Homeopathy Remedy Gambogia

Gambogia homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Gambogia…

      Gum Gamboge, obtained from Garcinia Hamburi, Hook, f., is dissolved in alcohol (1 to 9) for a tincture.

General Action

      A powerful drastic cathartic, often producing nausea and vomiting.

Ally – Aloe.


      Sticking, (<) evening; burning, at times in gingers, at times in hand, also in malleoli, then over whole body;like a pinching over whole body. Pressure on head, stomach and chest. Congestion of head, chest uterus, Feeling of ease and lightness in all movements. Faintness. Aggravation in evening or night; a when sitting, amelioration on motion in open air; aggravation on r. side.


      Cheerful, talkative, Ill humor in morning on rising, with vehemence; I., with vexation, anxiety and desire to work, though the work does not advance as he would wish.


      Pain in forenoon and beating in forehead towards nose; oppressive P. in afternoon,(>) open air, with heaviness in forehead or with general heat. Compressive pain; from both sides in forenoon. Heaviness, with inertia, drowsiness and pain in small of back. Vertigo in morning on rising or in forehead when spinning (then anxiety). Heaviness in forehead in forenoon with beating. Tearing in I. temple in afternoon. Stitches in r. side and in temples. Bruised pain in vertex in forenoon,(>) open air.


      Burning in evening or afternoon, photophobia, both (>) walking in open air, but returning next morning. Itching in evening. Dryness, with redness of canthi; D. as from sleepiness with yawning and sneezing. Nightly agglutination, burning in morning, photophobia through the day, and frequent stinging in eyes. Pressure in r. internal canthus as from a foreign body obliging rubbing. Itching of inner canthi (and in forehead), with acrid lachrymation after rubbing, (>) open air. I. of I. lower lid. Biting in external canthus, (>) rubbing. Dim vision of r. eye occasionally.


      Sticking Deep-seated tearing in evening painful drawing from r. to vertex in forenoon. Throbbing pain in I. as in an abscess. Frequent ringing in morning. Frequent buzzing in afternoon ringing in morning. Frequent buzzing in afternoon and evening, (>) after a sensation as if a leaflet were bursting.


      Ulceration of r. nostril, with burning pain. Tearing in bones of dorsum. itching of nostrils all night. Sneezing;l violent chronic, only in daytime, (>) forenoon, (<) strong smells, with irritation in r. nostril, above wing of nose, dryness of r. nostril, the sneezing caused tearing in forehead, sticking in I. side, heaviness for lower limbs and flushes of heat all over body. Stopped coryza; then discharge of offensive mucus. Mucus smelling like pus Haemorrhage, and from mouth and throat; bleeding from r. nostril in evening.


      Tearing in r. malar bone in evening and in r. lower jaw frequently during the day. Burning vesicle on inside of upper lip.


      Tearing in r. molars and in gums, with sensation as if gums were sore and swollen, beating in a r. lower molar in cold air. Cold feeling in tips of incisors. Burning in tip of tongue, which feel hard; B. in anterior half of r. sensitiveness of palate like a smarting of soreness, (>) cold. Dryness. Salvation. Taste sweetish in mouth and throat, then expectoration of bright red blood;; taste S. in throat, with expectoration of bloody mucus. Taste bitter.


      Tearing in tendons of sides of throat, with choking, lancinating tearing in throat under I. ear, (<) external pressure, descending to region, of larynx, with stinging in throat when swallowing. Stinging in r. see in evening; s on swallowing. Stinging in r. side in evening; s. on swallowing, (>) eating; S. in the goitre, Sore pain, which is felt on external touch. Swollen feeling internally. sore burning posteriorly in fauces when not swallowing. Roughness and burning, causing constant hawking.


      Violent hunger. Increased appetite and much thirst (loss of thirst in the first days of the proving). Aversion to food. Thirst after dinner, and, evening; violent T. l in evening and at night, preventing sleep. Frequent, violent empty eructations. Hiccough in morning after rising. Nausea; in morning on eating soup, (>) bread when walking in open air, with salivation, gulping up of sour water and movements in stomach; with stomachache; with ptyalism and roughness in throat; then pinching in umbilical region and diarrhoea. Constant heaving., dinner., Violent vomiting; horrid V,. and purging, with faintness. Dartings. Gnawing, with movements of flatus in abdomen. Ulcerative pain, (>) eating, then rumbling in abdomen when walking in open air, and papescent stool. Paroxysmal pressure in S. and chest at 3 and 9 P.M., impeding breathing. Pain as if sore, with sensitiveness to touch; with contraction. Constriction after dinner. Beating against anything. Emptiness, and in abdomen. Weakness as after fasting, with salivation.


      Rumbling. Inflation and accumulation of flatus (aloe); I and tension, with pinching in umbilical region. Frequent emission of flatus, (<) evening and night. Inflammation of intestines. Cutting, with wanderings, then emissions of fetid flatus. Pinching after eating; immediately after eating, P. in abdomen or sleep; frequent P. without urging, or else succeeded by diarrhoea and burning in anus, after which the P. ceases. Flatulent sensation, (<) small of back, then urging. Burning and movement of flatus; painful B. in hepatic region. Pinching around umbilicus from motion till evening, with frequent urging to stool, and protrusion of rectum. Contraction at umbilicus;. beneath U., with twisting and urging to stool. Gnawing in a spot beneath U. Sticking in groin, as from flatus. Sudden darting in G. when sitting. Pinching in G; in r. as with a nail. Constriction deep in I. G. Tension in G.; when standing.

Anus and Stool

      Sticking in anus before stool,. Ineffectual urging. yellow and green diarrhoea, mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting around umbilicus (Aloe); repeated D., with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in abdomen; D., with burning pain and tenesmus of rectum, protrusion of anus, and pinching around umbilicus sometimes with discharge of flatus; watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus; faecal; forcible, with burning in anus, preceded by cutting in abdomen, waking him about midnight, (>) compressing abdomen, which is small, as if eviscerated, awakened again by pain in back; with cutting, frequent, with burning and tenesmus. Frequent soft S., with burning and tenesmus. Frequent soft S., with rumbling in abdomen, or followed by pain about umbilicus and pinching. Soft, scanty S., with sensations s if arrested by a hard body in anus. Constipation. Hard, insufficient S., with urging and protrusion of rectum; hard, before midnight, then burning at anus and passage of a lumbricus or with ticking in groins and emissions of flatus. Repeated S., rather hard than soft, then a hard, before midnight, then burning at anus and passage of a lumbricus or with sticking in groins and emissions of flatus. Repeated S., rather hard than soft, then a hard, then a soft stool. S. late in evening, with frequent emissions of flatus, which seems to press on bladder, causing stinging, hardness and tightness in region of bladder and shortness of breath.

Clinical The diarrhoea of Gamboge resembles that of Aloes in respect to th suddenness of the movements, which are expelled in one gush; the evacuations are thin, yellow, generally watery, or with some mucus, associated with burning in anus and protrusion, griping below umbilicus, with sudden urging and sudden explosion; the stool is followed by a feeling of great relief. Intense itching of the eyelids, so that children rub them frequently, is said to be a marked indication for the drug in diarrhoea.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Micturition rare; frequent, but little at a time; of one or thee drops at a time, then intermitting and finally returning, with burning at orifice. Urine increased; scanty., Leucorrhoea. Menses too soon and too profuse.

Respiratory Organs

      Scraping in region of larynx at night, causing dry cough. Cough in afternoon, with hoarseness and hawking of mucus; C. (<) night; with soreness in chest; (<) night after lying down; violent at night, with expectoration of loose mucus; dry, at night, forcing him to sit up; hacking and dry. in daytime.


      Sticking; in axillae, etc; beneath r. mammary region; repeated S. in forepart of sternum, in afternoon and evening; intermittent, in forepart in afternoon and evening; deep in forepart in evening, alternating with s,. in r. mamma; beneath C. in evening, then pressure in middle of chest, with want of breath; under I. axilla, (>) rubbing in r. side, extending from ribs towards axilla, after carrying a heavy load, arresting breath Digging in subcostal region in evening, or gnawing. Pain, as if every part were sore, even when not coughing. Pressure in middle, with sticking from both sides towards each other; pressure upon C., not affecting breathing. Weight at night, preventing sleep. Oppression and heaviness, with sticking in back, (<) subcostal regions. Tightness and heaviness, with sticking extending to back, (<)hypochondria. Choking sensation ascending into throat, arresting breathing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.