Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius Corrosivus

Mercurius Corrosivus homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Mercurius Corrosivus…

      Corrosive Sublimate is dissolved in alcohol (1 to 99)

General Action

      Similar to Mercury, but much more violent. Its symptoms of ulceration, diarrhoea, dysentery, nephritis, cystitis, etcetera, are attended with more pain and fever.

Allies. Compare the list under Mercurius and add Arsenicum, Cantharis, lach.


      Dorsal decubitus. Lying on back with knees bent up. Lies with knees drawn up. Lies with eyes half shut and with a choleraic aspect. Appearance as in the last stage of typhus fever. Collapse Emaciation. Jactitation and trembling. Trembling of whole l. half of body when leaning heavily on l. arm whole standing. Rolling incessantly from side to side. Convulsions; of face, arms and legs; in toes and feet, then in fingers and hands, then extending up and forehead hot, but white around mouth and purple under eyes, pupils dilated, eyes rolled up. Convulsive shudderings in whole body alternating with drawing in arms and tearing in all limbs, and unconsciousness and oppression of heart. Cramps; even of hands and fingers.

Sticking here and there in muscles during the day; S. in parenchyma of organs, as in lungs, liver, and very fine in testicles. Myalgia. Pains; on every motion; over whole body; over whole body, (<) motion, with stiffness; intermittent, (<) about scrobiculus cordis and umbilicus; so that she ran about the room out of her senses and screaming. Malaise. Discomfort in periosteum, of all bones, like onset of intermittent fever, with heat in head towards evening. Restlessness; obliging him to leave the bed. Debility; in morning, with suffering;, joints. Faintness; frequent. Aggravation in morning, especially weakness and vertigo, weakness(>) work; A. on walking in open air; from acids; from fat food. Amelioration from rest.


      Delirium; and stupor; at night; must be forcibly confined to his bed. indecent exposure of person. Ill humor; all day; in afternoon; alternating with joyfulness. Low spirits. Anxiety; at night. Disinclination to talk. Intellect weak, looks at us with wide-open eyes and does not understand us; dull, but rational when fairly awake. Stupor; with pallor and dry, unsteady eyes. Thoughts disconnected, spoke of three kinds of headache, tried to correct, himself, till he was obliged to stop from vexation. Coma. Unconscious, pulseless at wrists, tossing about.


      Aching; like a drawing in periosteum of skull; as if on fire. Uneasiness. Confusion; (<) above brows;(>) emission of flatus. Heaviness. Congestion of H. and face, with burning in cheeks. Vertigo; on lifting head from pillow; (<) 8 P.M. on lying down, with almost loss of hearing and tearing in occiput. Sticking in forehead; above l. eye, mingled with pressure, (<) stooping. Frontal pain; in r. eminence. Dullness in upper part of forehead; in forehead, with waving pain in both hemispheres of brain. Pain in temples; changing to pressure above l. eye. Sticking in l. parietal bone.


      Staring. Protruding; and bloodshot; and inflamed. Sparkling; and red; and in constant motion. Dull and expressive of agony. Tearing from l. down into a molar. Pain, with injection of vessels of conjunctiva; burning P. Burning; and dryness; of E. and margins of lids as in beginning of conjunctivitis. Itching of l. Pupils insensible to light; and dilated; dilated; contracted. Pain behind balls as if they would be forced out. Itching sticking in muscles of r. ball. Redness of conjunctiva; of lids. Contraction of corrugator supercilii, with partial strabismus. Tearing in bone above l., never root of nose and in other parts of bone. Photophobia when walking in sunlight. Objects seem smaller and more distant, especially letters, (<) violent yawning.

Clinical Ophthalmia, involving external layers of the cornea, with extreme photophobia, so that it is almost impossible to get a view of the eye, with swelling of the submaxillary glands. Numerous cases of pustula ophthalmia and ulceration of the cornea. Severe burning soreness of the eye often indicates it. it has been used with success in some cases of iritis. It has been found valuable for the retinitis of Bright’s disease. Retinitis haemorrhagica. Choroiditis. Inflamed sclera, with burning pains. Kerato-iritis, with adhesions. Hypopyon.


      Sticking in l.; in afternoon, with digging. Pulsation, (<) l. Stopped sensation. Whirring in l. rhythmical with pulse. (Increase of the usual roaring and humming in r.)


      Coryza. Dryness posteriorly, as if in upper surface of soft palate, (<) open air. Frequent nosebleed.

Clinical Fluent coryza, with extremely violent symptoms, burning, heat, mucous discharge, not profuse, nostrils very sore. Ozaena, with ulcers in the nose, excoriating discharge, particularly if there is a thick gluey discharge from the nose, always associated with burning pain.


      Swollen; (<) lower part; and red; and red and covered with cold sweat; and pale; cheeks and shining and tense. Red, Pale; and anxious; and anxious, pinched; and sunken; and drawn and fixed in expression. White streak from angle of mouth to lower edge of jaw, and corrosion of dorsum of tongue and throat. Bluish-white, pinched and anxious. Blue, and lips. Yellow, hippocratic. Livid. Greenish. Collapsed and covered with cold sweat. Expression of exhaustion. Aspect as in cholera which has not yet reached perfect collapse. Expression of anxiety; E. of mental exaltation and bodily pain. Distorted. Convulsive motions. Tearing in l. zygoma. Jaws stiff and sore. Tearing in antrum highmorianum towards eye, then swelling. Pain in jaws; at l. angle of lower on touch.

Lips. Black (Arsenicum). Swollen and tender; lower. S. and a blister on inside of it. S. and white; S. and dark red; S. and incrusted with a dry secretion. Dry and cracked. Deep color. Blue. Lips and tongue whitish and sunken. Sloughing of lips, gum and tongue Convulsive motions at corners.

Clinical Many cases of facial neuralgia, especially if the pain seems to be in the bones.


      Teeth. Loose; and blunt. Sordes. Tearing sticking in a molar extending to ear. Tearing, burning pain from upper to eye. Drawing pain. Aching at night, disturbing sleep, with anxiety; A. preventing sleep, with swelling of gum and prostration; with swelling of gum; with tearing from infraorbital region to upper jaw (the pain is like that caused by urtica urens touching the mucous membrane).

Gums. Bleed easily (Lach). Swollen and spongy; swollen and pale; swollen, red, discharging yellowish pultaceous substances from around necks of teeth; S. and painful, covered with white pellicles; and tender; and S. salivary glands, with ptyalism; about r. molars; about last molars, with burning pain. Purple. Red and detached from teeth; R. and tender, with swelling of glands beneath jaw. Spongy and ulcerated. Ulcers, and on inner surface of lips. Burning pain. Tenderness, and of teeth.

Tongue. Swollen; and inflamed; so that it could not be protruded, and white; at base and coated white. Mucous membrane white. Red, with blackish coat. Covered with grayish-white crust. Coated; and moist edges red; pale, dirty yellow posteriorly and along edges; white anteriorly, yellow posteriorly; white. Yellow, moist. Slimy. Frequently thrust out. Sore. Felt numb and large. Dry; and red; with red streak in centre; and hot, with red edges; dry patch at tip, the rest coated white. Cool. Could not be protruded. Speech difficult; lost.

Mouth in General. Swelling so that he could scarcely speak; S. of inner surface of cheeks, tongue, palate and throat; inside of cheeks, (<) behind last molars, on l. side a sensitive, hardened ganglion; of mucous membrane, with gray sloughs and violet patches; M. and fauces swollen, white and sore. M. and fauces white and raw. Inflammation; and of gums, with discharge of clear water; with scars on gums and inside of cheeks, beneath which the flesh was fungoid and bloody, afterwards jaw-bone denuded, and haemorrhage; of inside of cheeks, with pultaceous deposit like false membrane. Ulceration. Cancrum oris (K-chl.). Mucous membrane of M. and pharynx destroyed. From M. and throat pieces of dead skin resembling peelings of roasted potatoes and pieces of gum came away from the place where a tooth had been drawn, and a piece from side of tongue, with tenderness of tongue, gum and throat. Tough lymphatic exudation, loose at edge, on inside of cheek, lower lip and on r. tonsil, and beneath this one or two abrasions. Blood and brick-dust colored froth; fluid B. escaped without any effort like vomiting.

Burning pain; to epigastric region. Sore; and difficult to open. Dry; in evening, and sweat on skin; mouth and tongue dry and burning. Feeling of mucus. Offensive breath; gangrenous. Salivation; in evening; tenacious, difficult to expectorate; constant flow from mouth to yellowish saliva.

Taste. Bitter; in morning, and slimy; to food during the day. Salt. Brassy. Metallic; and acid, styptic; and styptic astringent; and sharp, astringent. coppery; and nauseous. Astringent, with salivation. Fatty. Disagreeable.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.