Stannum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


The element, Tin.

Preparation: Trituration of the pure metal.


Excited and inclined to storms of anger (fourth day). Violent, very transient anger. Remarkably joyful. Talkative; sociable.

Quite good-humor (after fourteen hours). Quiet, absorbed in himself, with great discomfort of the body. Quiet, absorbed in himself, solicitous for the future. Sad, hypochondriac mood.

Discontented. Great anxiety and depression a week before the menses, ceasing on the appearance of the flow. Indescribable anxiety and despondency for several days. Discouraged. Contented with nothing without being fretful. Fretfulness disappearing, in the open air, the whole day. Quiet fretfulness; he answers unwillingly and abruptly; easily vexed, and easily gets into a temper. Peevishness and transient sensitiveness (first three days). Vexations; nothing goes to suit him. Aversion and dread of people. Restless and distracted; no persistence in work, immediately. Fruitlessly busy, as if a rush of ideas prevented him from completing his work at a certain time; all sorts of things occur to him to be done. Indolent and irritable, with heat in the face; would do everything, but really does nothing. Is inclined to do no work, and inability to think. Dulness of mind, indifference to external objects, indisposition, with paleness and darkness about the eyes. Disinclination to talk. Want of memory, in the morning on waking.

Head.-Confusion and Vertigo.

Confusion and dulness of the head, as before coryza, which however, did not occur, with sneezing. Vertigo, as if the brain were whirling around; all thought vanished, and he could not continue to read, and sat as if without his senses. Sudden attacks of vertigo, while sitting down. Vertigo, as if all objects were at too great a distance. Stupefying vertigo, only when walking in the open air; he reels as if he would fall.

Dizziness in the whole head. Dizziness, while sitting, as if he would fall. Dizziness, in the morning on waking from a long sleep, as if he had not slept enough. General Head. Heaviness and dulness of the head, worse in the evening. Heaviness of the head during rest and motion, in the evening, lasting two hours (after nine hours). Heaviness and tearings throughout the head (twenty- fifth day). Almost constant heaviness throughout the head sometimes only at the top (thirtieth day). Painful heaviness throughout the whole head, sometimes in the forehead only, or in the temples (tenth day). Now and then, violent heaviness in the head, sometimes general, sometimes partial; sometimes at one point, sometimes at another (twelfth day). General heaviness throughout the head, especially in the occiput (twentieth day).

Feeling of weakness in the head, and sleepiness. Pain and heat in the head, in the morning on waking. Headache mostly every morning, with loss of appetite; nausea and fretfulness. The action of raising or of bowing the head causes pain in the muscles which are involved in these movements (twentieth day).

Painful sensation on shaking the head, as if the brain were loose and beat against the skull. Boring, pressive, stupefying pain in the left half of the brain of the surface. Dizzy pressure through the whole head. Constriction and sudden pressure in the whole upper part of the head, slowly increasing and decreasing. Painful pressing in the brain towards the vertex and occipital bones, in the evening, also after lying down. Frequent sensation, as if screwed inward in the head, with slow jerks or drawing pressure here and there at times. Pain, as if the brain were forced asunder, and were tense. Cramp like pain, as if the head were externally constricted by a band. Sharp jerking pains in the right anterior lobe of the brain, above the orbit (twenty-fourth day). Pressive tearing from each side of the brain to the top of the skull (twenty-fifth day). Sharp and deep seated stitches in the lower part of the left anterior lobe of the brain (above the arch of the orbit), (tenth day). Tingling in the head; noise resound in it. Forehead. Headache in the frontal region. Pain, as from a crashing, in the forehead. Pressure in the forehead.

Pressure in the forehead; aggravated by bending backward, relieved by pressure. Pressive stupefying pain in the brain, just above the eyebrows, during the rest and motion. Pressing outward at the frontal eminence. Pressure outward at the forehead, with sleepiness, relieved by pressure. Dull pressure from within outward, in the forehead. Pressure in the middle of the forehead, extending deep into the brain. Pressure in the forehead, temples, and vertex, relieved by external pressure. A sudden pressive jerk in the left forehead and temple, so that he cried aloud. Violent jerks in the forehead, alternating with dull pressure. Drawing through the forehead and vertex, with a pressive sensation.

Burning pain, like fire, in one-half of the forehead, as also in the nose and eyes, with external heat in the parts all alike, during rest and motion; was obliged to lie down, with nausea and retching as to vomiting, from morning till evening. *Pressive tearing in the forehead.,-*Pressive tearing in the right half of the forehead at intervals, aggravated by stooping. Tearing pain, but transient, in the forehead, the top of the head, and the occiput; afterwards shifting now to one point, then to another, and sometimes affecting the whole head; generally more violent in the forehead (twenty-fourth day). Frequently during the day, cutting, penetrating pains in the left anterior portion of the brain; they last some moments, and cease, to be renewed subsequently (fortieth day). Shootings from the anterior portion of the brain to the right side (twenty-third day). Dull shootings in the left anterior side of the head (thirty-fifth day).

Stitchlike headache, especially in the left side of the forehead, with fluent coryza. Sticking headache in the forehead, even during rest, for several days; on stooping, everything presses outward at the forehead. A long, dull stitch in the left frontal eminence. Fine stitches in the middle of the forehead. Temple.

Boring pain in the left temple all day. Boring pressive pain in the right temple, relieved by external pressure. Compression in the temples and occiput. Pressure in the left temple beginning slight, then increasing and so again diminishing, as if the forehead would be pressed inward. Pressive pain outward in the right temples, almost as if external. Pain, like a pressing inward in the temples all day. Pressure in the right temple when lying upon it, disappearing on rising up. Pressive drawing in one temple and half of the forehead, causing confusion. Often- recurring, sharp, but transient pains in the right temples (twenty-second day). Sharp pains in the left temple; less severe in the right temple (seventh day). Pulsating stitches in the temples, with heat in the head, chilliness of the body and weakness of the head, so that he almost loses his reason, with slumbering and insensibility. Throbbing headache in the temples.

Vertex and Parietals. Painful sensation of heaviness in the top of the head, almost at the forehead (seventh day). Sometimes painful heaviness in the top of the head; now and then shooting in the right parietal region (seventeenth day). Sudden sharp pressure on the vertex, with a sensation as if the hair moved.

Pressive tearing in the left side of the vertex. Sudden dull stitches in the top of the head. Burning stitches on the vertex.

Pressive heaviness, with a feeling of emptiness in the left half of the brain. Pressive pain outward, in the right side of the head. Drawing pressure from the right parietal bone to the orbit.

Pressive tearing through the right side of the head. Tearing pressure in the right half of the head. Tearing in the left parietal bone, and in the forehead. From, time to time, violent dartings in the left side of the head, or in its posterior portion (twelfth day). Occiput. Painful heaviness in the occiput (twenty-first day). Painful and almost constant sense of weight on the occiput. Headache in the occiput. Boring in the occipital bones, with acute heaviness. Compression in the occiput, under the skull. Pressure outward, in the left side of the occiput.

Pressive tearing in the left occipital bone. Pressive tearing in the left side of the occiput. Shooting in the left posterior portion of the head (twentieth day). Constrictive pain in the right side of the occiput. External Head. Pain, as from suppuration of the head, externally. Burning tension on the forepart of the scalp, just above the right side of the forehead.


The eyes are prominent and painful, as after weeping. Nightly agglutination of the eyes, with weakness during the day. Dim, weak, sunken eyes (after two days). Eyes dim. Subjective. Pain in the eyes, as from rubbing with a woollen cloth, removed by moving the lids. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure in the left eye, as from a stye on the lid. Jerking in the eyes. Twitching in left eye, lasting a week. Several sharp dartings in the globe of the right eye (twenty-first day). Burning sticking in the right eye, toward the outer canthus. Burning in the eyes. Biting in the eyes, as after rubbing with a woollen cloth. Brow and Orbit. A pimple on the left eyebrow, with burning by itself and with pressive pain when touched. Sudden sensitive dull thrusts in the outer side of the upper margin of the left orbit. Jerklike drawing tearing externally above the left eyebrow. Drawing pressure in the upper margin of the left orbit. Sudden jerks on the upper margin of the right orbit and in other parts, with sensitive stupefaction of the head. In the upper part of the right orbit, shootings which penetrate from before backward into the substance of the brain (forty-second day). Lids. Stye in the inner angle of the right eye, Pustular swelling of the left inner canthus, like a lachrymal fistula. Twitching in the right inner canthus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.