Homeopathy Remedy Picricum Acidum

Picricum Acidum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Picricum Acidum……

      Pure picric acid in dissolved in distilled water for the 1st centesimal dilution.

General Action

      It causes a profound alternation of the blood, even disintegration of corpuscles; degeneration of the spinal cord, with paralysis, inflammation of the kidneys, etc.

Allied. Phosphorus ac. Petrol. (Gelsem.).


      Veins sunken, (<) l. side. Bright yellow color of sclerotic, skin and urine. Trembling of all muscles. Rheumatic stitches in different parts, with muscular debility. Darting pains in various parts, extending into bones, every hour in the day. All pains lasted till 8 P.M.; P. in r. side; P. (<) l. side. Soreness and lameness, (<) l. side, in morning when rising, with heavy throbbing pain extending from behind ears to supraorbital notch and thence into eye, with burning throbbing pains and dilated pupils, Conjunctivitis and lachrymation.

Tired feeling (Ph-ac.); in morning on waking; in morning on waking, with heaviness; in afternoon on walking; at 7 P.M. when walking, legs heavy, feet tired all the evening; on least exertion; on walking; on ascending stairs; on rising from bed, with lame sensation; (>) open air; with lame sensation over whole body; with no desire to talk or do anything, indifferent to everything around me, sleepiness and desire to lie down. Numbness, with pains, as when taking cold. Aggravation between 10 A.M. and 2 A.M.; between 11 A.M. and 2 P.M.; till after 2 P.M. of symptoms of head, eyes, legs and of fever; from least motion. Amelioration in afternoon and from motion, aggravation again in evening; at 7 P.M.; 11 P.M.;m in open air; open air and motion; cold water and walking in open air; at rest.

Clinical Hysteria. Neurasthenia, Extreme exhaustion at the menstrual period.


      Nervous feeling, which I never have except when fever is leaving me, feeling as if about to be crushed by the bed-clothes, arms, face, tongue and forepart of brain seemed to reach to the clouds when I was going to sleep. Although enjoying the society of gentleman the idea of marriage was unendurable. Desire to be alone. Irritable. Low spirits. Indifference, lack of will power to undertake anything (Phosphorus). Disinclination for mental or physical work, aversion to talking or movement, with the headache. Mental prostration after reading a little; after writing a little. Inability to collect thoughts or to study (Phosphorus).


      Aching; all day, (<) rising, (>) open air; in morning, probably from oversleeping; in forenoon, (<) afternoon; in afternoon and evening, with trembling; in evening; in evening, with thirst and heat, chiefly in temples, and burning in external ears; (<) afternoon; (>) pressure; (>) bandaging head; with heat of head; with sleeplessness till 2 A.M., after going to bed at 9; so that I did not feel able to study; peculiar, (<) motion, tuning head and stooping, (>) lateral pressure; changeable, alternating between r. and l. temple, sometimes in centre of forehead; heavy, blind, dizzy, (<) vertex and forehead, at 9 A.M., increasing till I go to bed, with fulness, feeling as if it would burst, (<) stooping, which causes vertigo, head feels too small, scalp sore to touch, sore aching in infraorbital region.

Pressure outward as if it would fly apart, at 8 P, m., (<) motion and study. Fulness; at noon, with heaviness of it disinclination for mental or physical work, F. and heaviness increased till 2 P.M., when it developed into throbbing headache, (<) l. side chiefly in l. eye and occipital region, (<) ascending stairs, which causes throbbing pain in eyeball, headache (>) at 4 P.M.; with heaviness of it, with disinclination to do anything, the headache increased and developed into throbbing pain in l. side of head, (<) eyeball and forehead, and extending backward to occiput, (>) quiet, (<) motion, especially ascending stairs. Heaviness; and Dullness; alternating with emptiness. Feeling as if falling forward. Affected in evening; and study prevented. Discomfort at 5 P.M., (<) supraorbital region, with soreness. Vertigo at noon, (<) rising from a seat; at 6 P.M. on least motion, with nausea, both repeated at 9 P.M., with pain in forehead and vertex and inability to sit up; on stooping or bending head or lying down; (<) evening.

Forehead. Shooting from outside to centre in evening. Intermittent, sharp and vibrating pain in r. supraorbital region. Aching in supraorbital region; and in nape; in F. and temples, (<) r. side; in upper part of anterior lobes of brain; more or less all day, and in supraorbital region; all day in upper part of anterior and middle lobes if brain, and above eyes, with occasional shooting; in evening, and in vertex; in l. supraorbital notch at 6 P.M.; at 7 P.M. (with vertigo when rising and walking); in F. and vertex at 9 P.M., with vertigo and nausea; over eyes, (<) study and motion, (>) sitting still; in F. and r. side of head, with heat in head and upper part of body; in back part of anterior and top of middle lobes of brain, with occasional throbbing pain; in F. and temples, extending to nape; sleepy, at 3 P.M., with sour eructations. Heavy pain in supraorbital region; H. pain extending to vertex, at 10 A.M., (<) motion, (<) 1 P.M. by motion or rolling eyes; with heaviness and weakness in small of back and limbs; H. tingling pain extending to vertex, in evening. Throbbing over r. eye.

Temples. Shooting through, from r. to l. with headache, (<) r. side. Cutting in l., over a transverse branch of the artery. Neuralgic pain alternately in l. and r. Sharp pain in r. running to occiput, then in l. temple extending to suboccipital region; intermittent, in l. Pain between temples; over r., passing around occiput; in r., extending over brow to inner angle of r. eye; sleepy, over l.; throbbing, in r. Beating of arteries. Formication over r., running up over parietal bone.

Vertex. Pain; at 11 A.M., with fever; in V. and occiput in night on waking and several times next day; (<) study and bending head forward; in twinges at 9 P.M. throbbing, (<) turning to lie on back, with nausea; full, heavy, (<) stooping and moving eyes. Fulness; at 8.A.M., with heaviness.

Sides. Darting pain in r. in middle of afternoon. Pain in r., running behind ear; heavy, in r. spreading to l., lasting all day; heavy throbbing, extending form behind ears to supraorbital notch, thence into eye, with soreness and lameness, (<) l. side. Pressure outward at 9 P.M., (<) turning head, moving eyes or least motion, with sensation as if frontal bones would split open. Contracted sensation in l. hemisphere of brain at 6.30 P.M., on going into open air.

Occiput. Pain, and in nape; P. in r. lower part; in r. lower side in afternoon; in r. and lower part at 4 P.M., finally extending over towards r. supraorbital region, lasting about three hours; in r. lower part from 8 till 9 P.M., with sensation of a band along r. parietal eminence; in r. and lower side in evening; extending to supraorbital region, also (<) movement or stooping; in O. and neck, extending to supraorbital notch and then into eyes; intermittent, in r. lower part; in r. lower part, as if r. side of cerebellum were loose, 6 till 7 P.M., (<) walking, (>) quiet, with throbbing; heavy, extending down neck and spine; heavy throbbing and burning pains, extending to supraorbital foramen and thence into eyes, which throb and feel sore to touch. Confusion in base.

Clinical Violent occipital headaches, always (<) mental effort, with general fatigue. Brain fag, the slightest mental exertion brings on headache at the base of the of the brain; the is generally intense and throbbing. Any attempt at mental labor causes great general prostration.


      Yellow. Stinging at 7 A.M., on waking; S., with lachrymation. Shooting in centre, extending along optic nerve to occiput, with soreness of balls on touch, and photophobia. Sensation of sand in them, with smarting pain and acrid tears. Feeling as if sticks were in them on waking, with inflammation, afterwards feeling as if sticks were in were in them in evening. Sore feeling. Dryness and feeling as if full of sand; D., with roughness of inner surface of lids; (<) constant use and lamplight, with tingling or smarting, next morning thick acrid matter in canthi. Gaslight hurts them. Feel worse on moving them. Lachrymation.

Pupils dilated. Conjunctiva injected. Conjunctivitis; (<) r. eye, (>) washing with cold water and by cold air, (<) warm room, with difficulty in keeping eyes open, and sticky feeling on reading. Ball, shooting from r. to 1. side of occiput; pain, (<) moving eyes, (>) closing them and quiet, with soreness; heavy, smarting and burning pains, (>) pressure; sore pains, (<) strong light and by turning eyes. Lids swollen and sore; swollen, and styes and soreness; agglutinated in morning on waking;l margins red on waking; heat in upper, with lachrymation; heaviness; heaviness in evening, with burning in eyes; heaviness and inability to keep them open; inability to keep them open when studying. Air looks smoky. Vision dim and confused; dim, can read clearly at only one point, about five inches from eyes; blurred; blurred when reading, seemingly from winking mucus over pupils; whirling of objects. Vision of sparks.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.