Homeopathy Remedy Chininum Sulfuricum

Chininum Sulfuricum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Chininum Sulfuricum…

      Pure sulphate of “Quinia” is triturated for use.

General Action

      Quinine is, above all, a protoplasmic poison, devitalizing the blood and tissues; it particularly retards the elimination of nitrogenous waste (urea and uric acid), and causes the retention and accumulation of effete products in the system (though, for a time the diminished waste gives a sense of “tone” to the system, the ultimate result is deplorable). It causes congestion of the brain, and, in large doses, abolishes the cerebral functions. It is an irritant to serous membranes and to the skin; it causes deafness and serous inflammation of the internal ear; blindness, ischaemia of the retina and optic neuritis; it produces stupor, delirium and even convulsions. (Epilepsy is intensely aggravated by it.) Quinine, however, arrests the development of low forms of vegetable life, and especially of the poison of marsh malaria, but it rarely antidotes the effects of the poison on the system.

Allies. – (See China)


      Emaciation. Pandiculation, with frequent yawning. Falling suddenly in the street; falling to the ground senseless. Convulsions. Twitchings in evening. Trembling. Wandering symptoms.

Neuralgia, (>) warmth; wandering N. Shocks or pricks like neuralgia or rheumatism in diverse places, as l. supraorbital nerve, r. ear, r. elbow, r. knuckle, etc. Twinges in various places in afternoon; in lower half of r. scapula in afternoon, then in r. lower jaw, then in upper, in malar region, frequently recurring in some places. Catching or sprained pains on sudden motion, e.g., in outer fibres of deltoid tendon on raising arms, in tendons in front of l. ankle when flexing joint suddenly.

Quivering sensation internally through body at the middle, in afternoon, then eructations. General sensitiveness. Restlessness; in forenoon, after writing a letter; at 5 P.M., with coldness; at night; and discomfort. Excitement of arterial system, as from strong wine. Increase of physical powers. Weakness; in morning; in morning, on waking, with Dullness of head; on waking form afternoon nap, with Dullness; with sleepiness and desire for solitude in some dark corner. Old and “wooden” feelings, with deliberate motions and speech. Faintness. Heaviness; in forenoon, with drowsiness. Amelioration from sleep; from sweat, after walking in open air.


      Disturbance, or rather emptiness. Insanity. Excitement. Feeling of impending evil in afternoon; (>) specific trust in the Almighty. Despondency. Anxiety; at night, with little sleep; at night, obliging him to leave the bed; as if he had committed a crime. Fretfulness. Anger after sleep, even about a draught on legs. Resolute in evening, but shrinking from taking much trouble about matters. Positive in insisting on professional orders in forenoon, but self-restrained and deliberate. Buoyancy; in evening. Lively mood returned at 9 P.M., after a walk in open air, with activity. Quietness. Apathy. Indolence. Disinclination for mental labor. Thought difficult when writing. Memory “muddled”. Mistakes in writing, “left” for “right,” and vice versa. Loss of power to name substances, mistakes in adding figures, perception of quantities impaired. Vacancy of ideas.


      Swelling in morning, with difficulty in opening mouth. Chronic disturbance of brain. Aching; in morning on rising, (<) stooping or moving; at 3 A.M., (>) rising, with pain in occiput; in forenoon, (<) l. side, with pulsations in temples and excitement in whole body; in afternoon, after a long walk in the sun; in afternoon, extending to temples, (>) evening; with vertigo and loss of memory; (<) towards evening, with pulsation in head, as if it would be torn to pieces, heat of face, vertigo, at times ringing and roaring in ears; (>) sweat on walking in open air, with fever.

Fulness in forenoon when writing, with coldness of feet and inner calves, (<) l.; sudden, in forenoon after writing, when leaning it to the left, (<) l. side and top. Heaviness; in forenoon, (>) putting cold hand on top, with fulness and dry heat, and with coldness of fingers and feet; in evening, (<) top. Confusion. Emptiness; in morning. Stupefaction. Throbbing on rising and bending over table, and in shoulders. Rush of blood; towards evening. Intoxicated sensation, though his mental powers were perfect; I. sensation, preventing walking; changing to heaviness of head. Whirling in head like a mill-wheel. Vertigo; at night, (<) sitting up in bed or getting up on his feet; on stooping; with palpitation; increasing to faintness.

Forehead.- Sticking; boring, in l. centre in evening. Pricking, with confusion of head. Tearing and drawing. Neuralgia from r. supraorbital foramen in a narrow line to vertex, at night when bent forward reading, (>) sitting upright. Pain; in morning on rising, (<) l. side, then confusion of head, then frontal pain, (<) at 5 P.M.; at 9 A.M., (<) l. side, with vertigo, ringing in ears and weakness towards noon, (<) till evening, and in temples, with visible pulsation in temporal arteries, heat in head and ringing in ears; in afternoon; from 1 to 4 P.M.; 4 P.M.; between 5 and 6 P.M.; 7 P.M., at last extending to occiput; on waking; after dinner; (<) towards evening; (<) moving eyes or head, and in orbits. Pulsation in arteries at 4 P.M., with heat of face and redness, (<) about eyes.

Temples. – Twitching of muscles above l. zygoma in afternoon. neuralgia shooting up l. anterior when sitting at the table, learning to r. Tearing in l., with drawing. Pain; towards evening; in l.; in afternoon, extending to middle of forehead; in l. extending to eyebrow, obliging him to seek a cool place on the sofa to relieve the pain; drawing, to middle of forehead in l. T. and supraorbital region in morning on rising, (>) by a walk, returned on following days, sleep poor on account of toothache on l. side next night toothache on both sides, (<) by bringing teeth together and biting, with anxiety and sharp pain in l. temporal and supraorbital regions, under l. ear, where it extended deeply inward, sometimes cutting in l. external auditory meatus, face puffed and red, pain in both temples (>) walking, with tensive drawing in skin which made work impossible, the toothache was transiently (>) by pricking gums and rinsing mouth with cold water, later this neuralgia appeared every night at 3 A.M., and lasted till 6 A.M. Fulness of arteries in evening; bounding in artery in afternoon.

Parietals. – Stitch in l. upper on rising suddenly; in l. upper, when standing holding head down, extending to l. side of root of nose. Neuralgia in l. in evening, then in r. vertex; in and behind l. protuberance in afternoon on going out, with the head down; in r. side of head in evening on walking in open air, lasting some time in r. upper temple. Pain in r. side of head when writing, extending as neuralgia to r. outer brow, then to mastoid process, returning to brow and r. temporal ridge, again in r. ear, then back to brow, later a catch in middle of r. sterno-mastoid muscle on turning head that way after midnight. Pain in l. side of head in morning on writing with head inclined to l., extending to l. side of neck and throat, r. mastoid process, then to vertex, then to occiput, then shifting to brows (varying with the position of head), now in temples, extending over coronal suture.

Occiput. – Shock across lower in evening on holding head suddenly to r. Pain waking at 3 A.M., (>) rising; threatening of pain in l. in evening. Dull twinges in l. protuberance in afternoon, becoming a steady ache.

Scalp. – Dandruff, and in beard on chin, (<) l. side. Itching, intermittent in evening; itching on l. side of vertex and occiput; above edge of frontal hair, r. and l. sides, when writing, then below r. zygoma, then on r. side of vertex, then l. vertex, r. side of chin, l. post-mastoid surface, l. inner eyebrow. etc.

Clinical Intermittent neuralgia in head and face, with intense pulsation, vertigo, etc. Vertigo, twitching of eyelids.


      Surrounded by gray rings. Red, with swelling of lids and appearance of pimples. lustreless. Restless. Dry; (>) walking in wind in evening, when there was lachrymation of r. eye. Easily tired when reading. Sleepy feeling in afternoon when sitting. Heaviness in forenoon, and in forehead. Retrobulbar optic- neuritis, with sudden loss of vision. Lachrymation at 5 P.M. in the full light; L. in open air. Disc and retina anaemic, disc looked dry, with the vessels running over it smaller than usual. Disc papery white. Ball pale. Dirty color to the white of the eye. Pupils dilated. R. upper lid red and swollen. Twitching of l. lids; in afternoon; in afternoon, (<) lower; in evening; of l. outer canthus. Closure of lids form weakness when writing. Feeling as if something pressed lids down, making vision indistinct.

Brow. – Sticking in l. in evening; at l. inner in evening when writing. Neuralgia in r. inner; deep in r. outer; in r. inner in morning on bending forward; in r. outer in morning on raising brows, extending up side of head, then twinge in outer end of l.; in l. supraorbital nerve in forenoon; in r. supraorbital nerve in evening in street-car, then in.; in l. supraorbital nerve, near foramen, in evening when writing; from r. to lambdoidal suture in evening when sitting; in r. outer at 11.30 P.M.; in outer half of r. after midnight; alternately in each at night; in r. supraorbital nerve, near foramen, when sitting in church; from r. outer to lambdoidal suture when standing. Twinges about r. outer in afternoon. Flashings in branches of l. infraorbital region in morning; in l. infraorbital nerve at 1.30 A.M.; in outer half of l. orbit, above it, below it, in evening when sitting, and in eyeball.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.