
Valeriana homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


Valerian officinalis, Linn. Natural order: Valerianaceae. Common names: Valerian; (G.), Baldrian. Preparation: Tincture of the root.


Tremulousness, he has no rest anywhere, as one feels when expecting a joyful event (after one hour and a quarter). General malaise. General weariness, especially of the extremities. Great debility and drowsiness in the evening (second day). General discomfort. General discomfort in the whole body. Drawing in many places, now here, like transient jerks. Twitching and jerking in various parts of the muscles, superficially. Smarting pressure as if excoriated, or dull sticking, as with a hard, blunt tool, at a small spot in various parts.


Extremely delirious, attempting to get out of the window, threatening and vociferating violently. He complained of not being able to see, and did not recognize me nor members of the family about him, and imagined himself away from home, and beset with all sorts of danger, from which he was attempting to escape, although unable to walk without staggering from side to side. Agitation. Remarkable liveliness with great courage, with slight acceleration of the pulse. More joyous and active mood than usual, in the evening (second and third days). Very joyous mood all day (first day). Unusually joyous mood (soon). More cheerful than before; he comprehended everything more easily than before; a sort of joyfulness, as is sometimes felt after drinking coffee (first day). Morbid irritation of the nerves; although he appears more cheerful and vigorous than before, nevertheless his eyes, arms, knees, feel very weak, in the forenoon (after twenty-eight hours, second day). Seriousness) (second day). Anxiety, hypochondriac feeling, as if the objects around him had been estranged from him; the room appears to him desolate, he does not feel at home in the room, he is impelled to leave it (from the vapor). Fearfulness in the evening when sitting in the dark (imagining that some one might hurt him), (first day). Ill-humor. Disinclination for mental work. Great flow of ideas, one chasing the other, as in intoxication; confused, faint recollections of former thoughts and actions, presented themselves to his mind, but they chased one another with so much rapidity, that he at last became quite stupefied and lost his thoughts; he felt like one who is dreaming (from the vapor).


Head much confused (second day). Cloudiness of the head (from the vapor). Feeling of intoxication and vertigo when stooping; sensation as if everything were turning around her (after half an hour). Rush of blood to the head. Rush of blood of the head, with a feeling of fullness, especially under the vertex. Symptoms of congestion of the brain; pressing headache, extending from the right frontal region over the whole head, sometimes seated in the eyes and making them sensitive to every slight effort, at times also passing down to the angle of the lower jaw of the right side and causing a sensation as if asleep. Feeling of fullness in the head, apparently caused by rush of blood to the head, similar to the effect of a tight neck cloth (soon). Dulness of the head, changing to a pressive-drawing pain, especially in the frontal region. Sudden stupefaction in the head, causing him to stagger and almost to fall to one side, when standing. Stupid feeling in the head when stooping (after a quarter of an hour). Feeling in the head as after intoxication, somewhat elated (after half an hour). Heaviness of the head. Headache. Headache at night. Intense headache. Headache, usually in the forehead, at times very intense. Pressive headache in one or another part of the head. Headache an hour after dinner; pressure over the eyes, as if the eyeballs would be pressed out, especially when moving them, at 1 P.M. (after four hours). Headache, the aching especially violent over the orbits, at 11 P.M. (second day). Transient pain as if the had just had blow on the vertex, a painful, stupefying, contractive sensation, affecting the whole head, although it emanates from the vertex as the center, afterwards disappearing from the other parts of the head, and lastly from the vertex. Sticking headache. Sticking headache for eight hours. Forehead. Pressing frontal headache. Violent pressure in the forehead, followed in a few minutes by sticking in the forehead, and especially over the orbits; soon the sticking changes again to pressure, and so on in constant alternation; the sticking is like a darting tearing, as if it would pierce the eyes from within outward, continuing a few hours (after a quarter of an hour). Pressive pain extending from the right frontal region over the whole head(; the headache disappeared during a sound sleep at night, but returned the next morning and lasted three hours. Slight pressive headache, extending from the forehead to the vertex, especially towards the eyes, so that moderate exertion of the eyes caused a pressive sensation in the balls. Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead. Distressing pressive pain in the right frontal region, periodically extending to the left side. Supraorbital headache on the right side; this headache gradually increased for ten hours, and gave place to a sensation of heaviness. Numb tensive sensation behind the frontal eminence. A drawing together in the left half of the forehead, with a dull pressure. Constrictive drawing transversely across the forehead (after five minutes). Violent stitches (darting tearing) in the middle of the forehead, deep interiorly, coming and going at intervals (after two, three, and four hours). Temples. Dull pressure in the right temple, from without inward, at intervals (after eight minutes). Transient jerkings in the right temple. Vertex and Parietals. Pressing headache over the whole vertex. Sensation as if the vertex were spasmodically constricted. Sticking on the top of the head (10 P.M.). Pressure on the parietal hones. Drawing-aching pain in the right side of the head, during the flushes of heat over the cheeks; the pain afterwards extends as an aching pain into the orbit of the right eye; colic one or two hours after (second day). A current of air instantaneously causes a drawing pain in the right side of the head, at 5 P.M. (second day). Occiput. Pressure and drawing penetrating into the side of the occiput (from the vapor). Sensation as if some one were hammering internally in the occiput, which became intolerable, so that he forcibly turned his head to and fro (while half asleep in the evening), (second day).


The eyes shine. Pressure in the eyes only in the morning after rising; the margins of the eyelids seem swollen and sore, especially in the region of the left inner canthus; they look red (third day). Sensation of pressure in the right eye, as of a stye, at noon (after three hours). Smarting in the eyes, as if occasioned by smoke, at 3 P.M. (after six hours). Burning smarting in the eyes, at 10 A.M. (second day). Orbit. Painful drawing around the orbits, more toward the side, especially when stooping (after half an hour). Lids. Eyes somewhat agglutinated (first day). Pain and swelling of the eyelids (from 1 to 2 P.M., third day). Stitches in the inner canthus, at 11 A.M. (third day). Ball. Tearing in the right eyeball (from the vapor), (after two hours). Pupil. The pupils are somewhat dilated, at 9 A.M. (after half an hour). Pupils of eyes dilated to nearly whole extent of cornea, even when approached by a lighted candle. Vision. Dimness of sight, early in the morning, and pain in the eyes, as if he had not slept sufficiently (third day). He sees things at a distance more distinctly than usual. Scintillations before the eyes. Lights before the eyes, in the dark; the closed and dark room seemed to him filled with the light of twilight, so that he imagined he distinguished the object in the same; this was accompanied by a sensation as if he felt that things were near him, even when not looking at them; on looking, he perceived that the things were really there, at 10 P.M. (after thirteen hours).


Slight jerkings in the right meatus auditorius (after a quarter of an hour). Crampy drawing in the left ear. Ringing in the ears, in the evening when in bed, and illusion of hearing; he imagined he heard the ball strike, at 10 P.M. (after fourteen hours).


Violent sneezing.


Face injected. Quick painless twitching from time to time beneath the skin of the left cheek, which he though might be seen; this was not, however, the case; it went off for a short time by moving the hand over the cheek. Repeated transient crampy jerkings in the region of the left malar bone. Painful crampy drawing in the right malar bone, transient (after a quarter of an hour). Pimples in the white of the upper lip and on the cheek; small white vesicles on an elevated red border, painful to touch (fourth day). A pressure (almost resembling a darting) in the right side of the lower lip and in the gum of the right canine tooth (after one hour). Repeated dartings, as of electricity, in the right ramus of the lower jaw (after seven hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.