Homeopathy Remedy Badiaga

Badiaga homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Badiaga…

      The fresh-water sponge (Spongilla lacustris, Link.) is not uncommon in pounds and slow-flowing streams. It belongs to the section Protozoa of the animal kingdom. a tincture is made from the dried sponge; or it is triturated. Related Remedies-Iodine, Spongia.

Generalities and Mind

      Pains in various parts in afternoon, (<) motion, with stitches in the sides, especially in posterior apart of r. side. Soreness of muscles and integuments, especially the integuments, (<) motion and friction of clothes, afterward with sensitiveness to cold. Soreness of muscles and whole body, causing a restless and sleepless night. More inclined to mental activity in spite of headache.


      Aching from between 1 and 2 till between 6 and 7 P.M.; from 2 to 7 P.M., with pain in posterior part of eyeballs and in temples; (<) from 1 till 7 P.M., with pain in posterior part of eyeballs, (<) I: A., (<) 7 to 10 P.M., on a rainy day, with soreness of body. Aching in forehead in forenoon, (<) moving eyes, worse in temples and extending into posterior part of I. eyeball; in forehead, extending through I. temple and eye, (<) afternoon and evening; in forehead, extending to eyeballs, (<) afternoon and by motion with heat in forehead and catching in temples; in forehead in afternoon, 7 P.M., with heat and congestion. Scalp sore to touch, with tetter of forehead and dull, dizzy feeling of head in forenoon. Itching of scalp, with dandruff like like tetter; and dryness of hair.


      Irritation and inflammation of r. Scrofulous inflammation, with hardening of Meibomian glands. Intermittent pain in posterior part of r. ball at 3 P.M., the same next day, (<) afternoon, and in temple. Pain in balls, extending into temples, (<) turning them in either direction. Pain in I. ball and temple, extending to I. side of head and forehead. Soreness of I. ball, even on closing it tightly. Bluish-purple margins of lids and blueness under eyes. Twitching of I. upper lip.

Clinical Intermittent neuralgia of r. eyeball, extending to forehead and temple, (<) afternoon.

Ears, Nose and Face

      Hears slight shocks as of distant artillery in afternoon and evening. Sneezing, with coryza and cough (Iodium), (<) afternoon. sneezing, (<) afternoon and evening, with coryza, most on I. side, with occasional stoppage of nose; S., with fluent coryza and occasional stoppage of nose. Discharge from I. nostril; thick yellowish mucus, (<) afternoon, it is also hawked up. Face pale, ashy or lead-colored. L. cheek and malar-bone sore to touch.

Clinical Hay fever, sneezing and watery discharge, with asthmatic breathing Iod). paroxysms of suffocative cough, during the cough the mucus flies out of the mouth and nostrils.

Mouth and Throat

      Scalded feeling in mouth and tongue. Mouth and breath hot in afternoon and feverish, with thirst for large quantities of water at a time. Hawked up a viscid solid lump of bloody mucus in the morning. Throat inflamed and sore, (<) swallowing.

Stomach and Abdomen

      Appetite bad, with bad taste. Lancinations as pit of stomach at 8 A, m., extending to the vertebra opposite and top r. scapula, and at times to r. side, resulting there in a pleuritis pain in I. side, the pleuritis pains (<) by contortions of body and on full inspiration, lancinations in region of liver, with a bounding movement. Constipation.

Clinical Indurated buboes (Iodium).

Urinary Organs

      Lancinations in orifice of urethra and near it, at noon. Urine reddish; high-colored.

Genital Organs

      Clinical – Uterine haemorrhage, (<) night, with feeling of enlargement of the head.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough, (>) in warm room. Cough, with yellowish mucous expectoration. Spasmodic cough from tickling in larynx as if sugar were dissolved in the throat, (<) afternoon, ejecting viscid mucus from bronchial tubes, which at times flew forcibly out of the mouth, next day similar paroxysms, (<) after 1 P.M., causing sneezing, with coryza most from I. nostril.

Clinical Whooping cough, with thick yellow expectoration, it flies out of the mouth half across the room.


      Lancinations in r. supraclavicular region, in or near subclavian artery, in evening, afterwards drawing lancinations in evening. Stitches in side, (<) r., from seventh to eighth rib, (<) motion. Pleuritic stitches, (<) afternoon and evening, with soreness of whole body, especially the chest. Pleuritic pains in sides in afternoon, (<) motion or full inspiration, with stitches. Pain in. side on contortions of body.


      Is heard and felt to pulsate from chest up to neck at night while lying on r side. Pulsations felt and heard while lying., extending up to neck on slightest emotion or thought. Vibrating palpitation on least elation or other emotion. Vibrating palpitation at midnight in bed, then while lying on r. side sensation as if lower lobe of I. lung were settling down or collapsing, (>) changing position.

Neck and Back

      Stitches in nape, (<) bending head back and forth, with soreness and lameness. Stitches in nape, (<) flexing head back and forth, with stiffness. Intermittent drawing pain in nape. Stitches below r. scapula, (<) throwing shoulders back and chest forward or by contortions of body, at times causing a moan or shriek. Pain in or her head of r scapula. Painful drawing downward from. scapula to near spine, a similar sensation in forehead, and slightly in a decayed molar. Pain in small of back, hips and lower limbs. Pain in r. kidney in afternoon.


      Pain in lower limbs; in r. knee at 2 P.M.; in I. knee on going up or down-stairs; running from anterior of r. leg to posterior of r. thigh between 12 O’ clock and 1 P.M.; intermittent, in muscles of lower posterior third of r. leg, with a sore, contracted, clumsy, bruised feeling of anterior muscles of lower third of r. leg, (<) by flexing foot and ascending stairs, when the toes tend to drop, as if the foot were asleep, though without a sensation as if asleep, though without a sensation as if asleep. Anterior muscles of r. leg sore as if beaten, with a contracted feeling, sore upon ascending stairs or walking, with a numb feeling whole sitting or lying, afterwards the sore numb feeling (<) ascending stairs or flexing foot. Stinging in posterior part of r. heel, (<) pressure.

Skin, etc

      Itching of I. wing of nose. Awoke at 3 A.M., with frightful dreams and crampy pain in metatarsal bones. Palms dry; and hot.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.