Homeopathy Remedy Juglans Cinerea

Juglans Cinerea homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Juglans Cinerea……

      A tincture of the fresh, young, inner bark of the root of the “Butternut,” collected in the spring, is used.


      Loss of weight. Aching in various parts. Feeling as if all internal organs were too large, (<) l. side. Restlessness in afternoon, with pain in region of lumbar vertebrae. Weakness; with sick feeling. Faintness, (>) rising and moving about. Deathlike feeling, with chills and shuddering.


      Want to be alone, want to do nothing but eat and sleep, cannot think of concentrating my mind upon any one subject. Confusion so that I could not study. Dull feeling, cannot remember anything that I read. Absent-minded, forget what I am about.


      Aching; in morning on waking, with yellow low coat on tongue; in forenoon; in forenoon, (<) r. side; in evening; and I can hardly see; heavy, in morning. Feeling as large as a barrel. Vertigo at 11 A.M., with nausea; V., with faint feeling in stomach extending to abdomen. Fulness in frontal region. Pain in forehead; in r. temple in forenoon; in occiput in morning, (>) rising. Itching of scalp.

Clinical Occipital headache is said to be a characteristic of the drug.


      Red and swollen. Burning in afternoon. Feeling as if drawn together. Loss of vision on sudden motion, with faintlike giddiness.


      Numbness at root; in bridge, (>) rubbing. Dryness. Watery discharge. Bleeding.


      Pallor. Erythematous redness, with dry, burning sensation.

Mouth and Throat

      Tongue coated white; coated yellow in morning. Burning and pricking in mouth and throat. Taste coppery. Swelling of submaxillary glands, (<) r. Sore throat; in forenoon, with roughness; on swallowing; with swollen feeling. Fauces dry. Burning in pharynx. Pain in r. side of fauces.

Stomach and Abdomen

      Ferocious appetite. Thirsty, want to drink all the time. Nausea in morning; N. (<) night. Burning in stomach. Stitches in hepatic region. Pain in each hypochondria; in umbilical region; in abdomen after dinner, then diarrhoea, with burning in anus; in region of inguinal rings, with soreness on rising from a recumbent position; flatulent, in different parts of abdomen; heavy, in umbilical region. Burning in abdomen after stool.


      Bilious, copious, frequent, painless. Diarrhoea, with cutting in abdomen; D., with burning in anus before and after stool; painless, in forenoon; yellow, frothy, with tenesmus and burning in anus after stool. A drastic purge, producing irritation and inflammation of mucous membrane of bowels. Soft, with pain and flatulence in abdomen; S. and brown; and dark, sticky. Constipation; with griping in umbilical region. Hard, and in balls; H. and dark brown; and brown, difficult; first part H. and brown, latter part diarrhoeic and greenish-yellow. Small and brown. Dark brown.

Urinary Organs

      Micturition frequent and copious; frequent, with burning and smarting.


      Expectoration of dark blood. Pain in l.; in centre at times, by day and night, with foreboding feeling at night; sharp wrenching, in l. side at 6 P.M., when walking, with suffocating sensation under sternum, compelling him to stand still, which did not alleviate the pain, the attack being similar to angina pectoris. Oppression; hindering long breathing.

Clinical Angina pectoris, with suffocative pain behind sternum, especially (<) walking, has to stand still.



Neck and Back

      Neck rigid. Lame feeling in nape. Pricking up and down spine. Sticking under r. scapula on stooping. Pain between scapulae; under scapula; under r. scapula, making breathing difficult; under vertical border of r. scapula, moving the part and drawing a long breath; in region of lumbar vertebrae and r. sacro-iliac symphysis; in region of lumbar vertebrae in afternoon, with restlessness; in lumbar and dorsal vertebrae at night; in region of sacro-iliac symphysis, (<) sitting, also in forenoon, and in region of lumbar vertebrae; in lumbar vertebrae, extending through lumbar region and up spine. Occasional shooting in lumbar region.


      Pain; in shoulder; r. axilla in afternoon; r. axilla, extending down arm; l. arm; elbows and knees; wrists, extending up arms; thighs and l. knee in forenoon; r. knee on ascending stairs; ankles; sharp, rheumatic, in shoulders and wrists; occasionally sharp, in calves; cramplike, in hip at night; arms and wrists, as if sprained by hard work; numb, in r. axilla, extending down arm along nerves; numb, in arms and wrists in forenoon. Numbness of l. foot when sitting still.


      Exanthematous eruption resembling flush of scarlatina. Eruption resembling eczema simplex on upper chest, with itching pricking when heated by overexertion. Pustules on thighs, hips and notes, with itching and burning, a few pustules on body, face and arms. Itching in spots, now here, now there; I. on arms, (>) scratching, with burning; head, neck and shoulders, with pricking; arms, with burning and redness.

Clinical Numerous cases of scarlatina; eczema; herpes circinatus; impetigo; lichen; erysipelas; erythema nodosum; ecthyma.


      Constant yawning, without sleepiness. Sleepiness. Sleeplessness; after 3 A.M. Sleep restless; and light. Sleep unrefreshing. Dreams vivid; frightful; frightful all night, and waking covered with sweat; troublesome; of being among Indians; ridiculous.


      Chilliness alternating with flashes of heat; C. along spine; beginning in back when near the fire, without coldness of flesh.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.