Homeopathy Remedy Nux Moschata

Nux Moschata homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Nux Moschata…

      A tincture is made of the dried Nutmeg, Myristica moschata, Thun.

General Action

      A soporific or mild narcotic; characterized by marked tendency to attacks of syncope, with cardiac failure, cold extremities and extreme dryness of the skin and mucous membranes (Secale c). Twitchings of muscles and even general spasms have been observed. It retards and suppress menstruation, rending the flow thick and dark.

Allies. Hyosc., Cannab-ind., Mosc., Nux-v., Sepia, Lycopodium, Opium, Digitalis


      Blood seemed dried up, ears and lips were white. Trembles, cannot hold still, begs to be held, legs and body jerk violently, knees up and body forward. Erethism, (<) limbs, simulating chorea. Convulsions. Opisthotonos.

The effect of some brandy was as if I had been electrified from mouth downward in a straight line and dying off towards feet, then it diffused itself over whole body, feeling generally as if I had hold of galvanic wires working in antagonistic directions, out of time and keeping. Strange feeling over whole system, with almost irresistible sleepiness, jactitation of muscles (Hyosc., Nux-v.). pain and vertigo in forehead and confusion of ideas. Intermittent wandering digging in small spots. Wandering pinching that increased and decreased in waves, in waves, in spots in bones. Pains generally; in parts on which he lies, if he lies on a moderately hard substance; wandering, always in a small spot.

Soreness and bruised sensation. Condition as if he had cooled off after sweating violently, nape and all bones hurt, with pressure forward towards forehead. Throbbing in every part. Restless, jumping and starting. (Anxiety over whole body, with inclination to tremble.)

Weakness; on waking, with drowsiness, felt unwieldy, like a mass of metal; and sleepiness; knees affected as if he had walked far, and sleepiness, even talking fretted him; and lazy feeling; so that he must lie down after accomplishing a trifle. Faint (Mosch., Sepia, Digitalis); all day, she was forced to gasp for breath; at 5.30 P.M., with lightness, giddiness and emptiness in head; and sickly sensation. Sinking sensation as soon as she lay down, as if going to die, but at ease in mind and free from pain, happy and unconcerned, sensation not complete, knew all that transpired about her, but could not express herself clearly (ideas muddled, tongue thick, and coldness beginning in lower limbs).

Immobility. General numbness; except in head, only when she moved, even to eyelids, something like an electric shock would run all over her, starting from small of back, (>) if any one touched her, although she felt that she could not move, if by great effort she did so she was surprised at the power she had. Symptoms, especially of head, occur after eating, (<) after breakfast of bread and milk. Amelioration from an hour’s sleep towards evening; A. in open air; dose of Nux vomica

Clinical Hysteria during pregnancy, with attacks of faintness. Hysteria, with enormous bloating of the abdomen, dryness of the mouth, etc. General tendency to syncope from slight causes.


      Delirium; with vertigo, he made remarkable gestures, used improper language in a loud tone, could not be quieted or made to sleep until he had taken tea and been bled, then profuse sweat and deep sleep, from which he woke well; delirious sleep in afternoon, with pleasant, peaceful dreams, afterwards he went to the theatre, but the way seemed to have no end (Cannab-ind.), he had control over his limbs, but was obliged to tear himself away from fanciful images in order to continue on his way, at times he was unconscious, he went straight on without recognizing the streets that he crossed, he was most concerned about the time, but be arrived earlier than he thought, and during the play fancy and reality battled with each other.

Lively, laughing and bright in forenoon. Laughing at everything, (<) going into open air, he stood still upon the street, made foolish gestures, between the attacks absence of mind and on collecting himself everything about him seemed ludicrous, during this he looked like an idiot, (>) being brought into the house (Cannab-ind.). Elated, light-headed and bewildered. Joyous fancies and he saw something ludicrous in everything. Foolish. Foolishly happy in evening, but not desirous to talk. Ridiculous or extravagant acts or expressions, like idiocy, the next moment chagrin at her conduct, said she could not control her actions, disposed to laugh and jest at everything, stupid look for a moment, changeable, one moment laughing, the next crying (Ignatia). Earnest at one time, at another inclined to laugh. Variable mood, at one time wishes to do something, but when he is about to accomplish it changes his mind.

Alarmed, puts out hands to ward off danger, laughs heartily, then cries, sighs frequently, then starts and asks, “Where an I?” “Such blackness, the whole world seems black to me, ” forgets her sensations as soon as passed and her words as soon as uttered, but suddenly remembers, cries out in sleep, then suddenly asks if she has cried out, “I am crazy,” “Don’t let them make fun of me,” can answer questions if asked very emphatically, says she has some pain, but forgets when and where, notices her own mistakes, but instantly for gets again, impatient of any delay, appeals to others to know if they do not see, hear and feel her various symptoms, sounds as if chains were in her head, pains mostly at back of head, if touched there says it touches her brain, “Oh, don’t you hear my brains crack? head so queer,” says her brains hit together, jumps up with an outcry of pain and says, “Oh, can’t you hear them?” (the brain), cries easily, it hurts her to laugh or cry, afraid to lie down.

Fear of death at 5.30 P.M. Startled by trifles, for instance, if spoken to quickly or called by name, palpitation, with difficult breathing. Anxiety; and reeling. Weeping mood, with burning. in eyes and lachrymation (Pulsatilla) Ill-humored; and nervous. Annoyed by touch of any part of her body; A. By the running to and fro of the family. Indifferent. Careless in evening, nothing could have offended me.

Absence of mind, inability to think indifference to everything, scalp much stretched; A., he never accomplishes what he

undertakes, but remains standing in one place; with senselessness and intoxicated condition; when reading, which passes into sleep. Staggering when walking, and when reflecting his mind ran upon one idea till all at once he woken from abstraction and was obliged to collect his thoughts before he knew where he was. Thoughts vanished when writing. Slowness of ideas, so that he must wait before he can answer a question (Ph-ac., Opium, Sepia).

Confusion; with strange feeling in whole system; with pain in upper half of skull and brain as if pressed together from above and the side and spasmodically seized or constricted, with sleepiness. Talks very little, confused images before his mind, obliged to collect his thoughts before he can say anything. Omitted letters when writing, wrote in different alphabets against his will and changed from one subject to another. Incoherency on attempting to express her ideas. Used words the opposite of what he should to express his sensations. In ability to use words properly, frequent necessity to stop in the middle of a sentence and change it entirely because she could not think of the appropriate words.

Memory lost (Hyosc., Veratrum, etc.); forgot what she was saying in the middle of a sentence; and inability to connect any train of thought, it seemed too much trouble to think, voices of persons in the room seemed far distant, and words spoken to her seemed spoken long before, objects in the room appeared multiplied in different sizes, she saw several bureaus, one above the other, each larger than the one below, head felt as if many times its natural size, with drawing in nape, drawing the head backward, dared not move lest she should become unconscious, dared not yield to a strong impulse to sleep lest she should die (Cannab- ind.).

Stupor; and loss of motion and sensation. Comprehends not what he reads. Dullness of senses in evening, with loss of control, she could have been led anywhere without resistance, loss of power. Uncontrollable thoughts at 2 P.M. State similar to that of an opium eater, not apprehensive though aware of some danger. Unfitted for work. Unconsciousness; momentary, but seeming to her of half an hour’s duration; semi-conscious, unable to answer questions although her eyes were open and she apparently understood everything transpiring around her. Coma.

Clinical Coma, with almost complete insensibility, with great slowness of comprehension. General inclination to become unconscious during acute attacks. Bewildered senses, increasing to faintness and unconsciousness.


      Dropped forward when sitting; D., chin resting on breast, it could be raised only with much effort, and it again dropped forward. Seemed bulky and rolled about, obliged to support it with one or both hands, when sitting at a table. Aching; in afternoon and evening; so that everything turned dark, by strong effort could see at times, but only one object at a time; (<) temples, and on nodding a loose feeling as if brain beat against skull, temples would not tolerate touch, with heat in head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.