Homeopathy Remedy Magnesia Carbonica

Magnesia Carbonica homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Magnesia Carbonica…

      Pure carbonate of Magnesium is triturated for use.

General Effects

      In general it produces gastric and intestinal catarrh, acid eructations, sour-smelling stools and sour perspiration. Great flatulence (which is said not to be caused by calcined magnesia). One of the most interesting effects in connection with the acid dyspepsia is the great tendency to neuralgia, marked in all the Magnesias, especially about the face.

Allies. Hepar, Pulsatilla, Alumina, Calcarea C., Pulsatilla, Coloc., Pot., etc.


      Twitching in vessels of thighs, shoulders and face. Trembling in morning, (>) rising, with weakness. Burning stitches here and there. Wandering tearing in forenoon; T. during menses, now in both sides of head, now in vertex, now in nape, (>) night; jerking T. now in vortex, now in occiput, upper arms and thighs all day. Pains here and there in all parts. Jerking pains on rising from bed. Easily sprained, on bending arm backward shoulder pain as if dislocated and on touch feels bruised, and inability to turn head o left without pain. Soreness of whole body. Sensitiveness of skin of head and body, especially to cold, cold creeping through skin and chilliness through and through from every draught. Internal restlessness, with distraction of mind and trembling of hands.

Weakness; all day, with heaviness; greater in morning after a good night’s sleep than in evening on lying down; in morning in bed; in morning, with discomfort and apathy; in morning on waking, (>) lying down again, with bruised feeling in hands and feet, and trembling, and on getting out of bed coldness; in afternoon, when sitting and walking, (>) standing; in evening; when walking; when eating; after eating, with pallor, nausea and vomiting of dark food; after an indigestible dinner, with sleepiness so that he suddenly fell asleep when standing and talking, with confusion of head, which made though impossible; during menses; during menace, with sweat; after stool; after diarrhoea; after vomiting; with suffering expression and nausea; with heaviness; with discomfort, anxious warmth and sweat; sudden, when walking in open air; of mind and body.


      General tendency to neuralgic pains and general aggravation at night, when there is a great deal of fever and restlessness (Sul.).


      Talkative in afternoon, everything prospers. Ill humor; all day, (>) evening; in forenoon; afternoon; evening; at 7 P.M.; when walking in evening; so that she does not know what she shall undertake, with constant sweat; yet humming; good humor on first day of menses, the next the days ill humor. Anxiety all day, (<) moving about, with sweat; A. at night, the bed felt like stones, with constant tossing about; at night causing late falling asleep, frequent necessity to uncover herself, which she could not endure long on account of coldness; at night, and she could not bear to have her hands covered, but if she put them out they immediately became too cold; after rising, with prostration and with stitches in whole body; when eating soup, with warmth, (<) head; tremulous A. and fright s if she apprehended some misfortune, (>) evening in bed. Sadness; and apprehension; and unwillingness to talk. Apathy in afternoon, with apprehension and compressive headache. Confusion from mental labor, with stupefaction. Forgetfulness.


      Sticking in morning after rising, with pressure over eyes; S. at 10.30 A.M. when standing, then bruised pain in r. and then in l. side of head, with feeling as if it would be (>) moving head, which was not the case; from 8 P.M. till sleep, making her ill-humored; here and there; here and there from dinner till 3 P.M. Tearing in evening and night, with sticking as from knives, so that she thought it would taken away her senses. Aching in morning in bed, lasting till towards 10 A.M.; afternoon, (<) towards evening, with sensitiveness of head to pressure, as from an ulcer; during menses, with heaviness and internal heat; jerking, at I P.M. after vexation, (<) constantly till (>) evening in bed, with heaviness; drawings; as from stiffness of neck, Pressure across during mental work; P. over whole, in the house with many people. Feeling as if screwed together from sides at 5. P.M., then also in occiput.

Heaviness in morning, with yawning and nausea; H. in morning during menses, with agglutination of inner canthi; in afternoon, with pain; when lying after midday nap, with bloody saliva. Confusion in morning on rising, (>) washing and moving about, with stupefaction, as from insufficient sleep. Vibration internally on slight motion. Rush of blood in forenoon; R. (<) smoking. Vertigo in morning on rising, (>) walking, with heaviness of head; V. in evening when sewing, with nausea, afterwards when lying unconsciousness; when kneeling, as if she would fall into a heap; frequent V. like loss of consciousness; as if everything turned around with her and as if she would fall for ward; as if everything went round with her, in morning after rising; with nausea and frequent salivation; objects seem to go around at 11 A.M., when standing, with intoxicated feeling and heaviness of head.

Forehead. Vibrating jerking above l. eye on motion, extending through head. Sticking at 6 P.M.; intermittent S.; outward in r. side. more externally, at 3.30 P.M., preceded by tickling. Cutting as if skin would be cut through from middle towards l. eye. Tearing deep in centre in afternoon, with beating; T. in afternoon and evening, (>) in bed, with drawing backward in nape; deep in r. side of brain at 4 P.M., then in l., at last in front of l. ear; in F. and top of head after dinner, with heaviness; in brain as if benumbed and heavy, from I till 5 P.M. Pain; in sinciput and eyes; from 8 A.M. till noon; on waking, (>) 4 P.M.; stupefying, in l. at 3 P.M., and at times in eyes. Drawing pain all the forenoon; in morning, with nausea. Painful drawing to occiput all day during menses, with heaviness of brain. Heaviness at 5 P.M., with suppurative pain in l. side of occiput; H. when standing. She felt the best of an artery.

Temples. Sticking in l.; in r. after dinner; in l., then above r. ear. Tearing in l. at 5 P.M.; in l. in afternoon, (>) pressure; in l. in evening on lying down, Pressure, but returning; in r. involving eye; upward in l. in evening, with aching in last molar.

Vertex. Stitches at 2 P.M.; S. through brain to r. side of occiput at 10.30 A.M.; in r. side, then on moving head towards the left tearing in r. side of occiput. Jerking tearing, then sensitiveness to pressure. Bruised pain during and after menstruation, with sensitiveness to touch towards evening. Pain as if the hair were pulled upward from 5 till 9 P.M.

Sides. Stitches in l. at 3 P.M. when standing; here and there in l. at 7 P.M.; anterior angle of r. parietal bone at 7 P.M.; outward in r. at night when lying upon it, (>) turning upon other side; in r. after dinner, with internal throbbing; in r. when standing, extending forward; in l. parietal bone and in upper and forepart of r., extending towards each other; extending inward at 5 P.M., with internal tearing; inward in r. when sitting after dinner, with tearing; boring, in upper part of r. through to r. side of occiput at 8.30 A.M. Boring in l. in evening. Pain in l., (<) temple, waking her at night, (>) raising head.

Occiput. Sticking, and even over whole head; S. in evening. Pain. Tension as if something drew head backward during after swallowing, (<) standing, (>) sitting.

Scalp. Hair falls out profusely. Itching in morning after rising, (<) scratching; on r. side in forenoon, (>) scratching; every evening; on vertex during dinner; on l. side, (>) scratching; of scurf every morning; of scurf in evening, (>) scratching; of scurf in rainy weather.

Clinical Preparations of Magnesia (particularly Mag. phos.) have been found valuable for neuralgias of the forehead, especially supraorbital.


      Matter in them in morning on waking, with burning and dim vision. Swollen in morning after waking, and could not open them for a long time; seem swollen in morning after waking, with dizziness. Sticking, with burning and with red vessels in whites. Tearing in morning in bed, then lachrymation, (>) washing. Pain in l. as if would burst or were forced outward, with lachrymation, at times much water runs from l. nostril, with aggravation of the drawing sticking above l. eye on blowing nose. Burning; all day; in bright daylight. Dryness; in morning; during menses, with burning and dimness. Biting in l., with lachrymation. Itching in l. at 4 P.M., (>) rubbing, with biting; l. in r. at 10 P.M., with burning; in r. after dinner; voluptuous, of l. at 4.30 P.M., (>) rubbing.

Lachrymation all day; in morning; of r.; of r., with burning in it and red vessels in inner canthus. Swelling of ball as if “dropsy of eye” would form. Agglutination of lids in morning on waking; A., with pressure in eyes. Inflammation and swelling of lower lids, with redness of one canthus, Jerking in l. lids, causing lachrymation. Jerking tearing in lower lids. Burning in r. inner canthus, with inflammation. Itching in canthi in evening, with burning; l. in l. inner, (>) rubbing; biting, of r. inner, (>) rubbing. Tearing on r. upper margin of orbit. Pressure about eyes to wards evening. Photophobia, with burning in eyes. Vision of r. eye vanishes when looking intently. Vision foggy; in afternoon, (<) r. eye; dim in the inflamed eye as if feathers were before it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.