Spongia homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


Spongia officinalis, Linn. Animal kingdom. Sub-kingdom, Coelenterata. Class, Spongia. Preparation: Tincture, prepared by digesting 20 g rains of powdered sponge, which has been roasted brown (in a manner similar to coffea tosta), with 400 drops of Alcohol.


Irresistible desire to sing, with excessive joyfulness, lasting half an hour (after half an hour); followed by distraction of mind and disinclination for all work, lasting an hour. Unusually cheerful (second day). Taciturn and discontented mood. Pert, witty mood. Anxiety, as if a misfortune would befall him, which he seemed to foresee. She is very fearful and tormented by a frightful image of a past sad even. She was very easily frightened, and started at every trifle; it always seemed to shoot into her feet, and afterwards they seemed to remain heavy.

Fretfulness; he talked and answered very unwillingly. Fretful and lazy; wished to rest and was little inclined to talk (after three hours). Scornful, obstinate, ill-humored. She is dissatisfied with what she accomplishes; she cannot rightly help herself at work; she does not succeed. Alternately lively and lachrymose, and peevish quarrelsome mood.

Head.- Vertigo.

Vertigo, with tendency to fall backward. Vertigo, while sitting, as if the head would fall to one side, with a sensation of heat in the head (after a quarter of an hour). There seemed to be a whirling of the head, she staggered and was obliged to steady herself as in intoxication (after half an hour). General Head.

Dulness of the head; he staggered as if intoxicated, while walking, for an hour (after half an hour). The head is dull and stupid. Heaviness of the head (after a quarter of an hour).

Heaviness of the head all day. The head felt heavy on raising it from the table upon which he had leaned it to rest. Heaviness and fulness in the head, aggravated by stooping. Increased rush of blood to the head. Violent rush of blood to the brain, with heat in the forehead externally; perceptible pulsation in the arteries of the neck (after one hour). Weakness of the head and a dulness, which makes him unfit for all mental effort, a feeling of weariness through the whole body. Headache, loss of appetite, sleepiness, lassitude in the whole body, fretfulness; out of humor with everything. Staring at any point causes headache and lachrymation. A feeling in the head as if everything would press out at the forehead. Pressive sensation in the head, several times a day. Whizzing in the head, in the region of the ear upon which she was lying in bed, like a violent pulsation, always with a double beating; if she lay upon the other ear then she felt it in that side. Over the whole side on which there is a small goitre, a jerking aching; a throbbing in the head, that extends down into the cheeks, and into the neck, as a tearing. Forehead.

Pressive headache in the forehead (after a quarter of an hour).

Pressure in the left side of the forehead (after eight hours and a half). Dull pressive pain extending from within outward, in the right frontal eminence (after thirty hours). Dull pressive headache, from the forehead above the eyes to the occiput and nape of the neck, lasting ten hours, till falling asleep (after three hours). Violent pressure in the forehead and occiput, at the same time, as if pressed towards each other, at noon (after five hours). Pressing-outward pain in the upper part of the left side of the forehead, while sitting, disappearing after rising (after six hours and a half). Sensation of accumulation of blood, in the forehead. Jerking stitches in the forehead, aggravated by walking (after five hours). Boring, needle-like stitches, from within outward, in the left side of the forehead, while walking in the open air (after thirty-four hours). Needle like stitches, extending transversely in the left side of the forehead (after four hours). Fine pressive stitches, now in the forehead, now in the occiput, only on every motion, with a sensation of burning heat, extending from the region behind the ear over the occiput to the nape of the neck. Temples. Sharp pressure in both temples externally (after a quarter of an hour). Pressive sensation from within outward, in the right temple (after an hour and a quarter). Violent tearing headache in the left temple close to the orbit, which also causes a pressive sensation in the left half of the same eye (after two hours). (* Hartmann given as authority in first edition of Hahnemann.*) Sharp stitches externally in the left temple, extending to the forehead (after six and fourteen hours). Throbbing in the left temple. Vertex and Parietals. Drawing pain in the vertex (immediately). Pressive headache in the vertex (after five minutes). Dull headache in the right half of the brain on entering a warm room from the open air (after one hour and a half, and thirty-five hours). Pressive pain drawing down in the right side of the head and neck (after four hours). Pressive headache, from within outward, in the right parietal bone, while lying down. Jerking through both sides of the head, especially in the temples, extending to the top of the head whenever he jerks the arms, and as he steps (after one hour). Occiput. Painful heaviness in the occiput, as if lead were in it, while walking, recurring by paroxysms (after one hour and a half). In the afternoon, headache in the occiput like a heaviness and stitch, whenever he turned the head, with heat of the face, hands, and feet, and chilliness of the rest of the body, and inclination to coryza; with weakness of the body and bitterness in the mouth; in the evening after undressing shaking chill, and a quarter of an hour afterwards, in bed, heat over the whole body, except on the thighs, which were numb and chilly; at night, sweat. Violent pressing pain in the left side of the occiput, as if it would burst (after nine hours and a half).

External Head. Unpleasant sensitiveness of the scalp, especially on moving it (after a quarter of an hour). Sensation as if the hair on the vertex were bristling, or as if some one moving it, aggravated by every motion of the body (after one hour). A gnawing pain externally on the top of the head (after one hour).

Burning in the right side of the scalp (after fifteen hours).


Eyes deeply sunken. The eyes have a weak look, and the lids are swollen as after intoxication, or as if he had been awake all night; wherewith he was weak, weary, and sleepy (after three hours and a quarter). Redness of the white of the eye. The eyes suppurate. Subjective. Tension in the left eye by the temple (after a quarter of an hour). Pressure and sticking in the right eye. Burning in the left eye, about the ball. Sticking in the eye. Sticking itching beneath the left eye is somewhat relieved by rubbing (after five hours). Sticking, and at last pressive pain in both eyes, in the evening (after nine hours). Brow and Orbit. A yellow crusty eruption on the left eyebrow, painful only when touched. Pressive pain above the right eye, rather external (after half an hour). Lids. Lids of the left eye drawn together, in the morning in bed, so that she could open them only with difficulty. Heaviness of the eyelids. Pressive heaviness of the lids, as if they would close (after a quarter of an hour).

Pressure around about beneath the eyelids. Burning pain on the outer surface of the left lower lid. Sudden sticking drawing in the left external canthus, which extends around the eye, above and below, towards the inner canthus, (after one hour and a half). Tensive sticking pain in the left external canthus, worse on moving the eyes, disappearing on touch (after four hours and a half). Itching of the eyelids. Lachrymation. Profuse watering of the eye. Vision. She is able to recognize distant objects only with great effort.


Pain in the cartilages of the ears, as from soreness, not affected by touch (after a quarter of an hour). Tensive pain in a swelling at the entrance of the meatus, and a crawling as if it would break into an ulcer, with at times stitches (after fifteen hours and a half). Fine stitches, from within outward, in the right ear, as if through the drum (immediately). Earache, a constrictive pain (after three hours). Pressure and forcing in the ears. Cramplike pain in the left ear, when walking in the open air (after twenty-four hours and a half). Drawing in the right inner ear (after nine hours). Burning in the orifice of the right ear. Hearing. Difficult hearing. Dull ringing in the ears (after half an hour). Ringing in the right ear (after ten hours).


Sneezing and frequent coryza. Stopped coryza (after twenty-five hours). Violent and long-continued nosebleed, from slight blowing of the nose, while at dinner (after three days). (Mucous stoppage of the nose). Dulness and sensation of gloominess over the root of the nose, as if a common cold were approaching (soon). Tearing in the nose. A tense contracted sensation over the root of the nose (after eleven hours and a half). Crawling stitches in the left nasal bone (after half an hour).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.