Homeopathy Remedy Ginseng

Ginseng homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ginseng…

      A tincture is made of the dried root of Panax quinquefolium (wild Ginseng). Allied botanically and somewhat symptomatically to Aralia.


      Heaviness in all movements. Pressure and drawing alternately in forehead, r. forearm, toes, tibiae and calves. Sensation when sitting as if the body fell backward. Malaise; after dinner, with drowsiness, internal coldness, external heat, formication in fingers, yawning, stretching, shivering, trembling, thirst, dryness of mouth, drawing in stomach, weakness of thighs and legs, as during convalescence. Uneasiness obliging him to walk. Indolence. Weakness; after a short walk; on entering the house, with heaviness in sinciput; with internal trembling feeling in limbs; (<) legs, with pain in various muscles; alternately in back, knees and arms; sudden, at 7 P.M. with creeping coldness, flushes of heat, cool sweat and longing to expose the body to cold air and to have something strengthening. Aggravation on r. side.


      Anxiety after dinner. Generally calm, but impatient impulses and fear of accidents, with at times disposition to weep or to be anxious about the future. Though difficult. Not inclined to thought or business. Forgetful.


      Pain; after dinner, with heaviness; deep in brain, changing about; in longitudinal sinuses. Heaviness; constant, with pressure in forehead rhythmical with pulse, and objects have a tremulous motion rhythmical with pulse. Confusion; all day; (<) forehead, then vertigo, sleepiness and heaviness of upper lids. Fulness after dinner. Seemed enlarged at times and to shake in direction of sides. Vertigo; on going into open air; on ascending winding stairs, (<) descending; at times; ground seemed to waver when standing; with indistinct vision; with unsteadiness in walking, which seemed to start from hips, so that thighs seemed pushed outward; with obnubilation.

Forehead.-Drawing stitches extending to r. inner canthus. Lancinations; in r. eminence, extending above orbit, with heaviness of eyelid. Pain; in bone; in l. eminence; in sinciput; upper part of sinciput; with heat; with drawing transversely through it; at times. Drawing in r. bone. Heaviness. Confusion in sinciput. Vertigo.

Pressure in temples; in r., and in l. sensation as if too thick; constant P. and pulsation on exertion; on vertex. Pain on r. side of head. Pressure in sinuses of cerebellum; P. in occiput, with impending vertigo. Drawing in occiput in afternoon, on mental exertion, so that he involuntarily bent the head backward. Sudden blow upon occiput, then bruised pain. Sensation in occiput when sitting as if swaying to the sides. Reeling in O., with gray spots before eyes.


      Sticking deep in upper half, then pressure, repeated in evening by the light; S., with lachrymation, redness of Conjunctiva of bulb and inclination to close lids. Pressure inward. Pupils contracted; with sensitiveness of eyes to daylight in dim weather; large; alternately large and small. Cold sensation on surface of ball. Drooping of upper lids, (<) r.; lids difficult to open, with heaviness and pain. Itching of lids. Biting of margins of lids; with itching; with burning. Constriction of l. upper lid. Wearied by a bright light. Blinded by daylight. Letters run into each other when reading Vision indistinct; distinct, but objects are not seen clearly because the eyes wander too quickly from one object to another; swimming of objects on going into open air, with unsteady gait. Vision of black floating points; of large white spots. Vision double on looking steadily.


      Dryness; with sensitiveness to air. Scanty, thick mucus in evening, next day thin and copious. Bleeding from r. nostril; at 9 A.M. on slight touch; at 9 P.M. on blowing. Frequent sneezing.


      Alternately red and pale. Pressure in zygomata; in joint of jaw. Drawing in l. side of lower jaw of r. side. Lips thick, covered with dry rough scales. Lips red and dry, they crack and bleed, (<) lower. Dryness of lips and mouth, (<) open air, (>) dinner, but returning, with scraping and soreness in fauces; D. in lips and mouth as far as pharynx, with swollen feeling in lips and nauseous odor from mouth; in lips, mouth and fauces, (<) talking, with rough voice and scraping in throat; in lips, mouth and fauces, (<) open air and talking, at the same time scraping soreness in fauces, (<) empty swallowing and by drawing air through nose, which is dry; of lips, teeth, mouth and throat, all parts stuck together; D. and roughness of lips, mouth, teeth, tongue and fauces as if covered with sand, in open air or on exercise, with rapid breathing.


      Tongue red and smarting, with thirst, then white in middle; T. white, dry with large glistening papillae. Speech difficult and indistinct on account of affection of mouth. Dryness; (>) eating; of arch of palate; (<) arch of palate and tongue, then flow of saliva; (<) tongue, arch of palate, whole fauces, with stale odor from mouth; so that swallowing of bread and butter is difficult and leaves sticking deep in throat; alternating with salivation; dry sensation in palate, with salivation. Salivation, with nausea. Saliva almost grass-green. Mouth and throat troubles (<) open air, (>) dinner.


      Redness of uvula, fauces and posterior pharynx; of uvula and fauces, with pain on empty swallowing and swallowing of saliva. Sticking in pharynx. Scraping in fauces; in T. and fauces in afternoon; in fauces and pharynx on empty swallowing, with dryness and rawness; in fauces, (<) talking, also with soreness; (<) empty swallowing, with dryness; scraping soreness in fauces, extending into pharynx, (>) 1. 30 P.M., after dinner. Pain on swallowing bread, which was not relished. Fauces sensitive to air of the room.


      Appetite increased; great, at an unusual time. Thirst absent. Eructations, with relief; empty E.; bitter E. Nausea; with sore pain in r. flank, under ribs, (<) touch. Swelling, with throbbing, anxiety and nausea; S. from flatus. Lancination in r. side of epigastrium. Pain; with feeling as if it would burst, dyspnoea and pressure in l. frontal eminence. Constriction in region, with difficult breathing; C. in pit like cramp, at 4 P.M., after eating. Drawings; painful, as from hunger, preceded by shivering. Oppression, the clothes feel uncomfortable. Intolerance of clothing in epigastric region.


      Inflammation, with pain and borborygmi; I., with tension and pressure in hypogastrium; I. as far as below r. ribs, with pain; from flatus, discharge of which relieved; from flatus, and pain in umbilical region, (<) pressure. Tense painful. Rumbling. Noises from wind, it goes upward and downward. Tension. Swollen sensation. Pain, then liquid stools in evening; P. rising to region of stomach, with pain on leaning against it; vague P., and in chest; as from a bar, with digging and starting in r. hip, then internal pain; in r. side from hip to below ribs; in r. side as far as groin, with formication reaching to foot. Digging in r. side as far as groin, rising to stomach, with griping in whole hypogastrium. Pain in r. side of hypogastrium extending to groin, with painful formication as far as great toe, causing lancinations there; P. on r. side of H., extending to l., then rising to region of heart; in H., with pressure in groin; extending from within pelvis to thighs, as if one must sink to the ground, then four thin stools; vague, in H. Bruised pain in r. iliac region, (<) pressure. Heaviness of pelvic members.

Clinical Loud gurgling noise in ilio-caecal region, dry tongue, delirium on going to sleep. It seems to have relieved the threat inflammation of perityphlitis, and possibly also relieved the local symptoms of typhoid fever.

Rectum and Stool

      Sticking in rectum. Stool soft; hard; hard, difficult, then smarting at anus, tenesmus and lancinations in rectum; difficult but not hard; delayed.

Urinary Organs

      Frequent desire to urinate, with smarting. Sticking in fossa navicularis. Tickling in fossa navicularis; voluptuous T. in end of urethra, with erections. Itching in urethra, with burning pain and frequent urging to urinate. Urine scanty; and dark; and clear, in a thin stream, the bladder did not empty itself, only by pressing is a broad stream produced; abundant and clear; yellowish U., with red lateritious sediment; lemon-colored, after standing a reddish sediment.

Sexual Organs

      Erections when at engrossing business; nocturnal, without pollutions. Pressure in testicles. Excitement.

Respiratory Organs

      Voice rough; and hoarse, deep. Dry cough; in afternoon; in paroxysms. Dyspnoea. Oppressed breathing; worse when sitting than when walking; slow, deep, difficult; short, anxious; deep now and then. Frequently deep, labored inspirations; when sitting; frequently deep I., with tightness of chest, anxiety and heaviness of limbs. Difficult inspiration, with sticking in r. lung.


      Sticking in r. taking away the breath; sudden beneath l. ribs, so that he holds his breath. Tearing i anterior wall. Pain near heart, preceded by shivering, which extends to elbow. Constriction, with anxiety; C. Transversely across lower part in evening. Tightness; in region of heart on deep breathing, (>) walking. Oppression, (<) sitting.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.