Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius Iodatus Flavus

Mercurius Iodatus Flavus homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Mercurius Iodatus Flavus…

      The pure proto-iodide of Mercury is triturated for use. Allies. Compare lists under Mercury and Iodine.


      Sticking in scapulae, r. temple, r. chest, l. ear, along outer borders of hands and little fingers. Pains are generally deep in bones. Pains proceed from right to left. The following appeared in rapid succession at night; Pain behind l. ear, then in tips of r, fingers and in r. sole near toes, then in l. toes, then in occiput, then in forehead, then near r. ear, then sharp pain in r., toes, pain about heart, violent pain in r. side of head, pain in r. heel, then above r. temple, then sharp pain in l. side of neck. Weariness after sitting several hours; W., (<)limbs; W., with sleepiness; at 4 P.M., (>) lying down, with disposition to sleep, but sleeplessness. Indisposition to do anything, with desire to lie down and rest. Faint feeling when in church; F., with feeling that it would be (>) lying down; F., with loss of muscular power, then spasmodic motion upward and downward of lower jaw.

Aggravation in morning after rising and in forenoon; from time of waking till noon; in evening; at night till 1 A.M., and in morning before and after rising; many symptoms appear at night in bed; after dinner till 4 P.M.; from passive motion (moving the part when sitting or lying); during rest in r. side. Amelioration after rising till noon and from 4 till 6 P.M.; A. in open air; from care, grief, anxiety, etc.; active motion (walking or riding); steady pressure; during the pressure, the relief passes away as soon as the pressure is removed; the pains that he had at night when lying on l. side (>) lying on r.


      Imagined that there was a man in the room who intended to perforate his throat with a gimlet. Lively, talkative; L., whistling, singing ( soon after great depression). Moodiness. Depression from noon till 4 P.M., then liveliness till 6 P.M., then aggravation of symptoms till morning; D. in a warm room, with Dullness. Destructive disposition, he can scarcely resist the temptation to throw his lamp through the window.


      Stitches through H. and face. Aching; in morning on waking; in morning on waking,(>) exercise; in morning when rising; in forenoon; in evening, with soreness of bones of face and nose; at night on waking; after dinner; on waking; in a warm room, with Dullness; in church, with faintness; (<) morning before and after rising; (<) walking about the house; (<)pressure; in H. and face, (>) during pressure, (<) after pressure is removed, with soreness of bones of face; with wavelike motion of blood; (<) r. temple, with nausea. Throbbing pain, (<) forehead. Dizzy pain like a rush of blood, then pain above r. temple. Heavy pain at base of brain and in throat and nostrils. Heaviness and fulness; H., with soreness of bones of face. Dullness at night on waking, with frontal pain; D., with compression and feeling as if pressed down upon the pillow.

Forehead. Shooting, and in superior arch of r. orbit and in root of nose. Sharp pain above l. temple; suddenly above r. Pain; all day, with occasional sticking through head and face; in evening; at night on waking, with pain in orbits and root of nose; with pain at root of nose ( Iodium); over r. temple; above l. temple, then throbbing pain in r., temple; in r. half, with pain ion r. orbit and eyeball; over r. half of frontal and r. parietal bones, also with pain in r. ear, with soreness of r. orbit and r. eyeball. Heavy pain in F. and temples, extending down sides of face.

Temples. Stitches on descending stairs; occasional S. Pain as if a sword were run through from l. to r.; on waking, with bruised pain in occiput. Sharp pain in r. at night in bed. Pain; in r.; in r., extending over entire side of head to nape.

Vertex. Sharp pain, then pain in l. hip; S. pain in posterior fontanelle. Headache is always on vertex or r. side. Pain; with wavelike motion of blood; proceeding after some time into forehead; dizzy P., with nausea ( after slight pain at heart).

Sides. Sharp pain in r.; over parietal bone, extending to neck and r. eye. Pain; in l. near temple; in r. with stiffness in nape and sensation as if r. ear were closed; in r. parietal bone, (<) touch and combing hair.

Sharp pain in occiput in morning after rising. Numbness of occiput and nape, with stiffness of neck. Sensation as if skull were cracking; in afternoon. Itching of scalp; on vertex at night in bed; on l. side of vertex at night in bed. Numbness and tingling of scalp.


      Sharp pain in superior arch of l. orbit; superior arch of r. in morning on rising; in inferior arch of l., and in l. eyeball, also with feeling as if lachrymation would appear; suddenly in superior arch of r. (<) stooping. Pain in superior arch of l. orbit as from a knife. Pain in l. orbit; r. orbit, with soreness; r. orbital and l. malar bones; superior arch of l.; inferior arch of r.; superior arch of l. and in l. malar bones on touch; superior arch of l. (<) noise and talking, with headache. Vision of black floating clouds when lying on l. side.

Clinical Syphilitic iritis (<) night, with yellow fur at base of tongue. Ulceration of the cornea, sometimes serpiginous; symptoms associated with agglutination of the lids, yellow coat at base of tongue, nocturnal aggravation, etc. Pustular conjunctivitis. Ciliary blepharitis, with ulceration of margins of lids, etc.


      Stinging, throbbing pain in l. external. Boring in r. inner meatus; sharp intermittent B. in r. inner meatus; sharp throbbing B. outward deep in l. Sudden sharp pain in r. external meatus. Pain in front of ears; P. in r. inner meatus at night in bed. Touching r. or introducing finger into it causes sore pain and aggravates headache on that side. Sensation as if r. were closed, but hearing was good.


      Much mucus. R. nostril and r. side of septum sore and swollen. Sore, painful spot on l. side of septum; on l. wing. Shooting at root. Sharp pain in septum. Pain; at root. Heavy aching in nostrils. Throbbing in r. side, deep in bone.

Clinical Catarrh of the frontal sinuses, with offensive discharge from nose and dull boring, pressing pains over eyes, with bursting sensation. Chronic catarrh of the posterior nares and constant efforts to swallow.


      Sharp, throbbing pain in r. cheek and on external surface of r. forearm. Pain in l. malar-bone, with pain on touch. Sharp pain in upper part of malar-bone, with pain on touch; sharp pain in l. cheek, with soreness of l. half of lower jaw-bone. Bruised pain in r. malar-bone radiating into forehead and r. side of head. Soreness, (<) bones, with frontal headache; S. of bones; S. of r. side, (<) r. lower half of lower jaw. Boring deep in r. ramus of jaw, extending into orbit. Dryness of lips, with burning dryness of lower lip and sensation as if upper teeth were pressed tightly together.


      Teeth. Grinding sensation in roots, with occasional pain in abdomen; creeping G. sensation in roots at noon, with pressing together and with soreness deep behind umbilicus; G. sensation in roots, with fulness and drawing, and with desire to press teeth together, he pressed them so hard in sleep that the muscles were lame on waking. Feeling as if too tight in their sockets. Feeling in upper as if pressed tightly together. Pain in two l. molars, (<) bringing them together, with feeling as if teeth were too long. L. lower molars felt so long that he could not eat. Dry sensation. Gums feel slippery.

Tongue. Coated, occasionally light brown; C. at back; C. yellow; dirty yellow; dirty yellow at back, in morning on rising; bright yellow (Chelidonium), the tips and edges being red; yellowish white. Papillae prominent through the coat. Red elevations. Raised blisters on back part.

Fine red eruption on roof. Dryness, and of throat; with frequent empty swallowings. M. and lips dry and sticky; M., gums and teeth dry and sticky. Saliva increased in morning; increased, with congested feeling at root of a tooth.


      Posterior wall of pharynx red, inflamed, with patches of mucus, and ulcerated spots; tonsils, uvula and pharynx red and congested. Mucus; descended from posterior nares; difficult to dislodge and causing retching (nitricum acidum) in throat and on l. tonsil. which he constantly tries to hawk up; mucus patches on tonsils and walls of pharynx, easily detached. R. tonsil swollen, and painful. Pain in r. tonsil, with swollen sensation and pain on swallowing. Soreness, with pain on swallowing saliva; S., with difficult swallowing and frequent empty swallowing. Swollen sensation. Sensation of a lump. Dryness; with sharp pain above epiglottis and in l. tonsil when swallowing, also in l. half of hard palate; in throat and nose, with feeling as if closed by mucus; of root of mouth and fauces, with moisture of gums and sides of mouth. Burning; when swallowing saliva; with dryness and pain on swallowing; prickling B. in r. side of pharynx. Frequent empty swallowing.

Clinical Various forms of sore throat, particularly tonsillitis, follicular diphtheritic, nearly all cases (<) r. side or beginning on r. side, associated with yellow fur on tongue and general Mercurial symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.