Homeopathy Remedy Kali Bichromicum

Kali Bichromicum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Kali Bichromicum

      Triturations of the bichromate of potash are used.

General Action

      A “tissue” drug, affecting the skin, papular and pustular eruptions as well as ulcers of characteristic shape; producing general catarrh of mucous membranous and frequently erosions or ulcerations (throat, nose, stomach, rectum); causing inflammation of the periosteum and of the ligamentous structures about the joints; causing also acute inflammations of the kidney, with albuminuria, sympathetic disturbance of the liver, etc.

Allies. Pulsatilla, Cinnab., Merc-c., Phyto.; Kali in general, particularly K. iod., Iris, Rhus, SIn. nig., Ailanthus.


      Anaemic appearance. Emaciation; with hectic symptoms. Cracking on moving joints of limbs and vertebrae. Cramps; in various parts, (<) calves and inner thighs, with gastro-intestinal inflammation; sudden, in lower limbs and nape. Stitches in different parts. Tearing here and there in body, in shoulders and hands; in r. thumb, then in l. upper arm, then along arches of l. ribs; in bones, concentrating in little toes, with crawling; in r. axilla and on posterior surface of l. thigh, with sticking. Drawing tearing suddenly jumping from one place to another (Pulsatilla); and (>) moving the affected parts (Pulsatilla); D. tearing here and there in morning on waking, (<) limbs, forepart of chest and between shoulders. Sharp pain in r. knee and hips, and l. breast and shoulder. Rheumatic symptoms. Rheumatic pains in different parts; in knee and chest.

Drawing pain in l. hand, in forearm and nape; D. pains during the day, (<) limbs; in small of back and in l. shoulder in morning, then drawing behind l. ear; in bones of face and of r. hand in morning; in various parts, (<) bones of face, in morning after rising; in various parts, always near bones, as if in periosteum or in tendinous expansion near it, in morning on waking; in morning on waking, in hands, feet, occiput and face, then pressure and drawing between shoulders before dinner, and tension in pectoral muscles; D. and tearing pains in l. teeth and in joints of limbs, suddenly changing their location. Drawing in zygoma and in bones of extremities; D. here and there in sheaths of muscles, in neck, back and limbs, in morning on waking, (>) rising; in l. little and ring fingers in morning on rising, then in l. side of face and in r. knee; in r. index and in spine in evening in bed.

Discomfort in morning, with uneasiness; D. after rising, prostration, (<) limbs. Feeling on waking of having caught a cold. General sick feeling; in afternoon. Indisposition, (>) open air, with nausea (Pulsatilla). Paroxysmal venous excitement in forenoon, with uneasiness. Uneasiness, rolling over, tumbling about and nervousness. Sensitiveness to touch; to cold air in afternoon. Indolence, (>) beginning to work. Disinclination to rise from bed and move about.

Weakness; in morning; till noon; in evening; after rising, (<) limbs; after slightest motion; when walking in open air, with leaden heaviness of limbs, indifference, aversion to usual business, exhausting warmth, taciturnity, inability to collect my thoughts, and I cut short conversation to avoid showing the fact, desire to be alone, feeling better in open air; with sleepiness; (<) region of navel; even to sinking down; so that he trembled on attempting to rise. Paralyzed feeling, (<) r. foot. Almost complete insensibility. Stiffness and difficulty in rising in morning. Pain more severe in winter than in summer. Amelioration towards evening; after dinner; after eating; after a short sleep; from vomiting.

Clinical Rheumatism or rheumatoid pains, (<) smaller joints, wandering from one place to another (Pulsatilla). The rheumatism is apt to recur every spring. The pains are apt to appear and disappear suddenly and to change location rapidly, especially in chronic rheumatism. It is usually indicated in people, especially children, who are fat and sluggish.


      Good humor and inclination to laugh. Ill humor; and disinclination to business. Gloomy; in evening; during dyspeptic attacks. Anxiety rising from chest. Indifference, with distress in stomach. Discouragement amounting to ennui. Anthropophobia. Disinclination to mental work. Aversion to mental work after dinner (without physical indolence). Inability to attend to his usual business, (>) sleep, but ill humor, with distress and sickness, remained. Stupid, but answered questions well. Unconscious, pulseless, breathing slowly, and with effort, skin cold, lower lip swollen and purple, tongue swollen.


      Stitches, with chilliness; S. now in vertex, now in temples or occiput; tearing S., (<) temples and occiput. Tearing, (<) forehead and occiput, with stitches in temples. Aching; in morning on waking; in morning on waking, (<) forehead and occiput; in morning on waking, (<) vertex, (>) rising, then weariness and feeling as if he had not slept enough; towards noon; in afternoon, aggravated till dinner, then relieved; in evening; in evening, then feeling as if nose were stopped, with great heat of air coming through it, then nosebleed, preceded by burning in eyes and sleepiness; on waking, with thirst; after dinner, (<) forehead; (>) afternoon by nosebleed, at times with vertigo; (<) temples, with uneasiness of stomach and dim vision; with nausea; with prostration of limbs; with pain in eyes and frequent tearing in ears, then pain, (<) forehead, at times with ringing and pain in ears; at a point; (<) sides of vertex, extending towards temples; generally on one side and in a spot that may be covered with the finger; intermittent, (<) parietal regions; flying; nervous, in various parts after dinner; sore, with bristling of hair on vertex; burning, (>) warm soup, with vertigo and vision as if objects were enveloped in a yellow mist; heavy, on waking at 5 A.M.; throbbing, with sticking in a spot near crown, touching the hair at this place was painful, with nausea. Throbbing on bending forward.

Confusion; in morning during dyspeptic attacks; about noon, (<) forehead and vertex; (>) supraorbital region; sudden, about 6 P.M., with nausea, anxiety and Dullness of mind, on account of the confusion and anxiety the night was almost sleepless. Heaviness. Fulness; (<) vertex, with heaviness. Feeling as if brain were too large and forced bones as under, (<) temporal bones towards ears and parietal bones, the external meatus (<) l., sensitive and stopped. Lightness. Rush of blood. Vertigo; in morning on rising, (<) stooping, (>) walking, with heaviness; in evening; on rapid motion of head; when sitting writing, then sudden violent vomiting of white mucous acid fluid, pressure and burning pain in stomach, then relief, then vertigo, nausea and similar vomiting; (>) tea at 10 or 11 A.M., (<) stooping; with nausea; as if room whirled around on rising in bed, (<) lying down, with nausea; as if everything turned around, on rising from a seat, with pain in epigastrium. Vertigo in paroxysms; in morning on waking; in evening; sudden; sudden, when standing and walking.

Forehead.- Shooting; above r. eye in evening; across F. and in temples when walking, (>) rest. Darting pain, (<) open air; D. pain in a spot over l. eye in morning after rising, spreading over forehead, (<) motion. Pain; in protuberance; in bone every morning; in l. side in morning on waking; in F. and vertex in morning on waking, after rising it changed to occiput; in r. side in evening; in evening, (>) sleep, with pressure upon eyes; after dinner; and in occiput; then constrictive pain in vertex; extending to eyes; in arch of l. orbit, extending to l. upper jaw and causing increase of saliva; preventing sleep; sudden P. in bone along l. brow; in bone, postponing each day, in the latter days a second paroxysm in evening; also postponing; in l. sinus in forenoon, as in catarrh; as after a debauch, on stooping; throbbing, in spots at angles, with dim vision. Heavy pain on r. protuberance; over l. eye in afternoon; above eyes, (<) cold air and motion. Heaviness. Lightness on stooping, (<) morning.

Temples.- Shooting; (<) lying. Darting pains; in l. Tearing in l.; in r. muscle, with drawing; T., with sticking; intermittent T. extending to occiput. Creeping pinching on bones in forenoon. Intermittent pressure during the day. Attacks of throbbing pain in l. bone, extending to vertex, at first only after 4 P.M., after four days in morning, with nausea. Intermittent heavy pain, (<) cold air and motion; frequent H. pain in r. after eating, with craving in stomach. Drawing pain in r. Drawing, and in joint of jaw; in aponeurosis of l. muscles. Tension of muscles. Compression in evening. Confusion of r.

Pain in vertex. Pressure on vertex; at noon. Constriction of vertex towards noon. Sticking in r. side of head and in whole occiput; in r. side, extending into r. ear and r. side of face. Attacks of lancinations in r. side. Stabbing and pain as if head were opening in a spot in l. parietal region, (<) night, then a hard lump. Darting or aching in one side. Cutting along r. parietal bone. Pulsative pain in l. parietal bone.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.