Homeopathy Remedy Carbolic Acid

Carbolic Acid homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Carbolic Acid…

      The pure crystals may be dissolved in Alcohol, and the solution diluted for use.

General Action

      A powerful protoplasmic poison. It destroys life by producing paralysis of heart and respiration; preceded by vertigo, roaring in ears, profuse sweat, contracted pupil and collapse. It some- times produces convulsions. The blood is disorganized, and haemoglobinuria results (black urine). It produces an inflammation of mucous membranes, characterized by hard, shrivelled membranous patches of exudation. Applied to the skin, anaesthesia results. The stomach is sometimes paralyzed, so that one cannot vomit.

Allies. Pic-ac., Petrol., Phosphorus, Ars-hyd., Kali-chl.


      Blood black, thick, without shimmer, of peculiar brown color by transmitted light, smelling of the acid, the clot soft, without air, diffluent, had not contracted by next day. Swelling of the body. Fell to the ground; insensible. Uttered an exclamation, became unconscious, with tremor of limbs, pallor of skin, clammy sweat, intermittent laborious respiration, imperceptible pulse, etc. Convulsions; with falling to the ground, delirium and unconsciousness; C. with trismus and biting of tongue, so that it bled. Twitching of facial muscles and trembling of limbs. Trembling; inward. Relaxation of muscles; except of chewing muscles, which showed tonic trismus, then becoming clonic occasionally.

Pricking, like needles, all over her body. Sensation of electric sparks at l. wing of nose, with desire to rub the part, afterwards at sternal end of r. clavicle, then on l. middle finger, then on vertex, the sensation changing slowly to pricking-itching, (>) rubbing the part. Pains affect first r. side, then same parts of l.; only r. side; most frequently on l. side, coming and going suddenly, generally affecting muscles and joints, but not bones. Soreness and stiffness of all muscles prominently used; general soreness, as if he had taken cold, worse in back, abdomen and chest. Feeling if he had taken a bad cold. Uneasiness. Physical and mental exhilaration.

Prostration; at night, and not at all amiable; from a short walk; with sleepiness. Languor, with disinclination to work; and with drowsiness, fulness in head, and intermittent pain in forehead, or r. or l. temple. Loss of involuntary motion and speech. Collapse. Faintness; especially at stomach; causing sweat and nausea, the heart seeming to almost stop. Sensibility almost lost. Anaesthesia; of skin and eyeballs; with reflex action of muscles, closed eyelids, pupils dilated and inactive, skin cold and clammy, with sweat running down face, temperature lowered, respiration feeble and shallow, pulse at wrist imperceptible, heart’s action feeble and intermittent. Reflex paralysis. All symptoms go from head downward. Aggravation by reading, especially of the pressing at occiput, unfitting him for study; A from jarring of carriage. Amelioration of all symptoms from a cup of tea; A. after a hearty lunch, except of frontal headache; in fresh air, riding lulls to sleep, and walking is an exertion.

Clinical Profound prostration, collapse, cold sweat. Putrid discharges. Malignant types of disease, especially when there is tendency to destruction of tissues.


      Delirium; like intoxication; vivacious; violent. Irritability; and less brilliancy in conversation than usual. Affection bestowed seemed distasteful. Sadness; with disposition to sigh and yawn. As soon as he went to bed, fear of impending sickness. Happiness. Unusual cheerfulness in evening. Agitation. Delightful ideas, which came faster than he could give them shape in words. Activity, with desire for intellectual work, though mental labor caused confusion and pain in head. Disinclination for mental work; and for physical labor (Pic-ac., Phosphorus); to think or speak. Dullness; (>) after breakfast. Inability to concentrate mind; when reading. Absent-minded condition, from which he started when addressed, with nervous tremor when spoken to suddenly. Stupefaction. Loss of memory.

Unconsciousness; with stertorous breathing; with sudden falling, as if in a fit; with livid face, starting eyes, slow and noisy breathing, foaming at mouth and nose; motory and sensory U., if a limb is raised it falls lifeless. Coma; with relaxed limbs; with livid face, dilated pupils, sweat, cold hands, pulse imperceptible, muscles of soft palate and tongue so relaxed that the tongue must be kept extended with catch-forceps, afterwards pain in tongue, prostration and gastric catarrh.


      Aching; especially over r. eye, with fulness; with nausea, a cup of green tea relieved the pain, but not the sense of smell; (<) bending head forward; (>) after breakfast; (>) smoking after tea; (>) moving about, but the eructations become more frequent; as if a sword were jagged in and out all around head, (<) noise and light, with difficulty in keeping eyes open and desire to have head bandaged; intermittent, with fulness as from suppressed catarrh. Expansive pains, with swimming before eyes, difficulty in writing. Pressure as from a band, especially at temples. Constricting pain at 7.30 A.M., (<) till noon, continued till falling asleep at night, (>) intermittent pressure, (<) continuous pressure, with sensation as if head were swollen and were radiating heat. Hot, constricted feeling, from 6.30 A.M., till late at night ( (>) pressure), especially in forehead.

Bruised and sore feeling. Soreness when moving it; as after aching. Sensation as after headache. Oppression and Dullness, as if intoxicated. Heaviness; when leaning forward. Confusion; with pain over r. eye. Sensation as after a large dose of opium, (<) walking. Fulness; in brain. Feeling as if inflated like a ball, especially at temples, (<) shaking head, the sensation so peculiar on rising from a seat as to cause laughter, afterwards, on standing, loss of all feeling, except in head, which seemed ten times its natural size, on walking loss of all realization of a body, the head seeming to float in the air, (>) lying, then vertigo.

Vertigo; from slightest motion; on going up and down-stairs; easier in afternoon on exposure to wind, which cooled the brain, but V. returned on entering house; (>) walking fast in open air, (<) as soon as he sat down, so that he had to hold on to something to prevent falling; with fulness or peculiar feeling in head; with cold clammy sweat and feeble pulse; with sensation as if staggering; with trembling; and things look as if moving backward and forward, with inability to see across the room; speedily passing into profound coma.

Forehead – Intermittent. Cutting through F. and temples. Pain; in morning on waking, with burning in throat; (<) hot room; (>) fresh air; in centre; over r. eyebrow; over r. eye, (>) open air; over r. eye, extending to temple, with soreness of eyeball; in l. side; with general lassitude; with chilliness; with oppression of chest, beginning on l. side and going over to r.; as from a rubber band (Phosphorus); as from a band, at night and in morning. Neuralgia. Pain running to occiput. Burning pain; in brain over brows. Heavy pain running to occiput. Tightness above frontal sinuses. Fulness; in frontal lobe of cerebrum, increasing to pain.

Temples – Pain in l.; when stooping, and in occiput; P., (<) reading, with feeling in head similar to an “asleep” sensation in a limb; sharp; neuralgic, in l.; heavy, in l. during the day; burning, in r., and in vertex. Tightness as if a rubber band were stretched from one to the other; bandlike constrictions from one to the other, then heavy headache, (<) walking in open air.

Headache in upper half of head in morning on waking, (>) after breakfast; burning pain in vertex. Sensation in vertex as if brain were swashing about. Headache in r. side; l. side; neuralgic pain in l. side; N. pain changing from one side to the other, and affecting eye of painful side so that it was difficult to keep the eye open; beating pain in r. side.

Pain in occiput (Pic-ac.); and in r. side of head and in temple; in O., and in muscles of nape and especially behind ears. Sore feeling in occiput. Distention of superficial veins of head. Pustulous vesicle to l. of vertex. It hurt to comb or brush the hair. Itching; of r. then l. side. Describe to rub head and eyes.


      Fixed; insensible to light and pupils dilated. Burning pain, (<) l. Heaviness. Neuralgic twitching in balls and through temples. Anaesthesia of conjunctiva. Pupils contracted; and insensible to light; dilated; D. and inactive. Lids closed; half-shut; opened, and eyes turned upward. Conjunctiva insensible. Orbital neuralgia over r. eye. Piercing pain in a spot in l. supraorbital ridge, (>) on rising, leaving soreness to touch. Sensitiveness to light. Swimming before eyes. Letters blurred. Dark spot before l. eye. Circles before eyes. Loss of vision, opthalmoscope showed very indistinct outline of papilla, especially r., the r. eye recovering more slowly than l.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.