Case of Tonsillitis

Case of Tonsillitis where I was confused between Lachesis and Lac caninum and the alteration of sides helped me decide the remedy….

I was puzzled one day whether to give Lachesis or Lac. can., to a young man suffering from tonsillitis which had begun on the left side and extended to the right.

There were many symptoms which pointed alike to those two remedies. I was about to prescribe Lachesis when the sufferer said, “By the way, I had one attack of tonsillitis some years ago. My mother told me how strangely it acted. The trouble began on the left tonsil first, then attacked the right and afterwards the left again. Surely, I am not going to have another seize of the same kind.”

I changed my prescription to Lac. can., and the patient soon improved and he did not have a repetition of his former experience.

Bender P
Dr. P. Bender, author of "The Physical Examination of the Patient"

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