Homeopathy Remedy Helleborus Niger

Helleborus Niger homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Helleborus Niger

      A tincture is made of the dried root of Helleborus niger, L.

General Action

      It produces a “bluntness of sensibility of all the special senses; also occasionally convulsions. It first produces scanty urine and dropsical symptoms.

Allies. – Pulsatilla, Colchicum, Apis.


      Flesh feels soft. Convulsions; with coldness. Cramps and convulsive motions, with shooting in brain. General tremor. Unsteadiness in her actions. Tearing sticking in several places at once, on upper arms, chest, back, etc. Sticking boring in coverings of bones; S. boring in various parts, (<) cold and exertion and after eating and drinking. Feeling after the fever as if he had been sick long in bed; feeling in open air as if he had been sick long, all objects seemed new. Soreness in flesh. (Distended sensation in swollen parts, with heaviness.) Could neither sit, stand nor lie, and constantly pointed to his heart. Feeling as if blood were poor and thin, listlessness. Necessity to stretch as soon as he opened his eyes in morning, then weariness and closure of lids. Weakness; in forenoon, with sleepiness and yawning. Sudden relaxation of all muscles, with falling to the ground, coldness of body, cold sweat on forehead, stammering, slow pulse and contracted pupils. Faintness. Aggravation in afternoon and evening. Amelioration in open air.

Clinical This drug seems to be useful in general condition of want of reaction, a semi-paralytic state of the system.


      Delirium. Vivid fancies after lying down, a hundred forms float before his eyes, suddenly coming and going. Self-confidence. Happy carelessness about everything. Mirth alternating with melancholy, desire to laugh, then desire to weep. Anxiety; with restlessness, apprehension of misfortune; with indifference to joy or sorrow, contented with nothing. Restless, impatient, hopeful, feeling as if circulation were increased, could accomplish great deeds, fearless, feeling as if brain were boiling. anger at trifles. Fretfulness. despair about his own life. Sadness; on seeing a cheerful person; on account of his condition. Homesick. Do not wish to speak, dread company; do not wish any one to speak to me or look at me. Reflective, taciturn all the afternoon. Tranquil and desirous to lie down. (Irresolute.) (Dresses himself awkwardly.) Stupefaction, with slow answers (Phosphorus); S.; with vertigo. Distraction when studying. Inability to reflect. Memory weak.

Clinical The general mental condition characteristic of this drug is one of almost complete stupor; it is extremely difficult to arouse the patient (the Phos-ac. patient can be aroused easily). There seems to be great physical prostration, or at least loss of control of the mind over the body, possibly due to cerebral effusion (serous); this tendency to serous effusions is very marked in almost every part of the body, and in dropsical effusions everywhere Helleborus is the remedy if the patient be stupid (Apis). Melancholia, fear of death, a kind of stupidity, unintelligible muttering, etc.


      Tearing in various parts. Piercing pain, which on sitting upright becomes a burning in brain. Aching; in all day, with heaviness in it and pain in limbs; every day form 4 to 8 P.M.; on walking, (<) occiput, with heaviness; in skull; deep; so that he moves constantly, (>) lying quietly in a half dose, with eyes closed; stupefying, all day, as from drunkenness; as if compressed all day; as if brain were pressed inward on every step in open air; as if brain were pressed inward on every step in open air; as if brain would be pressed from both sides towards middle and upward. Bruised pain; now in one part of brain, now in another, (<) stooping, with Dullness.

Brain feels too large; on waking, with paroxysmal pain in forehead, (<) movement, (>) pressure. Confusion; till evening, with heaviness; (<) stooping, with warmth; (>) pressure of palm; (>) open air, with heaviness and inclination to vertigo; with painless digging here and there; and noise hurts, sound of wind distresses. Heaviness; all day, (<) during fever, (>) open air, with tension and pressure inward in temples, (<) forehead, and with every pulse pressing drawing as if blood were forced through head; with internal heat in it, cold fingers and general chill, (>) wrapping up hands and keeping them warm; of brain, with sensation as if it were surrounded by a tight skin, with inability to think or remember. Stupefaction; dizzy. Congestion of brain.

Vertigo; all day, (<) walking; in morning on waking, with heaviness of head, then nausea, he feels better when sitting and bending head, but on rising return on nausea and vertigo; on stooping.; on stooping and raising head again, (>) becoming erect; on becoming erect; on walking; with nausea and prostration; with indistinct vision, dilated pupils, roaring in ears and unsteady gait; with pleasant warmth in stomach and abdomen; stupefying, with inclination to fall forward; as if objects moved in a circle, with stupidity.

Forehead. – Muscles drawn in folds. Drawing in skin so that it is wrinkled. Sticking externally in r., then l.; boring S. transversely across. Tearing in l. eminence, involving l. eye. Boring in bone and along coronal suture; in F. and occiput, with sticking. Boring drawing pain. Aching; in l.; over eyes; in bone; in sinciput; deep in sinciput; in sinciput all day, with heat in it; in evening, with pressure in r. temple; in eminence when sitting, with vertigo; in sinciput, (<) evening, with tearing and heat; in r. eminence, (<) walking in open air; over eyes extending to temples, skin of F. feels tight, disposed to frown, head feels weak as if dazed; bursting. Pressure outward in r. Brain feels too large in front, occiput feels empty, then reverse in forehead and occiput feels as if it would fall forward, disposed to lie down and roll head form side to side, feel helpless like an infant, disposed to draw up feet like an infant. Pulsation, and in temples, with heat in face. Confusion; all day in sinciput, with heaviness and pain. Heaviness; in sinciput; in sinciput, (<) afternoon, with heat and pressure then towards evening the trouble in head alternated with pressure in r. upper arm, then the headache alternated with pain in knee, r. leg, l. hand and upper arm, with these symptoms rapid pulse, cold hands, hot head and face, relief at 11 P.M., next night full of anxious dreams. Stupefaction and pressure, (<) eyes, as if something would fall out of F. and eyes.

Pain in temples; in r. after exerting attention, (<) walking; compressive; drawing, to ear; bursting sensation. Pulsation in l. temple, ending in a stitch. Drawing pain in vertex in morning in bed. Pressure upon vertex; as with a point; as if skull were pressed inward; like a clavus. Bruised pain externally in vertex and occiput, (<) during chill, becoming on motion, (<) stooping and ascending steps, a jerking in scalp, (>) pressure. Sticking in region of r. coronal suture, as if rising out of brain. One-sided tearing, with chill. Pressure in l. side; drawing P. in l. hemisphere of brain from behind to forehead, as if brain accumulated there. Stupefying, dizzy drawing now in one, now in other hemisphere, also in whole brain. Confusion of l. side, with change of coryza from fluent to stopped. Pain in occiput; extending towards nape; bruised, (<) stooping. Sensation as if scalp were tight over occiput.

Clinical Hydrocephalus, with torpidity, unconsciousness, insensibility of eyes, suppression of urine, especially with wrinkling of forehead and constant chewing motion. Hydrocephalus, with sudden screams and boring of the head into the pillow, wrinkling of forehead, automatic motions of one arm or foot. Some cases of hydrocephalus, with most violent general convulsions, distortion of the face, complete unconsciousness suppression of urine. The sequelae of hydrocephalus, the child is idiotic, seems to want nothing but drinks eagerly. Effects of repressed eruptions, simulating hydrocephalus. Distortion of the eyes in hydrocephalus. Effects of concussion of the brain, after Arnica had failed.


      Staring. Sunken and discolored about lids. Sticking as if they would lachrymate. Boring deep in r. Pressure; deep; P. upon them. Feeling as if pressed together by something heavy from above in open air, he must exert himself to open them widely. Burning biting, (<) inner canthus. Pupils dilated; contracted. Sticking in l. ball; S. in ball and its covering in morning after waking, on pressing eyes together; S. downward. Pain in r. ball; in a spot on l. ball, between it and external and upper part of orbit. Twitching of lids; upper. Lids, half open in slumber and pupils drawn upward; (swollen, red); biting in r.; B. in margins; burning and prickling. Canthi, inner full of dry mucus in morning; soreness in l. in morning on waking, with moisture in them; pressure in r. inner, (<) closing eye; itching.

Orbit, sticking in upper margin of l., rather towards inner canthus, (>) during pressure with finger; tearing on outer side of l., as if between wall and ball, affecting ball; aching; deep A.; A. as if eyes would fall out. Twitching of brows and cheeks, with heat of face. Brow, sticking tension in l. on touch, as if a pimple would form; pain drawing back and forth, with spasmodic contraction of their muscles. Photophobia; during fever. Sensation as if everything were too clear and black. Vision dim; in morning; flickering; of floating specks; of black specks; of black specks and rings; of bright and dark spots.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.