Homeopathy Remedy Psorinum

Psorinum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Psorinum…

      A tincture was made of the pus from mature pustules on the hands of a healthy negro who was probably afflicted with the “itch” (C. Hering).


      Looks pale, exhausted and thin, his clothing is too large for him. Hot trembling over whole body in morning during rush of business, with hoarseness, good humor and love for his business. Soreness. Gouty pains in l. toe, both knees and back. (Old rheumatic pains in neck, head, shoulders, back, stomach, etc., after putting on too light clothing in spring, with eructations, irregular stools and twitching in l. eye.). Stormy weather affects him, he feels restlessness in his blood a few days beforehand; S., weather makes him sick and causes haemorrhoidal troubles. Weakness; towards evening, (>) going to bed; after riding in a wagon; from a little labor. Sensation when the sun shines upon her as if it pushed her down, she had to rest in the shade in order to walk on. Heaviness to rest in the shade in order to walk on. Heaviness of whole body as before intermittent fever. Amelioration in morning; A. in fresh air; when lying.

Clinical Frequently indicated for persistent weakness after debilitating diseases, depressed in mind and body. General anaemia, aversion to food, with foul taste.


      Good humor in morning, he works with pleasure. Great humor, full of fun. Lively, enjoys everything. Pictures the future in the brightest colors. Excitable before sleep; E., vexed with everything. Fear. Anxiety; when riding in a carriage; with trembling of hands and restlessness. Melancholy; so that she could commit suicide, then is full of phantasms, peevishness and lachrymation; alternating suddenly with liveliness; alternating with frolicsomeness. Despair, fear of failing in business; D., he wishes to die in spite of the best hopes. Ill humor; in morning; and constant thoughts of dying; if spoken to frequently; could weep about everything. Quarrelsome; in morning; in evening. Affected by every moral impression so that she trembles over the whole body. Disinclination to work; to ride in a carriage, then desire to ride all the time, even in bad weather. Sentimental.

Inability to rid himself of ideas which first appeared to him in a dream. Thinking that he understood what he had read he tried to explain it and found that he did not understand it. Memory lost; so that she does not recognize the room after looking out of the window.

Clinical Hypochondriac, thinks he will never recover. Cannot apply his mind to work. Melancholia, religious.


      Sticking, with weakness, she had to lie down towards 7 P.M., and soon fell asleep, copious sweat at night, which relieved her. Thrusts. Tearing; (which he formerly had) this time with fever and general arthritic pains. Aching in evening; A., with eructations; with thirst, coldness and with dryness of mouth and lips; intermittent; spasmodically contracting; as if a hammer were beating in head; especially unilateral (in a herpetic patient); as if everything would protrude through forehead towards evening. Fulness during mental labor. Dullness, so that he fears inflammation of brain, (>) nosebleed. Cloudy feeling in night on waking, as if he had been intoxicated in evening, with stupor and tumbling about. Heaviness in morning. Weakness. Pulsation of blood during mental labor. Vertigo; in morning; everything turns around with him.

Forehead, – Sticking on l. side; in r., extending into eye; drawing, extending to nose. Pinching in upper part, beginning in morning in bed, (<) morning and evening, with heaviness, sometimes whole sinciput aches and then temples feel pressed in, afterwards it alternates suddenly with pain in molars, (<) walking in fresh air. Pain; in centre; with weakness of it; in sinciput, (<) temples, (<) steady mental exertion, (>) motion, especially in open air, (<) morning and evening, with heaviness in sinciput, often it suddenly passes off and attacks l. molars; as if brain had not space enough in morning on rising, (>) washing and breakfast; contracting. Drawing in sinuses as in coryza. Stupefied feeling in l. half in morning.

Shooting from l. temple into head; boring, in l. temple. Pain in temples; after mental exertion; hammering; crampy, in skin of r. at 7.30 P.M. Intermittent pain in a spot in vertex. Strained pain in r. side of occiput at noon. Pain in occiput as if a piece of wood lay across from r. to l. Feeling as of a cord around skin, (<) about occiput, which feels as if pressed outward.

Clinical Chronic headache, associated with inordinate appetite, sensation in the occiput as of a piece of wood lying on the head. Humid eruption on the scalp, the hair becomes matted and of foul odor. Head sensitive to the air, even in hot weather.


      Gummy. Surrounded by blue rings. Glassy, with pain in them and agglutination in morning. Swelling, and of face. Inflammation of r. Ophthalmia, with pain as from sand in eyes, and lachrymation at night. Sticking; in l. Pain; in r., (<) touch; with burning and constant necessity to close them; burning, in the evening when looking sharply at something, and by candle-light; as from sand; as from a foreign body in r. in evening when closed. Biting. Tired in evening as from much reading by candle light.

Lachrymation; towards evening; on looking long at an object. Pimples like hordeola on upper lid; red, like fresh hordeola on margin of upper lids and sensation as if one were playing with his fingers before his eyes. Itching of r. lid; l. lower lid, from one side to other; of canthi; inner canthi, with heat. Vision of sparks. All objects in the room appear to tremble. Dazzling in evening when walking in the street. Vision blurred suddenly.

Clinical Scrofulous ophthalmia. Recurring pustular ophthalmia. Serous choroiditis.


      Discharge of fetid pus; from l. Otorrhoea, with headache. Discharge of red dish cerumen from l. sticking; towards noon; in l. lobe in evening; in l. after the buzzing; in meatus internus, transiently (>) boring in with the finger, frequently returning, (<) evening during rest. Intermittent tearing through external meatus, as from temporal muscle to styloid process. Pain in r. in morning; ulcerative, in l., and at the same time on r. ear a pimple appearing like healthy skin, but split into four parts by a cross, like a wart, in the centre a deep indentation. Sensation as if something burst suddenly when eating or swallowing saliva. Sensation in l. as if breath came from it instead of from respiratory organs. Feeling as if stuffed with cotton forenoons. Biting in l. Itching in r. Coldness in r., then sticking.

Ringing in l. in evening; in r. or l., with buzzing in head so that she hears hardly anything, and behind ears, in region of sterno-cleido-mastoideus, a sore pain, something heat extending to vertex, (<) towards evening, when she feels as if pulled by the hair; increase of former ringing, so that he feels stupefied. Buzzing. Feeling in r. as if he heard with the ears to another person in evening.


      Inflammation of septum, with white pustules. Sticking in l. nostril when boring in with finger; boring, in r., then sneezing. Boring in r., then sneezing. Drawing extending up to frontal sinuses, with pain in eyes as if coryza would set in, then discharge of fluid from nose. Dry; nostrils nearly dry, and sensitive when breathing through them. Scratching crawling towards root as if coryza would set in. Stoppage. Sneezing; without coryza. Coryza; with cough and expectoration of yellowish-green mucus; dry; dry, with obstruction of nose; fluent; fluent, from l. nostril. Tough mucus, he can hardly do a minute without his handkerchief, without coryza, with feeling of a plug high up in nose, which nauseates him, (>) stooping. Clear watery fluid pours out, (<) l. nostril, (<) stooping.


      Pale. Sickly looking. Yellow. Pain in zygoma on touch as if bone were suppurating, in evening. Sticking in lower jaw.

Lips.- Swelling of upper. Dryness; and brown and black colour. Burning. Painful and seem swollen. Pimple on upper. Vesicles around corner, and outwardly above them larger sore spots, exuding a fluid, which seemed to originate from scratching the V. and cause continual scratching; yellow, on red edge of lower, sore on touch; clear, on inner surface of lower; burning and painful, on inner surface of lower. Painful itching in r. half of upper as if swollen.


      Teeth. Looseness, (<) incisors, so that he fears they will fall out, the pain (<) touch, (>) open air, with much mucus of an offensive odor in mouth. Blood suddenly escapes from a hollow molar. Sticking from one side to the other, extending to head, then burning pain in r. cheek, which is swollen; S., on touching them in order to remove something lodged between them; in a carious r. upper, as if it would be pulled, at dinner, then grumbling and hammering pain in all r. teeth, only in daytime, (>) fresh air. Tearing; jerk-like in l. molars, something only slight pain alternating with headache. Seem on edge in afternoon when smoking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.