Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Carbonicum

Natrum Carbonicum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Natrum Carbonicum…

      Pure Sodium Carbonate is triturated for use.

General Action

      A ” tissue” remedy of very general action, simulating a general lithaemic condition, with acid indigestion. In catarrh of the nose, throat eyes, etc., it is similar to Nat. mur., by which it is usually supplanted as a remedy. The salts of Sodium are much less active than those of Potassium, and they do not paralyze the heart as Potassium salts do. The urate of Sodium is deposited in the joints of gouty patients.

Allies. Natrum mur., Nat-sulf., Mag-m., Alumina, Calcarea-c.; Sepia, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Lycopodium


      Puffiness of whole body in morning, (>) afternoon. Emaciation, pallor, dilatation of pupils and dark urine. Awkward, things that he usually accomplishes easily he cannot do at all. Jerking in whole body, with beating and with sensitive mood; J. in one or another part, in scapulae, calves, eyelids and arms; in lower limbs and (<) parts of lower portion of body. Sticking in diseased spots; S. here and there in whole body alternately with tearing, during menses. Cramplike tearing in whole body, (<) limbs. Paroxysm in evening, blackness before eyes, with paralytic tearing in head, eyes and jaws, weak consciousness, confused, distracted thoughts, then crawling pain in lips, r. arm and, r. hand and tips of fingers,, thumb, with timidity.

Pain on every touch. It hurts to lie on l. side (Phosphorus, Pulsatilla). Everything hurts on rising from a seat, (>) walking. Drawing in lower limbs and jaws at night, with tension in them and with drawing in teeth. Painful tension of all nerves., head, with nausea. Affected by playing on the piano a short time, with anxiety in chest, general trembling and weakness so that she must lie down. Discomfort, she thinks that she is very sick. Takes easily cold and has therefrom colic and diarrhoea or coryza. Restlessness; in evening during mental work; and fretfulness.

Heaviness; in morning; on rising, with indolence, when in bed awake she was bright. Dread of motion, which always aggravated symptoms. Indolence, (>) motion, with feeling as if everything on her were tense and with swelling of face and hands. Inclination to lie down. Weakness; during the day, with sleepiness; during the day, and she slept while sitting at work; during the day, with affection of head; in morning; during menses, with nausea; after toothache and fever; with pallor, walking is irksome. Stiffness of neck and l. wrist on holding a glass, he must put it down and move the hand, which is painful. Most symptoms arise when sitting and disappear on motion, pressure or rubbing.

Clinical General debility during the summer, especially with headache, worse from heat (Phosphorus). Glands swollen and indurated.


      Resolute, persevering, self-possessed, courageous. Lively, sociable; L. all day, with joyous talkativeness. Inclination to sing and singing half aloud. Excited by a slight cause, so that he talked with passionate vehemence till exhausted. Every event makes a strong impression upon her, a wavy trembling in nerves, with faintness. Melancholy (Natrum mur.); and apprehensive; alternating with joy; and trembling, inclination to weep, constant sighing and physical prostration. Lachrymose.

Anxiety daily, with sweat on face several times a day; A. all day, with hasty restlessness, he could not keep limbs still, (<) arms, obliged to stretch them, it seemed as if they would be drawn asunder; in evening after foot bath, so that she could not fall asleep for an hour and a half; at night before sleep, as if his whole body were very thick and heavy; with restlessness, he thought that he could do nothing properly; with tremulous beating in whole body; about himself. Apprehension all day, with ennui, so that she does not know what to do, and she thinks that she is forsaken; A. from after dinner till evening; and desire to be alone.

Fretful; all day, discontented, he felt as if he could fight, life was lonesome to him, he preferred to have no existence, solicitous about the future and inclined to despair; in evening; after eating, (>) towards evening; after dinner, (<) supper; after dinner, (>) towards evening, uncomfortable everywhere, room seems too small for him, and even in the open air he walks about without anything seeming right; after supper, (<) copious drinking, with pressure in pit of stomach and in hypochondria; and discontented, almost inconsolable; but desirous to work. Easily provoked to anger; with lively mood; angry in forenoon, inclined to strike, cannot tolerate contradiction. Sensitive in forenoon, as after vexation.

Timidity; and starting at slightest noise. Anthropophobia and fear. Shuns mankind. Disinclination to talk. Dread of taking cold. Aversion to open air. Internal restlessness. Indifference. Weary of life in morning on waking. Ennui in morning, absorbed in himself and does not know how he is. Sluggish, phlegmatic. No desire to do anything and inability to keep at anything long. Dislike for business, he goes about it idly, but when once at work it goes on as usual.

Mistakes in writing. Thought weak; with vertigo. Distraction in morning. Power of concentration lost. Sensation of loss with power in morning on waking. Dullness of sense, staring without thought, as if stunned. Forgetful, he must think long before anything comes to him. Memory lost. Stupefaction in morning on waking. Almost unconscious of external objects, he reels when walking.

Clinical Failure of memory. General mental impairment, inability to perform any mental work, stupid feeling in head. Effects of overstudy. Extreme melancholy and apprehensiveness.


      Sticking through H. during physical exertion. Tearing in afternoon. Acute jerkings in H. Aching externally here and there, in sides, in ear, etc.; A. at noon, (<) low down in occiput; when walking in open air, with coryza; before menstruation, with tension in nape; after vomiting, with loss of appetite, white- coated tongue and flat, nauseous taste; with confusion, preventing mental work; like a reeling, with painful confusion, then heat in head, (>) moving about in open air, (<) rest and sitting; confused and drawing, after dinner; bruised, internally and externally.

Constriction. Apprehension. Dullness as after too long sleep. Heaviness at night on waking, with pain in it and flat taste; H. after dinner, with burning in eyes. Rush of blood; when sitting in the house, (<) evening, with heat in head; on stooping, as if everything would come out at forehead, if he then lifted and carried anything a beating in head, (>) rising. Vertigo often during the day, even when lying; at night,(<) motion or speaking, with slow violent beating of the heart, roaring in ears, heat, anxiety as if he would die, orgasm of blood, then chilliness and trembling; on turning head; when walking, with reeling; after mental labor, with pressure inward in temples; during fatiguing work, especially in sun, with Dullness and heaviness of head; like a faintness, after a spoonful of wine; threatening to fall to the left; even to falling, when walking about the room, then weakness of hands and feet.

Forehead. Sticking; behind r. eminence; in r. side, then in r. side of occiput; in evening till an hour after lying down, with internal and external heat in it and sticking in temple. Sticking throbbing in forepart at noon. Tearing from l. eminence to behind ear, with sticking; cramplike T., extending into eyes and tip of nose. Pain in l. side in morning on rising; P. in forenoon, with heat in it; on suddenly turning head; and in vertex, with heat in them; as if it would burst, many days from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M., (<) moving about, with stopped sensation in head; intermittent beating, extending through F., above margin of l. orbit; stupefying, tensive in r. sinus. Sensation of a tight cord about it, spreading warmth.

Tearing in r. temple and side of forehead during menstruation, transiently (>) pressure. Pressure outward in r. temple in afternoon. Vertex, pressive shocks in evening on falling asleep; sticking in l. side in forenoon; throbbing pain daily, (<) morning; painful throbbing in bone in forenoon; throbbing after dinner, with sensitiveness to touch. Sticking in l. side of head; in upper part of l. parietal bone. Tearing in l. side during menstruation, with throbbing.

Occiput. Sticking in r. side in evening; S. in r. side, then burning. Pain; in r. side; externally low down; in protuberances on touch; extending to vertex; extending to nape, with drawing pain that at last extends to forehead, with vertigo, eructations and dim vision. Tension. Drawing on r. side, with tension as if it would draw head backward. Dullness like a dull pressure, in forenoon. Painful emptiness, with weakness and hoarseness of voice.

Scalp. Falling of hair. Boil on occiput, more towards nape; almost painless B. on occiput.

Clinical Headache from exposure to the sun or from working under gaslight. Vertigo from exposure to the sun’s rays.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.