Strains, injuries of the Muscles, Bones in Horses

Homeopathy Treatment for Strains, injuries of the Muscles, Bones in Horses. Find the best homeopathic medicines to treat Strains, injuries of the Muscles, Bones in Horses naturally. …

Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus-t]

For all bad effects arising from straining the muscles, use Rhus toxicodendron, both externally and internally; the strong tincture diluted 20 times to be gently rubbed on the part twice a day; absolute rest is highly essential in cases of this sort.

Symphytum [Symph]

If the bone be injured, use Symphytum externally and internally in the same way.

Dose. Six drops in a little water to be given internally twice a day.

John Rush
John Rush, School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, USA. The Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, by John Rush, was published in 1854. Originally published in London by Jarrold and Sons. "The Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog and the Swine."