Homeopathy Remedy Graphites

Graphites homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Graphites…

      Purified Graphite (“Black Lead”) is triturated as directed in the Pharmacopoeias.

General Action

      A profound tissue remedy (like all the Carbons), showing a particular tendency to develop a cutaneous phase of internal disorders.

Allies.– Carbo-v., Carb-an., Carb-sulf., Petrol., Natrum mur., Silicea, nitricum acidum, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium


      Emaciation. Swelling of feet and cheeks during menstruation. Trembling in morning; T. and twitching in head, neck and r. arm. Jerking in all limbs, now in one, now in another, even in shoulder and scrotum. Constant tossing about at night without weariness. Inclination to stretch and yawn, without ability to stretch enough. Stitches here and there in whole body; S. downward through whole body. Shocks through whole body as from fright or electric shocks. Intermittent cramplike sensation in various parts, arms, neck, fingers, feet, whereupon the parts are swollen, red, indurated and sensitive to touch. Intermittent pain here had there, them soreness of the part on touch. Pain pressive rather than drawing, now here, now there, in periosteum of bones, during rest, (<)falling asleep. Pains return on beginning to walk. Bruised pain in whole side of body on which he lies in midday nap, and arm is asleep.

Drawing tension, (<) arms and trunk. Drawing in whole body in morning after rising, as in intermittent fever. Oppression; with anxiety and unpleasant sensation in stomach. Dread of open air in morning. Takes cold easily and has headache therefore. Sensitiveness to draught of air in evening with, hoarseness, chilliness, dryness of nose and anxiety. General sick feeling; with necessity to groan without knowing for what pain. Uneasiness, (>) walking in open air, with no though for his work, no inclination for anything. Tremulous sensation through whole body. Pulsation of blood in whole body, (<) heart, (<) motion; P. in heart, trunk and head in morning in bed. Indolence of whole body, (>) a long walk. Weakness of whole body as from catarrh; W. in forenoon and towards evening, with sleepiness and much yawning; after dinner, with falling asleep; on walking in open air; after coition; with sleepiness; sudden; even to sinking down during and after walking in open air, with retching and nausea; faintlike, when walking in open air, as if beginning in abdomen. Attacks of faintness. Symptoms disappear when walking in open air.

Clinical Chlorosis, with tendency to rush of blood to head and flushing of the face (Ferrum, which is contained in Graphites) menses pale, scanty and delayed, profuse leucorrhoea, pimply eruption on the face, worse at the menstrual period, constipation. A general tendency to get fat (Calc); the obesity of Graphites is more particularly seen in older people,. that of Calc in children. Herpetic constitution, with a great variety of complaints. Paralytic symptoms, especially with suppression of menses, with numbness and coldness of arms and hands.


      Sadness, with thoughts of nothing but death (Nat-m). despondency, she must weep. Apprehension and inclination to weep, in attacks; A. (>) weeping. It frequently seemed as if his end were near of misfortune impending. Grief at trifles; even to despair. Anxiety till lying down in evening, A., with headache, vertigo, and ill humor, with haste, driving him about like an evil-doer; so that she trembled; so that she cannot sit, with nausea, and sweat; l preventing sleep all night; in evening, as if a misfortune had happened, with heat of face and coldness of hands and feet. Weeping in evening without cause; W. at trifles; at music; in a child, with fretfulness. Fretful; and uneasy; and violent in morning, hypochondriac in afternoon. Hypochondriac uneasiness, discouragement, anxious sweat, loss of sleep. Easily angered, but it just as easily passed out of her mind. Would rather be alone, irritated by every disturbance. Indisposed, frightened, (nervous). Timid. Easily excited, hot hands even from speaking. Hesitation. Slowness of purpose and thought. Loss of inclination to work. Lively in morning, depressed in evening. Laughing at every trifle in forenoon, inclined to grieve and cry in evening. Absent-minded. Beclouded. Incapable of mental work after midday nap. Mistakes in talking and writing. Forgetful. Fancies at night. Fixed idea at night, so that he could not sleep before midnight. Thinking of all sorts of things at night, so that she slept little.


      Tearing like rheumatism in morning. Aching; every morning on waking; in morning on waking, with vomiting, diarrhoea, cold sweat, faintness, necessity to lie two days on account of weakness, with alternation of chill and heat; on moving head; during and after eating; when riding; during menstruation, with eructations and nausea; during menstruation, (<) evening; with nausea, as from abdomen; here and there in brain, at last behind l. ear; A. as if numb and pithy; A. in morning as if she had not slept enough. Constriction, (<) occiput, extending to nape, which pains as if broken on looking up, at noon, afterwards the pain extends down back and to chest. Feeling as if screwed together and full. Bruised pain in evening, with general sick feeling. Drawing pain extending into face and to neck. Tensive pain extending into face and to neck. Tensive pain on waking, (<) surface of brain, (<) occiput, with painful stiffness of neck, the P. (<) trying to sleep. Sharp drawing tension in nerves of brain.

Confusion in morning; with nausea and sour vomiting. Stupidity mornings. Weakness extending to throat. Emptiness after midday meal. Orgasm in afternoon, with compressive pain in vertex; frequent O. during the day, with heat in it and sweat. Brain feels loose. Feeling as if intoxicated. Vertigo; in morning on waking; in evening, with stupefaction and necessity, to lie down; in evening on walking, with reeling; during and after stooping, even to falling forward, with nausea; on looking up;, in attacks with inclination to fall forward; inclination to V., with reeling, loss of sense, shivering and chilliness.

Forehead.– Tearing in morning on waking; in afternoon; with internal heat; pain as if torn from morning after rising till towards noon. Pain in morning after rising, (<) motion; in morning when half asleep, and in vertex, (>) when completely awake; P. extending deep into brain. Bursting pain after eating. Smarting pain on touch. Drawing pain, with pain in nape as if stiff. Drawing, then in occiput in evening; intermittent D. Pressure outward after eating. Confusion, with counteractive sensation. Throbbing. Feeling as if wrinkled.

Sticking in l. temple; l in temples, extending through eyes to internal canthi, if he looks intently at anything white or red. Pain in l. temple, sharp P. in the temple upon which he does not lie in morning. Sticking in sides of vertex towards middle from morning till 3 P.M. as if head would burst, (>) sweat in heat of sun. Tearing in r. side in evening. Painful shocks morning in bed, (>) rising, with nausea; pain at night in side upon which he was not lying. Intermittent throbbing in r, side. Pain in occiput; with heaviness of head, tension and stiffness of nape, the pains (<) walking, (>) lying, disappearing at night.

Scalp.– Scales causing itching and becoming a scurf, which disappears on washing and then is humid. Scurfy spot on vertex, with sore pain on touch. Eruption on vertex, painful to touch and humid. humid eruption, with suppurative pain on touch. Old scabs come off and have and offensive odor. Falling of hair (nitricum acidum, Sepia Sul.). Hair tangled (Borax). Pain and moisture beneath scurfy spots. Sore pain. Coldness and spasmodic contraction. Itching.

Clinical Eczema of the head, glutinous moisture and moist scabs. moist eruption on the scalp, matting the hair (Borax.). Tinea capitis, with dry eruption. Porrigo decalvans. Violent semilateral headaches during suppression of menses, with numbness, constipation, etc., or in the same trouble congestion of the head, with feeling of heat.


      Redness; of white, with lachrymation and photophobia; with inflammation, drawing, and pressive pain, then biting lachrymation. Hardened mucus. Maturating, with pressure in them and drawing pain extending into head. Sticking in r. Biting. Drawing pain. Pain morning and evening. Weakness. Burning; in morning; in evening light; when writing, with double vision of letters, with dim vision; with pus in canthi; with lachrymation in open air. Lachrymation; in sunlight; on walking in open air, with closure of eyes as from sleepiness. Pressure in r. brow, extending through eye.

Lids. — Dry mucus on lashes. Inflammation of margins (Sepia); I. of external canthus. Stye on lower, with drawing pain before discharge of pus. Swelling of lids and lachrymal glands. Agglutination in morning. Dryness and pressure. heaviness. Inclination to draw lids together in external canthus. Paralytic pain. Heat; in evening on reading and in morning, with dryness. Burning biting in inner canthus. Itching of inner canthus. Twitching beneath eyes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.