Homeopathy Remedy Dulcamara

Dulcamara homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Dulcamara…

      A tincture is made of the fresh plant, before flowering, of Solanum Dulcamara, L.

General Action

      The most prominent effects are those of cough, of muscular rheumatism and of urticaria. Its resemblance to other Solanaceae is slight, but marked. Its adaptability to conditions arising from cold-wet is very pronounced.

Allies.- Bryonia, Mercurius, Causticum, Hyoscyamus; also Rhus-tox. and Nux-mos.


      Emaciation. Spasms; of facial muscles, then of whole body. Twitchings of tendons; T of hands, lips and eyelids, (<) cold weather and dampness, (>) approach to the fire; sudden T. through whole body, seemingly from pains in abdomen, with piteous cries, then muttering. Trembling. Sticking here and there, (<) outward; itching pinching S. Pain as if the body would be cut off above hips, obliging him to move back and forth, but without relief. Pains in various parts as after taking cold. Restless; and could hardly be held, scratched his father. Sinking sensation, as if she would sing through the bed, she must get up at night and walk about. Weariness; in sudden attacks, like faintness. Necessity to lie down. Almost immovable. Aggravation towards evening; from wet-cold (Rhus-tox., Nux-mos.).

Clinical Very valuable for chronic muscular rheumatism, (<) cold weather, especially in cold wet weather (Rhus-t.).


      Screaming as in hydrocephalus. Wakes early as if called and sees a ghost, which keeps enlarging till it disappears in an upward direction. Agitation. Picking in the air and at his cloths (Hyosc.). Quarrelsome in afternoon, but not vexed thereby. Restless. Ill-humored and not inclined to anything. Anxious after midnight and fearful for the future. Noticed none of his surroundings and heard nothing when spoken to. Coma.


      Stitches, so that she became angry about them, (<) evening, (>) lying. Boring outward before midnight. Aching; in morning in bed, (<) rising; with indolence, general coldness and nausea; causing stupidity; (<) evening, with increasing coryza; drawing pain through brain, (<) evening; pressing-out towards evening on walking in open air. Pressure internally in spots as with a dull instrument. Dullness in evening; D., with painful stupefaction; with drawings in frontal eminences; as after intoxication, (>) open air. Heaviness; with boring outward in temples and fore-head, as after a debauch; as if scalp were tense, (<) nape, where it became a crawling. Vertigo; in morning on rising, with trembling and weakness (Bryonia, Lycopodium)’ in morning on waking, with heat of and with obscuration of vision, which changed to flickering of black spots; at noon, when walking before eating, all objects in front of him seemed to stand still, and it became black before the eyes; with rising warmth in face.

Forehead.- Sticking deep in brain, with nausea. Boring outward above r. brow; B. outward alternately in F. and temples. Burrowing and pressure; B. deep in, in morning in bed, (<) rising, with gloominess and distended feeling in brain. Pain in l. frontal eminence; pressing-out P. in l eminence in evening; jerklike pressing outward, (<) motion; tensive, above r. eye, in F. and root of nose, as from a board in front of head. Painful throbbing in l., with vertigo. Drawing in l. eminence, (<) stopping; pressive D. in l. eminence; jerking, from eminence down to tip of nose. Heaviness; wit sticking outward in temples.

Intermittent tearing in temples; l. Boring in r. temple. Drawing in temples, extending into head; pressive D. in l. temple in afternoon. Pressure as with a dull instrument, now in r., now in l. temple. Tearing pressing together in vertex. Drawing pain on vertex in evening when eating, extending to nasal bones, where it is a constriction. Paroxysmal pressure inward on l vertex as with a dull instrument. Stupefying pain in l. vertex; above l. ear, as if something blunt were pressed into head. Sticking in occiput. Pain in occiput in evening in bed; P. in l. bon. Occiput feels enlarged. Heaviness in occiput.

Clinical Headaches during cold wet weather, heaviness of head, flickering before eyes, nausea, etc., (<) motion, etc. Scald head, thick brown crusts, bleeding when scratched, (<) cold wet weather.


      Inflammation. Wide open, moist, glistening. Pressure, (<) reading. Feeling as if they would be pressed out of their orbits. Feeling as if the darted out of them when walking in the sun, and in the room. Dryness and tension. Pupils dilated; and contracted alternately. Paralysis of upper lid. Contractive pain in border of orbit. Vision dim. V. of sparks.


      Sticking in meats and parotid gland; pinching S. in l. eat, extending towards drum. Tearing in l., with sticking outward, drumming and bubbling so that he could not hear distinctly and on opening mouth cracking as if something snapped asunder. Twinging in l., with nausea; T. in r., with sticking. Prickling as if cold air were in morning, except a rushing noise. DRawing in external meatus. Ringing.

Clinical Inflammation of middle ear, with injection of the drum, caused by exposure to cold rain, several cases.


      Pimple in inner side of l. wing, with ulcerative pain. Dryness in evening. Sneezing. Stopped coryza, with confusion of head and sneezing. Bleeding of bright red, very warm blood, with pressure in region of longitudinal sinus, with continued after the B.

Clinical Catarrhal troubles in cold, wet weather, with free secretion of mucus.


      Puffy, hot; P., anxious, distorted. Tearing in check, with drawing. Cramplike contraction beneath l. ear, extending to ramus of lower jaw. Painless pressure upon l. malar-bone. Trismus. Pinching in lower part of chin.

Clinical Facial neuralgia caused by going out in the wet or (<) slightest exposures to cold.


      Teeth dull and seem insensible. Gums loose and spongy. Tongue white; itching crawling on tip of T.; T. could not be protruded; swollen, stiff, paralyzed, and inability to articulate; paralyzed. Stammering, as if delirious or intoxicated. Articulation indistinct. Loss of speech; then rattling respiration, cramps, tetanic stiffness and death. Constant grasping at M. as if he would take something out of it, with constant spitting about. Pimples and ulcers on inside of upper lip and on anterior part of palate, with tearing on moving the parts. Dryness. Tenacious soaplike saliva.

Clinical It has been found useful in the salivation of Mercury, which is notably worse in damp weather. It is reported to have cured gangrene of the mouth, with great swelling. Other forms of sore mouth, great swelling of mucous membrane, raw spots, heavily- coated tongue, great flow of saliva of putrid odor.


      Constant hawking of tough mucus, with scraping in pharynx. Pressure as if uvula were too long. Dryness in evening. Heat in pharynx. Inability to swallow.


      Aversion of food, with shivering as if he would vomit. A., with hunger. Soon satiated when eating, with fulness and with rumbling in abdomen. Thirst but drink was immediately vomited;l unquenchable T., Eructations; with hiccough; with scraping in oesophagus and heartburn; empty; empty, with shuddering as from nausea; of the soup when eating. Waterbrash. Nausea; with chilliness; with inability to bring anything up. Retching; ineffectual. Vomiting; of mucus in morning, preceded by warm uprisings in pharynx; of mucus, then of a thick, blackish-green liquid; of tenacious mucus. Distended feeling in pit, with emptiness in abdomen. Sticking in pit; l. side of pit. Griping, taking away the beneath; G. in epigastrium in evening in bed till falling asleep. Pain in pit as from a thrust, (<) pressure. Tensive pain in r. side of pit, as if strained. Pressure extending into chest.


      Distention; after a moderate meal; when eating, with repeated griping. Rumbling; with urging to stool; with pain in l. groin and coldness in back; with pain i n small of back. Emission of much flatus; F. of the odor of asafoetida. Pinching as before diarrhoea. Griping, even in morning fasting, with cutting and distention; G. here and there, with jerking cutting; in A. and chest, with cutting, as from incarcerated flatus; as if a long worm were crawling up and down, with gnawing and pinching. Burrowing, with griping, cutting and moving, as before diarrhoea. Colic; with rumbling before and after stool; as after taking cold; as before diarrhoea; as before stool, with rumbling and pain in small of back; as after purge, moving about, always on stooping; like inclination to diarrhoea, (>) emitting flatus. Uneasiness, with distended feeling and frequent empty eructations. Emptiness.

Umbilicus.- Sticking in region; on l. side near, in evening; griping S. on r. side. Pinching in region as if he could go to stool, but without urging; P. in region and above l. hip, (>) hard, scanty, difficult stool and emission of flatus. Griping below U. when sitting bent; G. in a spot to above U. Gnawing throbbing above U. Twisting in region, with burrowing and griping (Diosc.). Forcing-put pain, as if a hernia would occur on l. side beneath

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.