Homeopathy Remedy Bovista

Bovista homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Bovista …

      A tincture is made of he entire puff-ball (Lycoperdon bovista, L.).

General Action

      Its most marked action seems to be upon circulation predisposing to haemorrhage (compare Ergot, Ustilago and other allied fungi).

Relations-Carbo veg. (and the Carbons), Aloes, Magnes. c., Secale, Phosph.


      Awkwardness, everything falls from his hands. Stretching without sleepiness. Fell down and remained motionless, with despair. Fell down in a swoon when trying to walk, and her limbs and body became stiff.

Bruised feeling in whole body on motion and tough, especially in joints of arms and in abdominal muscles. (Sensation as if intoxicated with wine.) General anxiety and weakness of body, eructations, distention of abdomen, passage of flatus, yawning, stretching of limbs and irresistible sleepiness. Restlessness; with anxiety, unpleasant warmth, heaviness in abdomen and alternating sensation of coldness through body. Sudden attack lie faintness at noon when sitting down, as if objects turned bottom upward. Weariness; in morning on rising later than after a walk; during and after dinner; after dinner, obliging her to sleep.


      Sensitiveness, offense at everything. Ill humor; in morning after rising; in afternoon during headache; with indifference to life; with apprehension and confusion of head Apprehension, with fretfulness and disinclination to work. Anguish, sensation as if enveloped in black vapor. Melancholy, and towers evening weariness; then alternating moods. Life seemed very charming to him at one time, at another very hateful. Liveliness in company, but when along sadness and indifference to everything. Exhilaration in morning, but peevishness in evening.

Indifference to external objects. Aversion to everything after dinner. Courage, Vigor and desire to fight with everybody. talkative. Open-hearted, she spoke of her own failings. Stupid feeling. Thoughts confused. Absent-minded, writes several words entirely wrong and omits syllables; A., with vacant look; so that she could not remember what she had been told or ordered. Memory weak.


      Tearing, with heaviness and bruised sensation. Aching in morning; in open air, with heaviness, mostly in occiput, the A.? at night, returned in morning on going into open air, (<) in room; at night, (<) raising it, (>) towards morning; with weariness; with heaviness, which makes him ill-humored and unable to think continuously, the pain (<) lying and on waking from midday nap, with pulsations in head, the pain chiefly over nose, which is stopped; intermittent.

Raging pain in brain, as if suppurating, at 8 A.M., beginning in cold air and continuing in the room. Aching on waking at 3 A.M., as if the head would burst, with which he feels every pulsation, (>) sweat, especially on head. A after waking, as from too much sleep, stupefying A., especially in forehead. All the pains are felt deep in brain. Brain feels as if screwed together in morning, (>) open air, with heaviness. Contractive sensation (>) after breakfast, with dullness. Drawing around, without pain.

Enlarged sensation with the headache. Heaviness Stupidity in evening with heaviness and bruised feeling. Confusion; on stooping, mostly in I. temple, with pain; after coition, with vertigo and sleeplessness; (<) in morning, with emptiness and drawing; with inability to think correctly and with heaviness and pressure in forehead.

Vertigo; in morning; in morning on rising, with stupefaction so that he nearly fell; after rising from stooping, with stupidity; while standing, with heaviness of head, then sudden jerking backward of head with sensation as if all his senses would leave him; in sudden attacks in standing after headache in morning, with stupidity in head and unconsciousness; which drew him backward; even to falling forward towards evening; the room seemed to turn about with him; as if everything turned a circle with her, in morning on rising.

Forehead-Stitches; over I. eye; over I. eye after dinner, with redness of cheek, without external heat; in r. side, in r. eminence, extending towards r. ear, with tearing. in middle, rather externally, on evening; deep in in evening. Tearing on stooping, with heaviness in head and burning in r. eye. T. in middle rather externally in morning; extending to I. side of occiput, then back to forehead and becoming seated in I. temple; in sinciput, especially above orbits, extending into root of nose. Pain; above r. eye, extending towards temple; deep in I. side in morning on moving about, with heaviness and pressing upon eye, with cloud before I. eye, which disappeared by frequent wiping; intermittent twitching, in brain above r. eminence at 2.P.N., with peevishness; heavy, especially on temples. Pain full contraction at root of nose, extending outward behind I. frontal eminence, with stitches, as if the eminence would be screwed together, and lachrymation of I. eye, then sensitiveness of the place above I. eye to pressure, after the pain ceased general; heat and feeling as if sweat would break out during dinner. Boring outward in I. side at 8 P.M. Sudden turning when sitting or sensation of a sudden current of air above I. eye, above root of nose.

Temples-Sticking in I., with jerking. Tearing in I., extending towards ear; intermittent in r., and in r. half of forehead; ranging or digging, deep in brain in afternoon. Aching in r. in morning, with throbbing and fretfulness, the A. extending to neck; compressive, starting from temples. Heaviness.

Vertex-Stitches on I. side in evening, with pain on touch; S. in afternoon, extending over whole head. Tearing in morning, with bruised pain on touch and with tearing on margin of r. concha. Pressure. Stupefying pain, with heat in eyes. Bruised pain on I. side. Drawing in whole top of head.

Sides-Stitches in r. at 7 A.M.; on r., near vertex; in I. parietal; bone; sudden. like boring, deep in r., side, with Dullness. Tearing in r. pressure in both; in I.; in both in evening on entering house, with throbbing. Pain in brain as if it would be pressed from both sides in afternoon; compressive P. in both, on entering room after walking in cold air; bruised, in whole r. at 10 A.M., affecting eye; almost a throbbing in a spot on I., at 1 P.M. Painful throbbing in r., as in an ulcer. Beating in r. at 7 A.M., on entering r., as in an ulcer. Beating in. at 7 A.M., on entering r., as in an ulcer. Beating in r. at 7 A.M., on entering room from cold air, with raging. Painful. heaviness in r.

Occiput-Stitches in I. side at 7 A.M.; in I. side, with tearing; boring in afternoon in a warm room, extending top forehead over I. eye. Tearing and at same time in lower jaw. Pain, with tension in temples P. in forenoon, extending over vertex to forehead; on both sides in afternoon, till evening, extending to forehead, with feeling in O. as if everything would protrude; as if a wedge, with heaviness, with inclination of eyelids to fall, feeling as if eyes would be drawn backward, and with anxiety and unconsciousness body.

Scalp-Hair falls out. Reddish blisters with itching. Pimples and itching. Sore pots,. with itching. Itching, (<) morning; I. extending to nape, (<) becoming arm, not (>) scratching, so that he must scratch the forehead sore. Sensitiveness to touch.


      Inflammation of I. Weakness, without lustre or snap. Tearing deep in r., extending above it to as if something were in them,, with redness of I.; as if something were in., with lachrymation. Heat in r., with painful contractive sensation, then in both, and stuck heat in cheeks that she thought they would burst. lachrymation in morning.

Redness of canthi. Agglutination of lids in morning; of I. involuntary closure or lids, with redness of eyes. Difficulty opening in morning. Irritation of lids. Tension in I. brow., Sticking in r. orbit. Pressure deep in r. orbit during menses, with whirling and sensitiveness to pressure. It seems as if there were a veil before E. in morning on rising. Vision distorted, it seems as if some scissors with which a person was cutting paper two steps away were close to her eyes.


      Ulcer in r., with pain on swallowing. Twitching in both external E., with pain in. on swallowing. STitches; in r. Tearing in I. in afternoon in front of r. after dinner; deep in r., with tensive sensation on border of concha Picking in I. as if something were in it. Drawing. Itching, and in eyes; (>) boring in with finger; with difficult hearing. Tingling in I., with diminished hearing. Indistinct hearing, misunderstanding and mistakes in speaking. (Noises like rain, (<) r).


      Scabby nostrils. Scab in nostril frequently renewed, after removal burning of the sore place. Redness where septum unites with upper lip, with soreness. Contraction over N., with heaviness and pressure, as if the skin were too short. Burning in nostril as if sore. Itching in upper part of r. nostril with ineffectual attempts to sneeze. Sensation of coryza, with swelling of it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.