Irritation of the sublingual glands. Taste. Taste, acid. Sweetish taste in the mouth. Bitter taste in the morning. Taste, like nitre.

Saliva. Salivation, with dryness of the mouth.


Globus hystericus, rising from the lower abdomen to the oesophagus. Incessant desire to clear the throat, caused by adherent mucus, Sensation of a foreign body in the throat.

Tickling in the throat, which provokes cough. Burning in the pit of the throat. Irritation of the tonsils. Sensation of acidity and burning in the oesophagus. Incarceration of air in the oesophagus. Pain on swallowing.


Appetite and Thirst. Desire for acid food. Loss of appetite.- Constant thirst. Eructations. Regurgitations. Eructations, preceded by heat in the lower abdomen, and lancinations in the colon. Acid eructations. Bitter eructations. Necessity to eructate, which is difficult. Empty eructations. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. Nausea after eating. Efforts to vomit.

Vomiting of food after eating. Constant vomiting, in a nursing infant. Stomach. Distension of the epigastric region. The epigastric region does not tolerate touch. Pain in the epigastrium. Pain in the whole of the epigastrium after a meal.

The epigastric pain corresponds to the pain in the loins. Heat, which rises from the stomach to the head.

Abdomen.- Hypochondria.

Pain in the liver and spleen, on pressure. Pain in the liver.- Pain in the spleen. Umbilicus. Intermittent piercing pain in the umbilical region. General Abdomen. Tympanitis of the abdomen.

Pain, tympanitis, and hardness of the abdomen, after a meal.

Fulness and hardness of the abdomen. Constant flatulence.

Borborygmi. Rumbling in the viscera. Pain all about the waist.

Desire to tighten the clothes.

Pain in the descending colon, after a meal. Pain in the intestines continues through the whole of digestion. Pressing pain in the colon. Piercing, insupportable pain in the colon on becoming erect. Lancinations in the colon. Laughing causes heat in the lower abdomen.

Rectum and Anus.

Burning and itching in the anus, aggravated during an evacuation.

Stool, followed by prickling and itching in the anus. Stools preceded by pricking in the anus, and followed by itching.

Ineffectual efforts for stool.


Diarrhoea or constipation. Stool less copious. Stools of a sour odor, in children.

Urinary organs.

Cramp like pain in the kidneys, at night, obliging change of position. Pain, burning, in the kidneys. Pain in the kidneys and loins, which prevents moving and talking. Pain in the kidneys prevents stooping, in a women. Pain in the kidneys, aggravated by going upstairs. Pain in the kidneys, relieved by lying on the back. Coldness and heat in the kidneys, in a women, Pain in the bladder, on urinating. Pain and burning in the bladder, after waking. Urine abundant, red. Urine less abundant. The urine decomposes rapidly. The urine deposits a gelatinous red sediment.

Sexual Organs.-Male.

Erections, on waking.- Constant erections.- Pricking pain in the spermatic cords.- Great desire for coition. Loss of desire for coition.- Repugnance to coition.- Female.Redness of the vulva, with pruritus.-Pressing pain in the uterus.-Bloody discharge from the vagina.- Yellowish leucorrhoea.- Burning in the vagina.- Burning pain in the vagina during coition.-Dryness of the vagina.

Respiratory organs.

Burning in the larynx. Hacking cough, caused by tickling in the larynx. Dry cough, at night, with burning in the throat. Dry cough. Difficult respiration. Respiration short. Panting on walking.


Sensation of dilatation of the left lung. Sensation of weakness of the lungs. Pain in the chest. Pleuritic pains. Intercostal pain, principally in the left side. Pricking in the chest. Pain on the sternum. Mammae. Abundance of milk. The milk in the left breast is more abundant. Pain in the breast, on raising it.

Burning on the tips of the breasts, especially of the left.

Heart and Pulse.

Pain in the heart. Palpitations, with difficult respiration.

Palpitation of the heart from the least emotional excitement.- Pulse full and hard, at the beginning of the proving, afterwards small and quiet.

Neck and Back.

Cramp like pain in the neck, at night, obliging him to change the position. Lumbago, which prevents walking. Pain in the center of the scapula. Pain in the scapula, while standing, aggravated by stooping. Pain in the loins.


Trembling of the limbs. Weakness of the limbs, relieved by urinating. Sciatic pain in the limbs, especially in the right limb. Drawing pain in the right limb.

Superior Extremities.-Shoulder.

Shoulders. Heavy pain in the shoulders. Pain over the whole extent of the shoulders. Boring pain in the right shoulder, and in the corresponding breast, which prevents respiration. Pressure on the shoulders and chest, at night. Lancinations in the shoulders, aggravated on bending over. Arm. Trembling of the arms. Weakness of the arms. Numbness and heaviness of the right arm. Arms numb, with desire to stretch them. Forearm. Rigidity of the muscles of the forearm. Sudden pain in the forearm, followed by numbness. Pain in the forearms, by the pulse. Pain in the right pulse. Hand. Swelling of the veins of the hands. Swelling of the hands, principally of the right. Blackish color of the right hand. Yellowish color of the hands. Redness and perspiration of the hands. At night, numbness of the hand on which he was resting the cheek. Hands numb. Heaviness of the right hand. Pain over the whole of the hand. Pain in all the articulations of the hands. Pressing pain in the articulation of the hands, principally in the right hand. Burning in the hands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.