Homeopathy Remedy Chimaphila

Chimaphila homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Chimaphila…

      A tincture is prepared form the entire fresh plant of Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt.

General Action

      The clinical record of this drug seems to point to its special action on the bladder, and, perhaps, kidneys and liver also.

Allies. – Uva-ursi, Apocyn., Spiraea, Equiset, etc.

Pain in all bones. Weakness. Faint feeling. Melancholy. Nervous, cannot bear anything, hot, irritable, restless, thinks diseased state of blood irritates the skin, as before eruption of erysipelas, scarlet fever or measles, with itching. Stupidity and sleepiness. Partial unconsciousness, faint feeling, as if brain were paralyzed, mind gone. Headache; with pain in bowels; sharp, with internal heat in head, unfitting him for exertion. Desire to have head pressed. Heaviness of head, feeling as if he would fall down on it. Vertigo. Pain in forehead and above it; over r. eye; dull, heavy, over whole front and top of head. Weight in brain along brow. burning in eyes, with sore feeling in lids. Running from nose.

Aching in hollow teeth. Tongue feels stiff and thick in the middle, cannot raise it. Mouth dry. Gnawing hunger. Nausea. Burning in stomach. Feels drunk, as if stomach were burnt up with liquor, as if it were hard, tough and dry. Hardness of abdomen, with swelling, pain, feeling as in dropsy of abdomen. Pain in abdomen; then diarrhoea. Uneasiness in abdomen. Sharp pain in r. hypochondrium. Liver feels enlarged. R. side of abdomen feels sore and swollen. Colic between pubes and navel.

Urging to urinate, waking constantly. Urine increased, of a greenish color.

Clinical Catarrh of the bladder both acute and chronic, especially indicated when the urine is offensive, turbid, containing ropy or bloody mucus and depositing a copious sediment with burning and scalding during micturition, and straining afterwards; it is very difficult to begin to urinate, the patient strains a great deal, urine sometimes fetid, concomitants of chronic cystitis. Sometimes useful in suppression of urine in infants. Urine is very scanty. Acute prostatitis, with retention of urine and a feeling of a ball in perineum when sitting.

Excitement of sexual system. Stinging in labia, as in boils. Swollen sensation in labia. pain in vagina, as if labia were inflamed. Pulse full and hard; F., then weak. Neck feels too small and tired. Fluttering sensation in kidney region, sometimes in one side, sometimes in other, without pain or uneasiness. Needle-like pains in sacrum. Full sensation in extremities, as if distended. Weakness of arms and legs. Pain from axillae to scapulae. Swollen sensation in axillae. Paralyzed feeling in r. arm. Pain in bones of index. Needle-like pains in hip-bone. Inflammation of skin, with itching, then desquamation, different from the vesication of cantharides, the cuticle being little raised with water, the inflammation extending farther around the part, and next day the blister was circumscribed by an eruption, which continued to increase, appearing like a ringworm. Drowsiness, with weak feeling in head. General chill, with quivering of flesh. Blood feels as if on fire; with dry skin; blood feels heated, with prickling. Hot flashes. Burning of feet.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.