Homeopathy Remedy Kalmia

Kalmia homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Kalmia…

      A tincture of the fresh leaves of Kalmia latifolia, L., is used.

General Action

      This remarkable drug causes tingling and numbness in various parts, neuralgic (or rheumatic) pains, which wander and cause restlessness, and, most marked of all, a slow, weak pulse.

Allies. Aconite, Cimicif., Rhus-t., Spigelia, the Kalis and Lithia.


      Sticking in various parts. Tearing in r. shoulder, l. arm, r. lower jaw and in flesh of whole l. leg downward. Rheumatic pains all over the body; often changing their position, especially in shoulder, elbow and wrist (Pulsatilla, Cimicif.). Pressing pains in whole body. Pains, (<) moving, (>) lying. Bruised feeling all over body (Arnica). General feeling as if one had been exposed to a soaking rain. Restlessness; and frequent turning (Rhus-t.). Desire to stretch. Aversion to exercise. Weakness; in morning; in evening; in evening, especially in limbs, so that it was almost impossible to ascend stairs; of muscles; of all muscles, (<) exertion, appearing first in those of mastication; could not go above three steps without being exhausted and likely to call from weakness and dizziness (Rhus-t.). Faintness, then vertigo.

Clinical Rheumatoid pains in various parts, pains shifting, they go to the heart and involve the arms and shoulders, associated with stiffness and numbness (compare Lithium). In chronic or subacute articular rheumatism the pains shift from joint to joint. With the neuralgic pains of Kalmia there are generally great weakness and trembling, symptoms of paralysis. Acute inflammatory rheumatism, shifting, arms and legs feel paralyzed.


      Anxiety. Irritability towards evening and next morning. Dislike to be spoken to, do not feel like going to the office, take up a book, but cannot collect my thoughts. Do not want to study. Cannot study, restless.


      Tearing; and in neck (Cimicif.). Pain; in morning on waking and in evening; in morning on waking,(>) cold water; at noon, especially on r. side; (>) pressure, especially in temples and forehead; with nausea; with flushed face; intermittent; wandering, in afternoon and evening, especially in parts back of forehead; internally, with sensation, when turning, of something loose diagonally across top; in all parts behind forehead. Drawing, and in eyes, (<) towards evening and in open air. Confusion; in evening. Dullness, with difficult hearing and pain in limbs. Dullness, with difficult hearing and pain in limbs. Dull, drowsy feeling, then raging pain in temples and occiput. Dull, full feeling on waking, for an hour after getting, up did not feel like doing anything. Fulness. Surging of blood in H. and against l. cheek, with heat of l. cheek. Vertigo; on stooping and looking downward (from 8 to 9 A.M., and from 3 to 6 P.M.) (Pulsatilla, Anacardium); on getting up after studying; (<) towards noon; with pain in limbs; with fugitive glow in different parts of surface and increase of sweat.

Forehead.- Shooting, extending into eye-teeth. Tearing in F. and head in morning on rising, then in hips and lower limbs to feet; across F.; in l. side, extending into temple. Pain; in evening; in morning on waking; on rising, worse afterwards; over eyes; in upper part of glabella; above r. eye about noon; (<) r. side; with inability to concentrate mind on book; extending into roots of r. upper molars; in supraorbital region, extending to occiput; in evening in F. and over eyes, moving backward and outwardly down sides of neck, then pain in l. shoulder; sometimes shooting to eye-teeth, at one time easier in F., at another in teeth; pulsating.

Temples.- Shootings to occiput; S. into eyes; to eyeballs at 10.30 A.M. Tearing in r., passing downward. Acute pain in l., (<) ascending stairs. Pain; in r.; in T., and over eyes in morning on waking, (>) cold water; from l. backward; heavy, in T., and especially in forehead, (<) mental effort, with pale face.

Shooting from vertex into temples, with feeling as if head would burst. Tearing on vertex. Pain in vertex; extending in direction of cervical vertebrae; as if bound with a cord. Pain on r. side of head; in whole l. side, with throbbing in it and with stitches in l. ear and behind r. ear; intermittent, in a spot on r. side above forehead in evening in bed. Heaviness on r. side of head, then towards evening on l. Pain in occiput; and neck; dull, in occiput, with frequent sharp darting pain in r. side of head.


      Inflammation to l. in morning, with burning jerking pain till near noon. Sticking; towards evening; in r. in morning; under l.; in r., with pressing, the eyes feel dim and weak. Pain; in afternoon; in r.; in r. in evening; about eyes; which makes it painful to turn them; P., can hardly keep them open. Heaviness. Burning, (<) l. with pressing. Itching; in l. in afternoon, with burning; when rubbed, with stinging. Weakness. Stiffness of muscles around eyes and of eyelids (Rhus-t). Lids sore; at edges. Sensation in ball as if the orbit were pressing it out of its socket.

Glimmering exactly in point of vision, about 3 P.M., so that reading was difficult, with nausea. Vision imperfect. Dim, so that he could not read about spectacles; D. at intervals, (<) during paroxysms of vomiting. Almost blind when erect. Blind. Blackness about 8 or 9 A.M., when looking downward, with belching of wind and nausea. Vision affected, especially by darkness, coming before eyes every three or four minutes, and afterwards if in an erect position.

Clinical Inflammation of the sclera, with extreme pain on turning the eyes, and sclero-choroiditis, both anteriorly and posteriorly, sometimes with exudation into the vitreous. Retinitis albuminuria, especially during pregnancy. Paralysis of the upper lid, with feeling of stiffness (Rhus-t., Causticum). Muscular asthenopia.


      Stitches; at 4 P.M., in r. at night; in r. and behind it. Darting pains through them. Pain in r.; behind r. Ringing in afternoon. Cracking. Buzzing.


      Pain deep in l. side. Pressure on bridge, with frequent sneezing. Tickling; as before coryza. Sensation of coryza. Obstruction, (<) evening; O. of one nostril. Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing and increased sense of smell.


      Flushed. Pale. Sticking in bones; in l. upper jaw and zygoma; in jaws and teeth. Stinging in jaws. Tearing in bones of r. or l. side; in r. lower jaw. Neuralgia. Darting pain in jaw. Pain between r. eye and r. side of nose in afternoon; in malar0bone, extending into r. molars and bicuspids; under angles of jaw. Lips swollen, dry and stiff in morning.

Clinical Facial neuralgia, especially of r. side, with feeling of numbness and stiffness (compare Aconite), generally caused by cold; facial neuralgia following herpes zoster (Mezer.)


      Drawing tearing in teeth. Toothache;. (<) in incisors and eye- teeth; in upper T.; in lower incisors; in molar at 10.30 A.M.; in r, in evening; in molars for hours after 10 P.M.; as if a nerve were laid bare; neuralgic, in l. upper molars and bicuspid. Tongue white and dry. Sticking in tongue. Cutting in r. side of tongue, (>) biting it. Inflammation of sublingual glands. Tingling in salivary glands after eating, with sensation of fermentation in oesophagus and salivation. Salivation. Acrid, bitter taste.


      Rising of slippery mucus, with tickling in larynx. Pain in region of submaxillary gland in evening, shooting towards parotid. Scraping; exciting cough; causing desire to cough. Rawness, with scraping and pain when swallowing and with throbbing in tonsils. Pressing, with nausea. Feeling of a ball rising. Swollen feeling. Swallowing difficult; from dryness.


      Thirst. Eructations; of air. Nausea; in morning; at 10.30 A.M., after stool; in afternoon when riding, with incarceration of flatus; then stool with cutting in abdomen; in evening, then Dullness and aching in head; with incarcerated flatus; with loss of sight; with flickering before eyes. Retching. Vomiting, with ruminating action; V. every three or five minutes, without nausea, of bile towards the end and action like rumination.

Pain as if something were tearing the walls from their connections. Drawing tearing in epigastrium, (<) movement and attempting to talk. Pain in epigastrium. Pressure in pit, (>) sitting erect, (<) sitting bent, with feeling as if something were pressed down beneath pit of stomach. Gnawing at epigastric region at 8 A.M., with emptiness. Emptiness; with rumbling; which caused headache and nausea. Uneasiness. Distress after dinner as if overloaded. Discomfort. Contracted feeling; gradual, forcing its contents into oesophagus. Warmth; in epigastric region.

Clinical Gastralgia in sudden paroxysms.


      Cutting during stool; C. after breakfast, (>) loose stool, Occasional pain across A.; P. driving me to stool, diarrhoea, m with tenesmus. Sensation as before a cathartic operation, but none followed. Weak feeling extending into throat; (>) eructations. Sticking in r. hypochondrium at 8 A.M. Pain in r. side; in liver region; in hypochondrium; about umbilicus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.