Homeopathy Remedy Oxalicum Acidum

Oxalicum Acidum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Oxalicum Acidum……

      Pure oxalic acid is triturated for use.

General Action

      It causes violent gastro-intestinal inflammation, with irregular pulse, stupor and collapse or convulsions. it paralyzes the motor centres in the spinal cord, and also causes apparent inflammation of that substance and its sheath.

Allies. Pic-ac., Ph-ac., Colchicum


      Lies supine; on his back, with knees drawn up. Emaciation. Convulsions; with two or three deep inspirations. Mimic spasms and feeling as if they should never laugh again; mimic spasms or pulling of face, as from acid, fruit and vegetables. Spastic contractions of muscles of jaws and limbs. Twitching; sudden, in metacarpal bone of l. index; then externally in ulnar side of hand, then in r. side of head, etc., and intermittent jerking pains like stitches, in spots. Tremors.

Pains occupy a small space, one-half to one inch in length and of the thickness of a quill, at times they move through this space, often they occupy the whole of it; pain in l. side; P. (<) movement; excruciating P. Bruised feeling in morning after sound sleep, with stiffness. Distress, (<) ascending stairs. General sick feeling, sensation as if hands and feet were trembling. Feeling as after a debauch, (>) walking in cool, open air, headache, with gnawing pain and soreness in eyes and superciliary regions, lassitude, disinclination to occupation, inclination to stretch and yawn. Sensation in upper part of body, (<) head, like a rippling and surging three times to every beat of the pulse in forenoon, when lying, (<) directing attention to it, it seemed as if the blood streamed in this manner through the capillaries, he distinctly feels it streaming upward and outward in head. Restless; at night.

Indolence in morning, he lay down and felt well while lying. Inclination to lie sown in morning and close the eyes, without sleepiness. Weakness; in morning; in forenoon during diarrhoea; on ascending steps and afterwards; (<) lower limbs; with sweat; with trembling; with feeling as if spine were too weak to support the body; crawling, at noon after eating and in evening, obliging him to lie down, with general fulness (Pic-ac., Phos-ac.) Faintness; and rattling respiration. Collapse. Numbness; approaching palsy. Symptoms reappear as soon as he thinks of them. Symptoms usually intermit and then return in a diminished degree.

Clinical Pains occurring in small circumscribed areas, lasting a short time, but very violent. Pains of rheumatic gout, especially worse from sweets.


      Delirium; in evening; at times; with paroxysms of violent struggling; and he got out of bed. Hallucination at night. Excitement in evening; E., with dry coldness of skin and imperceptible pulse. Hilarity; with frequent and tense pulse. Exhilaration. Cheerfulness; with quickness of thought and action. Animation through the day, with playfulness and mirth. Vivacity in forenoon, (<) afternoon, with unusual power of understanding. Manner quick; and nervous; M. agitated; heavy. Starting, external rather than internal, when the door slams. Fear; of death. Anxiety and distress; A., with apprehension, vertigo and headache. (Ill humor in afternoon and evening.) Greater love for his children. Aversion to talking with full feeling in face and excitement.

Unusual power of concentration; after the opposite effect. Presence of mind greater, the relations of the world seem clearer to him. Power of meditation difficult and slow in morning, hardly able to answer questions. Power of understanding lost when reading, necessity to read a sentence three or four times before he can comprehend it. Stupor; with depression and vomiting of blood; fell to the floor and appeared stupid. Unconsciousness. Disinclination to mental work.


      Aching; after exerting mind, (<) forehead, with dullness; in spots, with sensitiveness to touch;pulsating, in evening after wine. dullness before and during stool, with screwing-together pressure above and behind ears. Lightness like a flying forward, when waking, though dependent on weakness. Faintness as if all the blood had left the brain, with anxiety. Apoplexy. Vertigo; all day; in morning; in morning, with anxiety and headache; in morning, with thirst and weariness; in evening on looking out of the window; like a swimming towards the left on lying down; in upper and internal part of head, like a vanishing of sense, one rising from a seat, without whirling.

Forehead. Cutting in r. side, extending behind ear to insertion of sterno-cleido-mastoid. Sharp pain, and in vertex, (<) over l. eye and in l. temple, with light feeling in head. Pain; in sinciput; in l. side in morning on waking; in morning on waking, (>) 11 A.M. by a copious stool; in forenoon on rising; in eminence, extending laterally towards temple, then closing of eyes so that she wished to sleep; dull, with occasional sharp pains; throbbing P.; P. in F. and eyes, as in beginning of coryza. Heaviness in G. and vertex in morning. Fulness above eyes.

Pain in temples; in l.; extending to lower jaw; jerking, in l.; jerking sliding, in a spot in r. Pain in vertex; intermittent, along base of occiput. Pressure inward in a spot between vertex and occiput, on middle line.


      Glassy. Sunken. Pain in a short streak in l.; P. in upper part when walking. Gnawing and soreness in E. and orbital regions, with headache. Sensation of sand in l. in evening. Pupils contracted; and insensible. Balls prominent. Pain in balls, (<) l. Conjunctive dusky, with distinct arcus senilis at upper part of eyes. Dry mucus in margins of lids in morning, with could be removed only in granules. Lids pressed together. Biting in l. inner canthus. Brows corrugated. Eyes weak, with a general sick feeling. Small objects at a short distance seemed large, at the first look he thought they were at a greater distance than they were (in a myopia). Loss of vision.


      Sticking in l. in evening. Pressure behind ears before and during stool. Occasional pain in Eustachian tube near throat, (<) r., in afternoon. Blowing noise in l.


      Alae dilated. Vesicle in r. nostril in morning on rising, with stitches and burning on touch, and every two or three days for two weeks the wings are swollen, (<) r. at times, (<) l. at other times. Sticking through r. nostril on inspiring through nose. Sticking burning pain extending from tip towards r. side, with swelling and shiny redness. Pain. Stoppage. Sneezing in evening after tea, with shivering; S., with watery discharge, also with expectoration of hard lumps of mucus.

Clinical Pimple in r. nostril, with red, shiny swelling of the tip of the nose.


      Pale; and livid; and haggard; at noon, and appetite lost; and lips blue; and yellow, and eyes sunken. Blue, and lips. Hippocratic. Red. Dark. Sunken. Livid; and swollen, also lips, throat and tongue. Expression anxious; desponding; stupid; dull and heavy. Twitching of muscles. Full sensation. Lips puffed; shrivelled and sore; upper trembling, lower relaxed. Jaws spasmodically closed; and angles of mouth drawn down. Drawing pain near angle of lower jaw, l., then r., but longer in l., with rigidity.


      Teeth. Covered with sordes, as in low fever. Cutting in hollow molars at noon. Cold jerking in a l. upper incisor. Pain in first r. upper molar; nearly all day in molars, (<) r. upper,(>) towards evening; in a hollow M. in evening; in a hollow tooth in evening. On edge. Roughness when ground together, with pain when air rushed through the open mouth, as during yawning, and such tenderness of teeth on voluntary deep inspiration that it causes gooseskin. Bleeding of gums during friction (had had it before, but it is increased now), Pain as from blisters, in places on gum. Burning pain in gum of a l. lower incisor and a pustule surrounded by red areola and swelling.

Tongue. White and dry; and fauces as if they had been boiled. Pale and lips. Pale gray. Occasional inflammation, and of mouth. Brown and dry; reddish B. and dry. Red, and fauces; R., swollen, firm and tender on pressure; T. and throat red and sore, afterwards a yellow coat on tongue; T. and throat red, afterwards dingy white, hot and dry to touch; T. and pharynx covered with red and white spots, swollen and painful, swallowing difficult. Swollen and coated white; S. and a wooly coat, next day red at sides and aphthous; S., that it was difficult, to project beyond the teeth, and livid. Rough. Coated; yellow; brown, with a red, dry tip; white with red interspaces; like the dry coating of sugar on sweetmeats, interspersed with red patches. Dry; (<) towards tip, and sore and painful. Burning on l. half. Cold. Speech labored.

Mouth inflamed. Mucus. Plate vesicated. Soreness; and of tongue; and of posterior nares. Burning pain, and in fauces, so that swallowing was difficult. Burning and in throat and oesophagus; acrid, in M., gullet and stomach. Scraping posteriorly on palate and fauces, obliging hawking. Discomfort in soft palate and uvula after gruel. Dryness; with ulcers in it. Salivation; after yawning, or the mouth feels empty. Sour taste; in morning; in forenoon, during a nap; on rinsing mouth; and astringent. Sweet taste to water. Dry and burning taste in M. and fauces. Taste of the drug in the evening. Taste of food lost, with nausea and coated tongue.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.