Spirea Ulmaria homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…

      Common names: Queen of the meadows: (G.), Spierstaude.


Spiraea ulmaria, Linn.

Natural order: Rosacea.

Preparation: Tincture of fresh root.


At 1 A.M. he was attacked with remorse over a long-past slight indiscretion, with most fearful qualms of conscience and loathing of himself; on account of this he could not rest, but was obliged to rise and walk about (eighth night).


Headache especially noticed on shaking the head, associated with increased warmth of the body, as if the blood were flowing more rapidly than usual through the vessels (sixth day). Headache relieved towards evening (sixth day). Pulsative headache in the left frontal eminence, like a pressure and fulness, worse on stooping and sneezing, better in the open air (sixth day). The headache was seated the whole day in the forehead, but afterwards became concentrated beneath the left frontal eminence, and disappeared after walking in the cold open air (seventh day).

Dulness and heaviness in the head, with pressive headache in both frontal eminences; pain like a fulness, aggravated by moving and shaking the head, when it seemed as though the brain were moving back and forth (seventh day). On lying down at 11 P.M., just as he was falling asleep, but was only half asleep, there was a sensation as if all his senses vanished, with an indescribable sensation in the head like vertigo, and a feeling as though all the blood left the head, with a prickling in the face; this was followed by sudden waking, after which he could not fall asleep for a long time until after midnight, with a distressing burning itching on the scalp. He fell asleep towards morning; the sleep was full of vivid dreams of everything that he knew, only indistinctly remembered (seventh day). Dulness of the head, with similar fulness and heaviness in the upper part of the abdomen and under the ribs, after a light meal (eight day). Pain over the whole head, as if a ring were tightened about the head, with heaviness. On shaking the head, it seemed as if the brain wabbled to and fro. After this he fell asleep, and woke about 7 A.M. with some headache, which disappeared on rising; heaviness and dulness in the head remained (ninth day). After washing with cold water, which was very unpleasant, the head felt large; this sensation extended upward from the cheeks, was associated with pressure and burning in the throat and oesophagus, which latter was very violent and almost intolerable, immediately followed by an attack of vertigo, with heat of the cheeks (ninth day). An hour after the dose, heaviness and dulness of the head, like commencing headache (fourteenth day). A pressive headache and fulness in the forehead, worse in the house than in the open air (fourteenth day). The headache disappeared about 8 P.M.

(fourteenth day).


In the morning, after rising, the eyes (especially the left eye) were filled with mucus, that had dried to crusts on the lashes and in the canthi, with indistinct vision, as through a mist, relieved by blinking and rubbing the eyes. Lachrymation of the left eye, with smarting and increased sensation of warmth in it. The sclerotic is bright red (tenth day). On waking after the midday nap, he could not open his eyes for a long time, on account of leaden heaviness of the lids, with frequent headache, as after intoxication, that continued after rising, with pain and pressure in the forehead, as if full. Towards evening the frontal headache was better and was felt more in the left frontal eminence (thirteenth day). Sensation as if something hot mounted into the eyes, causing biting and burning, and a feeling as if tears would flow, though they did not (sixth day).


Increased redness of the face (fourteenth day). Sensation as if the blood mounted into the face, with a sensation of heat in the face and eyes (sixth day).


Slight drawing toothache in the left back teeth, without ability to tell whether in the upper or lower jaw (eighth day).


After the first dose, sensation of increased warmth in the pharynx, extending down the whole length of the oesophagus to the stomach, where it seemed to concentrate (second day). A burning pressure in the oesophagus, as before noted, usually disappeared over night, and immediately reappeared after a dose in the morning; the sensation was partly relieved by eating and by drinking, disappeared entirely while eating and drinking, but not on empty swallowing (sixth day). The burning and pressure in the same spot in the oesophagus was to-day especially severe; it seemed as though the oesophagus were forcibly constricted, with many eructations of much gas; this sensation was relieved during the eructations, and while eating was associated with a sensation as if a large hard body were forcibly pressing through the oesophagus (seventh day). Burning in the spot already described in the oesophagus is to-day more like a pressure, with a sensation as if the oesophagus were too small, without, however, affecting swallowing; it extended up to the pharynx and down into the stomach, where there was a peculiar sensation of qualmishness (eighth day). Towards evening, a sensation of coldness in the pharynx and oesophagus is especially noticed; it even did not disappear after eating (eighth day). A cold sensation in the oesophagus extended to both anterior sides of the chest, beneath the nipples, and into the upper portion of the pharynx, with oppression of the chest, which obliged deep breathing (ninth day). Pressure in the pharynx and oesophagus continued the same as yesterday (tenth day). Sensation of increased warmth in the pharynx, extending down to the stomach; feeling of warmth in the oesophagus, opposite the manubrium sterni (fourteenth day).


Immediately after the dose the hunger disappeared, and only returned about 9.30 P.M., but was soon appeased by a little foot (fourteenth day). There was no relish for smoking; a sensation as though one had not smoked for a long time, as after a long illness (seventh day). During the day, there were frequent eructations of odorless gas (fifth day). Frequent eructations of much gas (eighth day). Eructations of much gas always after eating and drinking (ninth day). Repeated eructations of gas (twelfth day). A sensation of burning warmth in a small spot beneath the ensiform process, as if something hot or acrid had been taken, though without pain. In the evening this sensation became very acute and almost like heartburn, but less severe (second day). The sensation of warmth felt yesterday in the pit of the stomach (cardiac orifice) is to-day less in the stomach than in the oesophagus, about the region of the manubrium sterni, and is more decidedly a burning sensation, noticed after every dose. In the intervals between the doses, this sensation almost entirely disappeared, so that it was scarcely noticed; the heat reappeared after each dose (third day).


Frequent emission of very offensive flatus (sixth day). During the stool, moving about and slight griping in the lower part of the abdomen (sixth day). After eating, movings about in the navel, with a sensation of heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen and pressure upon the rectum, with emission of odorless flatus, immediately followed by a small crumbly evacuation, after which the heaviness in the abdomen was still felt (eighth day).

After a light meal, movement in the lower part of the abdomen, with rumbling and slight griping, followed by desire for stool, with emission of odorless flatus (ninth day).

Rectum and Anus.

Crawling and prickling in the rectum, with a sensation as if drawn inward (eighth day). During the stool, a sensation as if the anus would not open sufficiently (sixth day). The stool, in the evening, was followed for a long time by prickling constrictive sensation in the anus (fifth day). A prickling sensation of closure in the anus, especially in the evening (sixth day). Sensation of forcible closure of the anus, with crawling, prickling, and sticking, more while walking than while sitting (eighth day). In the evening there was several times a sensation as if a stool would occur, associated with a stitch from the region of the bladder to the rectum which became forcibly closed, and some flatus was passed, but only after long pressure (sixth day). Frequent desire for stool, that suddenly disappeared (eighth day).


Instead of one stool there were two; the first, in the morning, was unsatisfactory, but not hard; the faeces were lumpy, like balls of hare’s dung, without being hard, and of a normal color (fifth day). Stool, which usually occurred in the morning, now occurred about 4 P.M., with long pressure and straining, as if the faeces could not be evacuated from the rectum; the evacuation was scanty, hard, like sheep’s dung (sixth day). Before falling asleep an evacuation, half of which was hard, the rest soft and rather thin, accompanied by prickling, biting and burning in the anus for a long time after the stool (sixth day). In the evening a small evacuation, at first thick, afterwards thin, but not hard, with prickling and contraction in the anus after the evacuation (seventh day). About 1 P.M. a small half crumbly, half normal evacuation without difficulty (ninth day). About 10 P.M. a somewhat hard stool, accompanied and followed by burning and soreness in the anus, and a sensation as if the anus were drawn up into the rectum and something hard were still remaining there (ninth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.