Homeopathy Remedy Ledum

Ledum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ledum…

      A tincture of the fresh herb of Ledum palustre, L., is used.

General Action

      Pains, gouty, in the joints of feet and hands, shifting from place to place, involving also fibrous tissues in various parts. The smaller joints become swollen and the pains stimulate true gout. Veins enlarge and venous engorgements result, with haemorrhages from lungs, in eyes, etc. Papular eruptions on face and other parts. It has been found useful for stings of insects and penetrating wounds.

Allies. Arnica, Kalmia, Dulcamara, Rhus, Pulsatilla, etc.


      Pain in knees, l. wrist, l. side of occiput, after rising in morning; in lower part of l. leg. in r. knee, in lower part of l. upper arm, in first phalanx of r. third finger, in wall beneath r. nipple, (<) walking; pains changed their location suddenly (Pulsatilla); P. in bones of ankles, in knees, toes, bones of wrist, in evening when sitting, alternately shifting from place to place, alternating with drawing pain in calves, pressure in r. or l. frontal bone, drawing in toes, l. clavicle, muscle of arms, hip-joints, lumbar muscles, sticking in region of spleen and tearing in r. tibia.

Bruised pain in whole body (Arnica), (with oppression in all limbs). Tearing rheumatic pains, (<) motion. Pressure and tearing pain, (<) 5 P.M., (<) rest, (<) knees, dorsal muscles, elbows, hands, temples and finger-joints. Drawing pains, (<) legs, with heaviness in knees and sticking in calf, even when walking; D. pains alternately in l. leg, r. knee, l. hip-bone, l. wall of chest, l. lower jaw and r. wrist. Pressive and drawing pains, (<) posterior and outer side of l. thigh and in muscles of l. forearm, when sitting. Pressive drawing pains in knees, inner side of upper arm, frontal bone, metatarsal bones, shoulder-joints, (<) evening and during rest. Drawing in l. tibia, on posterior margin of r. scapula, in r. deltoid at its insertion into humerus, in muscles along dorsal vertebrae, in r. parietal bone, r. toes, in soft parts above l. knee

(Weakness after nocturnal emissions); W. when sitting, standing and walking, and after prolonged sitting pain in coccyx; with heaviness; sudden W. in evening, then shivering, with cool skin, general trembling of muscles, heat and heaviness of head, small and rapid pulse, the next night wakeful and restless, with confused dreams, frequent micturition, with cutting, pain in limbs, cranium and walls of chest, next morning early waking, weakness all day, shivering, sensitiveness of limbs and cranium to touch, pain and tearing in bones of legs especially, boring in bones of vertex, flushes of heat in sinciput, redness of face, stitches in throat, swollen, tonsils, small, rapid pulse, ill humor. Faintness.

Aggravation during the day; towards evening; of pains from 5 P.M. till lying down ((>) night, except on waking); when sitting; during rest; cold, wet weather (Dulcamara, Rhus t.); of pains by wind and cold air; after two glasses of Malaga at dinner; on l. side. Amelioration of pains at night; A. after camphor.

Clinical General tendency to rheumatic inflammations, especially of the joints, with soreness of the muscles, without fever. Like Arnica, it has marked tendency to ecchymoses and haemorrhages, especially of bright red, frothy blood. It has been used as a local application for penetrating wounds, and for the stings of insects. As a rule, the pains of Ledum are sticking, tearing and shifting; various parts of the body seem bruised. Slight injuries cause ecchymoses.


      Reason lost after prolonged intoxication. Unmanageable drunkenness. Passionate. Discontentment with his fellow-creatures all day, at last amounting to misanthropy. Inclined to anger and peevishness. Fretfulness; with uneasiness and irresolution; he went by himself and almost weeping, wished to die. Fear. Anxiety. Earnest all day.


      Tearing, and in eyes, white of eye and conjunctiva inflamed, the T. in eye (<) lying, (>) sitting, lids agglutinated in morning and offensive moisture discharged from between them, with shivering in evening, then heat, nightly thirst, rumbling in abdomen, heat of head, rather internal than external, and sweat on back and in hair. Aching in morning sleep; A., with the intoxication. A. causing Dullness; raging; as from a blow; brain painfully shattered by a false step; wandering A. Pain in brain like a weight, next day pressure in a spot in r. temple; like a weight in brain day and night, with slight interruptions. Drawing in bones after meals.

Confusion; (<) covering it, with pain in upper part of forehead. Stupefaction as in vertigo. Vertigo; when walking and standing; (<) stooping, on walking it increases to falling forward as in drunkenness, with general heat, (<) face, without thirst, with pallor of cheeks and forehead; with emptiness and drunkenness; the head tends to sink back; as if body swayed to one side when walking, always (>) standing still. Drunken feeling when walking in open air.

Forehead. Sticking in brain beneath r. eminence. Tearing in bones; in morning. Boring above beginning of l. brow; in l. bone and l. temple; in l. side; coronal suture; extending through bone; downward to eyes and in balls. Drawing pain in l. side. Stupefying pain externally as after a debauch. Pressure; in bones; in bone above r. eye; with warmth. Drawing in bones; l.; above r. eye; with pressure and boring. Confusion in sinciput; with staggering when walking, (<) rising from stooping. Heaviness in sinciput; like stupefaction; in F., with heat in it and pressure in r. temple. Vertigo in sinciput.

Boring in l. temple; when reading, and in l. frontal bone. Pressure in temples; r.; (<) l.; below l.; in l., (<) evening; in T. and sinciput, with heaviness; P. inward in l. Pain in temples on touch. Boring in coronal suture. Pressure in l. side of vertex. Drawing beneath scalp of vertex and its sides, extending towards forehead.

Tearing in parietal bones; backward above ears; T. above r. ear, extending into cranial bone. Boring in r. parietal bone; in l. eminence; in upper part of l. side, then further forward in forehead. Pressure behind r. ear and in l. side of forehead; on l. side of head, with heaviness of head. Intermittent drawing in r. side. Tearing in l. side of occiput. Crawling itching on scalp and forehead.


      Inflammation, with tensive pain. Stitches in l. towards inner canthus. Burning pressure, (<) evening, with agglutination in morning, with lachrymation during the day. Acrid lachrymation. Pupils dilated; contracted. Lids agglutinated, lids full of matter. Stitches in margins of lids towards inner canthi; S. in r. inner canthus. Itching in inner canthi. Pain behind ball as if it would be forced out. Tearing in bone above l. eye. Boring in r. lower orbital margin. Pressure on outer margin of r. orbit, (<) moving about. Vision flickering; (as in vertigo) on looking steadily at an object. Vision weak. V. of black floating points.

Clinical Ecchymoses of the conjunctiva. Intraocular haemorrhages.


      Pressure behind r.; in bones and soft parts behind r.; in bone behind l. Ringing or noise of wind. Roaring as of wind; interrupted R. Dull hearing in r.; with feeling as if stopped with cotton, and as if he heard from a distance. Deafness, as if something were before drums.

Clinical Inflammation of the ear, with deafness, from getting cold, as from having the hair cut.


      Boring in l. bones. Pain at union of nasal cartilage with bone of l. side, (<) touch with much thick mucus in l. nostril, so that it is difficult to get air through it, as from a swelling of mucous membrane. Burning pain internally, with soreness on pressure or blowing nose. Sneezing on account of tickling in l. nostril; frequent S., with increased mucus. Bleeding, bloody mucus in nose.


      Pallor. Tearing in zygoma. Boring in zygoma; l.; in l., in frontal bone and above r. frontal eminence; in r. in evening, and in l. lower jaw; on upper margin of l. Pressure in r. zygoma. Drawing pain in middle, extending across forehead, vertex and occiput to nape. Drawing in l. half, across l. temple to forehead. Pustule on margin of upper lip, with burning itching, (<) scratching. Boring in l. upper jaw; l. lower; r. lower; r. articulation; r. angle of lower; in r. lower and in zygoma, also in evening; in l. angle of lower when sitting. Pain in jaw on both sides of nose; in r. joint; deep in angle, now r., now l. Pressure inward on l. lower jaw. Drawing in. l. side of lower jaw.


      Stitches in teeth, then tearing externally on r. side of face, head and neck, which disappears after more stitches in teeth, but returns from time to time, the attack ends with shivering, deep sleep and loss of hunger and thirst. Drawing pain in lower incisors, with coldness. (Pain in a lower and upper incisor). Stitches through tongue; on forepart; in tip; beneath tip; in tip, with burning; S., with burning. Dryness of mouth on waking; D. of palate, with thirst for water. Salivation; causing nausea. Sudden running out of water, with colic, waterbrash. (Breath offensive). Taste bitter.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.