Homeopathy Remedy Phosphoricum Acidum

Phosphoricum Acidum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Phosphoricum Acidum…

      One part of pure glacial phosphoric acid is dissolved in 90 parts of distilled water and 10 parts of alcohol are added (making the 1st centesimal dilution).

General Action

      It produces general weakness, with a quiet apathetic state (profound nervous prostration, without excitement). Its collateral symptoms of diabetes mellitus are pronounced, and its curative power in that disease is undoubted. The discharges are usually free and unaltered in character (sweat, urine, faces and bronchial mucus).

Allied. Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Lycopodium, Sulphur; Peacock., Fl. ac., Silicea, Murexac.


      Emaciation, with suffering expression and sunken eyes. Twitching here and there, (<) lower limbs. Epilepsy. Intermittent stitches in umbilical region and in many other parts. Pains at night, (>) pressure; P. (>) motion; sore, in every injured spot. Bruised sensation in all joints in morning, in arms and lower limbs and in nape; in hips, arms, things and nape, as from rowing pains, (<) ascending steps and on beginning to walk, with tearing sticking in these parts. Scraping in periosteum of all bones. Smarting in wounds, even in wounds of bones.

Discomfort after eating, with anxiety. Dullness of head and limbs as after intoxication or loss of sleep. Invigorated by fresh air, strong in mind and body as from stimulants. Buoyancy and lightness of feeling. Raging in blood. Uneasiness in evening, with itching in canthi, nostrils, face and scalp; U., with forcing and surging of blood, he seems besides himself; and anxiety as if she would be sick. Weakness; in morning, with apathy; in morning after rising, (>) lying down, with pallor; after (breakfast); after ascending steps, with pain in pit of stomach; on walking, with dejection, and on entering house chilliness; with disinclination, and on entering house chilliness; with disinclination for business; but inability to sleep from itching and sexual excitement, erections weak, with salivation and palpitation; physical, with mental dejection. Physical heaviness, with mental inactivity (Pic-ac.). Aggravation from coffee (Nux- v., Causticum).

Clinical Chorea. Hysteria, with extreme nervousness and debility. A very characteristic sensation, especially in scrofulous diseases, is a feeling as if a bone were scraped with a knife, (<) night. Growing pains (Guaiac.). General nervous debility, with or without burning in the spine, with general apathy. General relief of pains by motion, sometimes by pressure.


      Dancing wildly, without consciousness. Lively. Quiet, indifferent (Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia), and much boring in the nose. Speaks unwillingly. Hasty in speech, he cannot obtain anything rapidly enough. Lachrymose, as if homesick, Sad. Anxious and restless; A., and necessity to lie down in afternoon. Apprehensive as if chest were too tight, with internal heat. Discouraged when walking in open air, worse the farther he walks Solicitous about the future; S. as if she would be sick. Brooding constantly over his illness. Reproachful of himself. Ill humor; in morning on rising, with weakness and sleepiness, Easily vexed. Beside himself and hot from slightest vexation. Obstinate. Disinclined to work. Uneasiness hindering him at work.

He cannot collect his thoughts in proper order (Opium). Ideas lost and mind weak, on thinking he becomes dizzy. Inability to find the right word when talking. When reading a thousand different thoughts come to his mind, he understand nothing and remembers with difficulty what he has long known. He cannot get rid of an idea, and thoughts connected with it do not come to him. Mind indolent; and unbalanced, without fancy. Memory of the occurrences of the day lost (Anacardium). Unconscious in morning if alone.

Clinical Delirium, with great stupefaction. Dullness of comprehension, especially in low types of fever; it is difficult to arouse the patient, who seems to require time to collect his thoughts and answers. Valuable in exhaustion of the nervous system from excessive fatigue; any attempt to use the mind brings on headache. Effects of grief and of mental shock, particularly the effects of disappointed love, following Ignatia well. Homesickness. In low fever complete apathy and indifference, answers reluctantly; often associated with nosebleed, tympanitis, involuntary stools, great weakness, decubitus, dry mouth, etc.


      Jerking in H.; rhythmical J. forward through H. Burning stitch on H. Pinching here and there in brain, with tearing. Hammering. Hacking as with a hatchet (cured by Staphis.). Painful shattering when walking. Boring as if a hole would be bored through skull, (<) vertex.

Aching; in morning, with bitter taste; in morning, (>) rising; in afternoon; from reading a short time, with weakness, heaviness and nausea; (<) a jar or noise; (<) ascending steps; with tingling in head, and on coughing pain in H. as if it would burst; as if on surface of brain and in periosteum of that part of skull on which he was lying, on waking after midnight, (>) lying on another place, but it began there; obliging him to lie down, with stiffness of nape; intermittent, with sticking; as if brain were pressed upward, with painful throbbing in it; prickling, from rising in morning till noon; confused, in evening on entering a warm room; as if brain compressed. Pressure downward as from a weight, or as if vertex had been beaten. Dullness; during and after eating; with inability to think; as after excessive coition; as from loss of sleep, in forenoon. Heaviness; extending to l. frontal eminence, with pressure; as after lifting. Weakness in morning after rising, as if he would reel.

Vertigo all day; in morning when standing; mornings on rising; in morning in bed, on closing eyes it seemed as if the feet arose and as if he were standing on his head; towards evening when standing and walking,. with staggering; after reading; on stooping; when sitting; on rising after sitting a long time; when walking, with reeling; caused by heat of head, he often nodded involuntarily when writing, things seemed to whirl around, the table to fall down, and when walking and standing he was in danger of falling forward and was obliged to take a step in advance to steady himself; and head sinks backward and forward.

Forehead, Sticking outward in middle; S. above l. eyes, extending up into head. Pain; in l. side; in F. and temples; between eyes on waking, with irritability of sexual organs, mental depression and languor; above orbits in afternoon, with stitches behind ears; on suddenly turning head and on stepping hard; at root of nose, with gnawing; extending towards nose; so that she was stupid, could not open eyes, in morning, and could scarcely talk, (<) motion; above eyes, so that she could not open eyes; as after intoxication; bruised, in F. and temples, as if on surface of brain, on reflecting, (<) evening; crawling, in sinciput, with sweat on forehead. Pressure outward in r. eminence. Dullness in sinciput, (<) orbits.

Temples. Sticking in r.; in r. extending deep into brain; in r. extending into eye. Sharp thrusts in r. Tearing in l. extending to forehead, (<) motion. Pinching in r.; in and on r., (<) motion; rhythmical, in l,; as if both bones were pinched together. Pain as if both were squeezed to a single piece in evening in bed. Pain on r,; in l., with boring; above l., extending to occiput, with dread of motion. Pressure outward in r. Drawing in l. and in anterior cartilage of ear, becoming a pressure on motion.

Vertex. Sticking, (>) pressure, with drawing; S. externally, (<) touch; intermittent, deep in l. side. Tearing, and in occiput. Burning pain in upper part of brain. Drawing pressure in r. side of V. and occipital bone, (<) motion. Pressure outward.

Parietal Bones. Pinching, (<) noise and motion. Digging boring in r. side. Pain; in brain behind l. ear; obliging him to lie down; extending outward in r. side; all day in r. side, in part extending forward, (<) pressure and turning head; as from a hard body, (>) rubbing; as if he were lying on something hard; bruised, at insertion of cervical muscles; drawing, in bones every day. Heaviness on bending head forward, (>) bending it backward, with pressing forward.

Clinical Pain in vertex, with loss of appetite. Crushing headache in vertex. The hair becomes gray early and falls out, the effects of mental strain.


      Surrounded by blue rings. Inflammation with a stye on upperlid. Glassy, weak; G., with almost involuntary motion of ball, (<) staring straight ahead. lustreless. Sunken, weak. Staring. Pain; in morning on opening them; extending backward; suddenly in l., as from sand or as from a pimple; as after looking too long at an object, obliging him to close the lids; as if being pressed outward, causing blinking; as if too large, with immobility, as if he had not slept enough, with dullness in head. Itching. Burning in evening, with pressure, she cannot look at the light; B., with burning lachrymation; suddenly in l.; biting, (<) evening by the light.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.