Homeopathy Remedy Glonoine

Glonoine homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Glonoine…

      One part of Nitro-glycerine is dissolved in nine parts of alcohol for the tincture.

General Action

      Identical with Amyl-nitrite, paralyzing the peripheral vaso- motor nerves. Its action is more lasting than that of Amyl.

Allies.-Amyl-nit., Cactus, Melilotus, Nitrous-oxide.


      Head fell backward, jaw dropped, stertor, pulseless at wrist. Tremor, sopor, lassitude. Falling down unconscious, congestion to head or heart, face sometimes pale, sometimes red; F. down senseless, with convulsions and frothing at mouth, after alternations of palpitation and congestion to head. Spasms after cold water was poured on head, ending in vomiting, then short relief, then return twice of pressure and throbbing in brain, each (>) vomiting. Fulness in vertex, forehead, through body, chest and abdomen. Throbbing through whole body; when lying; on moving about; wherever the body touches anything, wherever he puts his hands; with heat and sweat. Feeling as after ether; lightness, then fulness in brain, with dizziness. Discomfort. Inclination to stretch backward. Sensation as before ague. Nervousness; with clammy sweat.

Weakness; in morning; during headache; with apathy; with sleepiness, inability to study, Dullness when thinking, wandering of thoughts when writing. Faintness; before nausea; fell senseless on pavement lay breathless, sighing at long intervals,

face pale, conscious in two minutes, sweat nausea cold hands and feet, pulse feeble, must have head elevated, it felt full, vision indistinct, dizzy, face pale, at times flushed. at times dark livid, symptoms (<) motion, (>) hot foot baths, vomiting caused by jolting of carriage, sticking in occiput. Body seemed asleep while the mind was awake, the latter resolved to take notice of crooked, jagged objects before the closed eyes, attempted in vain to raise the body, it seemed to shrivel till completely asleep. Paralysis of all voluntary muscles, partial P. of muscles of mastication and of face and eyes. Aggravation on r. side; A during rest; from coffee if wine has been taken. Amelioration from black coffee; A. during sweat; after each evacuation, but return of headache each time he vomited; partial A. from tea. Alternations of head and heart symptoms.

Clinical Epilepsy, with great rush of blood to the head and vascular excitement generally.


      Delirious, then comatose. Familiar things seemed strange., She felt as if she woke from a dream and she moved her arms like one waking from a dream. Animated, talkative, great flow of thought and inclination to jest. Agitation. Terror. Fear, with sensation as if chest were screwed together; F. that she had been poisoned; F. that her death was approaching. Anxiety; with headache; with inclination to run away. Depression. Recalls old grievances and determines to justify himself. Confusion of ideas, so that he could not tell where he was, scarcely knew what he was about, (>) effort of will; C., with weakness and with diminished power of tongue. Inability to collect the thoughts. Memory difficult. Stupor, weakness of mind and body. Partial insensibility and dislike to being aroused. Unconsciousness.

Clinical It has proved valuable for the effect of shock, which show themselves by sudden attacks of terror so that he dares not go into the street. In acute mania or insanity it has been found useful when the head was hot, full throbbing, eyes staring pulse very rapid, pulsation in carotids, or in other cases when there was violent maniacal excitement with hot head. It certainly has relieved the mental confusion which is characterized by the loss of the sensation of location, so that one loses his way in well known places. Insanity caused by long-continued heat of the sun; thought he was the Lord Almighty.


      Holding it with both hands. Hands frequently raised to it. Inclination to bend backward; to throw it backward. H. and face puffed up, blood forced up ward, convulsions, frequent unconsciousness, copious urine containing much albumen. Brain fever. Sudden piercing pain. Sticking in morning on stooping. Darting pain in morning when stooping. Painful twitching here and there; T. at every step on ascending stairs.

Aching; from morning till 2 O’clock; in morning, with general heat and fetid flatus; in morning on rising with pain in hypogastrium and painful copious diarrhoea, pain (>) stool, returning, (<) moving or sitting erect, soreness on l. iliac region on pressure, with shuddering and heat in anus; at noon, (<) sudden rising or shaking head, with soreness; returned at 1 P.M. after drinking coffee; afternoon; evenings; after eructations; when rising suddenly from every change of position; on rising, so that he could not stand; in open air; at a concert, (>) during the walk home, with fulness in vertex and throbbing in temples; when the period appears, with congestion and fulness; A and pulse increase and diminish together. Aggravation of A. mornings and forenoons and one afternoon; afternoon, (<) occiput; shaking head; pressure; stooping; stepping; movement; motion from side to side; on every motion, beginning in open air, continuing in the house, (>) a second walk; ascending stairs quickly; leaning forward; in open air; after dinner; reading, writing and smoking; after expelling breath, if he waits before inhaling. Amelioration in open air; A in evening; throwing H. back; lying; repose; sleep; pressure; combing hair; smoking; strong tea; walking; gentle exercise, especially in open air (Ferr). Aching, with nausea; and with dull, heavy pain in stomach; A. with buzzing in l., ear and redness of l. eye.

Aching deep in brain; A in median line; A. rising from below upward; extending to nose; extending over shoulders and under arms; so that he walks the room all night; walking three or four times; impeding breathing; like migraine, concentrating over r. eye. with Dullness about eyes and heat; drawing A., extending to occiput; racking, with faintness, intolerance of light, general distress and alarm; bursting; upward from middle; as if pressed by a band; as if brain were pressed towards centre from temples and occiput, from morning till night; undulating, in middle of brain; U. during fulness of heart. Throbbing pain; all night, (>) in morning by coffee; on stooping; after motion, (<) shaking head, (>) night; preventing lying down, obliging him to hold on to head as if to prevent rupture of skull; rising from base of skull to vertex with every throb of carotids.

Bruised sensation internally, (<) in forehead. Soreness on moving; of brain on shaking head, with sensation as if hard and loose;, shaking; and he is afraid to shake it lest it should drop to pieces; with laced sensation and pain, (<) shaking head sideways, Cracking sensation in brain, obliging him to hold on to head on movement to prevent apparent threatened rupture of cranium. Sinking sensation, and in chest, as from working in the hot sun. Feeling as if hungry,. Sensation as if he had eaten too much. Strange sensation after the pain. Disagreeable sensation, (<) at base of brain. Dullness; (<) light shaking, not by violent shaking; externally. Confusion. Stiffness of H. and neck; or tension as if laced. Heaviness; with warm sweat on forehead, skin otherwise cool; as from a weight on brain; from middle to ears. Feeling as if brain were smaller than cavity of skull.

Fulness with full, quick pulse and red face; and throbbing, without pain; at base of brain, with throbbing in all arteries of head and nape; with throbbing above and behind temples and pricking on l. side of tongue near tip, afterwards the same throbbing with almost twitching in scalp of same place, (<) getting up, walking across room and sitting down again; worse now and then, changing places. Felt too large. Feeling as if brain were distending in all directions; as if head were swelling, (<) stooping, with throbbing, the T. (<) l. side.

Shocks synchronous with every pulsation of arteries (Ferrum). Throbbing (Ferrum); during motion; (<) stooping; (<) temples and over eyes, (<) motion, (>) sitting still, lying or pressure, with heat in head; (<) ascending stairs; with confusion of senses, sensation of balancing requiring constant effort to keep head erect; (<) above ears, and in temples, with bursting sensation and choking as from a band about neck, which prevented blood from returning from head; heard and felt in brain at 8.15 P.M., after running up- stairs, and at each pulsation sensation (amounting to pain) in scalp above ears; outward; so that pulse could be counted by it (pulse 100). Undulating sensation; upward; (<) turning head. Feeling as if something moved inside on shaking head; and hit skull.

Sensation as if hanging with head downward, and as if there were great rush of blood in consequence. Congestion; till midnight; sudden; frequently, in an old woman, always causing coldness; and to chest; and to lungs; alternating with C. to heart. Vertigo; in afternoon; on shaking head; on throwing head back; on turning around; going into open air, with reeling; on rising, with blindness and nausea, also with desire to drink cold water;, moving about; with nausea; with dim vision, with faintness, then nausea; sudden, in afternoon, on descending from a carriage.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.