Homeopathy Remedy Ranunculus Scleratus

Ranunculus Scleratus homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ranunculus Scleratus…

      A tincture is made of the entire fresh plant.


      Twitching of facial muscles and limbs, risus sardonicus. Convulsion in face, outer parts of abdomen and limbs. Irritation of pharynx, eyes and nose, with flow of mucus and tears. Prostration with the sweat. Faintness.


      Delirium. A species of hydrophobia. Anxiety and oppression. Sad mood, grief, in evening. Disinclination for mental labor in morning; for work, with ill humor, absentmindedness, he tears a paper on which he has made notes, looks at it, discovers from the pieces that he has torn it, and toys with it. Forgetful.


      Inflammation of brain. Feels distended and thick. Heaviness and fulness. Feels as if in a vise. Dullness, (<) morning after the characteristic uneasiness in afternoon; D., with pressure of temples towards each other. Vertigo when sitting; V and vanishing of thought.

Fulness in forehead. Temples, sticking in l.; sticking from r. to r. superciliary ridge; gnawing in r, with pressure; pressure outward; pressure inward above T. Vertex, gnawing in one spot in l; gnawing suddenly coming and going in a spot; drawing-clawing pressure across; pressure as with a dull instrument; burning pain; jerking. Occiput, pain, with aching in whole head externally, pain in both tuberculis infer. ossis occipitis, (>) pressure, but returning. Scalp, contraction; (hard blotches above temples); sticking on vertex, with drawing; biting; itching.


      Contortion. Smarting. (Inflammation.) Lachrymation; at night. Conjunctiva injected. Balls painful all day; P. on moving them quickly; periodically. Canthi, periodical smarting, stinging smarting in r. outer. Lids agglutinated, white of eyes light yellow, finer vessels visible; burning in margins. Itching under r. lower lid, (>) cold.


      Sticking in r.; in r. meatus externus; in front of r. in evening. Aching; in r., with headache and drawing in all teeth. Boring behind in r. in evening; in l. outer meatus in evening, with drawing. Drawing along r. outer meatus.


      Pricking in outer parts of tip. Crawling inside, with smarting. Sneezing. Watery mucus.

Clinical Occasionally useful in fluent coryza, with sneezing, burning micturition,. etc.


      Drawing from above r. brow to corners of mouth in evening, with coldness. Feeling as if covered with a cobweb in evening. Tremulous sensation around lower lip and corners of mouth before vomiting, without nausea.


      Teeth. Tearing in incisors; in r. lower canine in morning. Stinging gnawing in incisors in evening. Burrowing under roots of l. lower molars as if pushed upward; in afternoon. Drawing in upper molars; in all in morning, with jerking; in canine, in afternoon and evening; stinging, in all. Sensitive all day. On edge, later stinging in them.

Pain in gums, with swelling, redness and bleeding. Tongue coated white; in morning, with sweetish taste; T. peeling and cracked; shooting in tip; pain with burning, redness, inflammation; smarting of tip; burning in tip. Much frothy mucus in mouth. Stinging in parts of soft palate. Smarting in region of palate and fauces. Smarting drawing pain in region of palate. Dry at night; and skin, without thirst. Ptyalism. Spoiled taste.

Clinical Superficial ulceration of the tongue, with rawness and soreness. Sore mouth characterized by raw patches on the tongue, the rest of the tongue being coated, sometimes indicates this drug in diphtheria or typhoid fever.


      Swelling of tonsils in evening, with sticking. Thick mucus that is difficult to hawk up. Choking at night. Sticking in tonsils. Scratching; with soreness; with dry cough that increases the sore pain; becoming somewhat burning. Contractive sensation before breakfast,(<) eating bread. Burning in pharynx; and oesophagus, sometimes with convulsive arthritic pains. Dry in morning. Impelled to swallow, several times. Inflammation of oesophagus.


      Hunger after eating, with eructations; H. strong, without real appetite. Little appetite at dinner, then nausea; A. wanting in evening. Thirst on waking after midnight, with heat. Eructations after bread and butter; empty E. before breakfast; tasting the ingesta after a meal; rancid, sour, in evening. Hiccough. Nausea; (<) after midnight; periodical, in morning. Inactivity. Fulness. Sticking in pit. Pain; in pit, (<) morning and pressure, with fulness; and fits of anxiety. Tension in pit. Constriction. Heartburn.


      Passage of flatus after a frugal meal. Gurgling and pinching. Pinching as after taking cold, (<)region of navel. Cutting at night. Pains in walls; peculiar P.; convulsive, in various parts, with fainting turns. Torpor of intestinal canal. Sticking in hepatic region; in region of gall-bladder; in region of spleen, (<) deep inspiration. Screwing pressure behind umbilicus at night. Sensation of plug lodged behind umbilicus, (<) morning. Pain in groins.

Clinical Pain and soreness over the region of the liver, with frequent sensations as though diarrhoea would set in.

Rectum and Anus

      Moisture in anus. Haemorrhoidal symptoms, especially itching of anus. Sticking in anus. Tickling burning near anus. Itching in rectum in evening, with forcing; I. in anus, (<) walking, with forcing out sensation, as if premonitory of haemorrhoids. Urging after the usual breakfast; after dinner, with passage of flatus and after great straining some soft stool; frequent, and loose stools; ineffectual, with emission of flatus.


      Liquid, fetid; L. and frequent. Loose, frequent. Soft, frequent, with the last one pressure in rectum; Frequent sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, but stool is natural. Frequent, alternating with ineffectual urging. Delayed.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Dribbling after micturition. Frequent micturition of scanty light yellow urine. Burning in forepart of urethra soon after urinating. Tickling crawling in orifice of urethra. Sudden stitches in forepart of glans. Drawing m pains in penis. Smarting about scrotum. Emissions after midnight, without lascivious dreams.

Respiratory Organs

      Hacking cough. Sighs Breath tight and deep.


      Sticking in r.; in l. and below false rids; in pectoral muscles; behind xiphoid cartilage in morning; in r. not (<) inspiration. Gnawing behind lowest part of sternum, arresting breathing in evening. Pinching around l. nipple; behind r. nipple evenings. Pressure as with a dull instrument behind r. false ribs, (<) deep inspiration. Sensitiveness of integuments. Bruised feeling in evening; with weakness in it. Pain externally in sternum, pressure on it causes stitches through chest. Sore burning behind xiphoid cartilage. Painful drawing in pectoral muscles. Oppression; as if something lay on sternum. Weakness.

Clinical Bruised pain and weakness in the chest every evening, with painful sensitiveness externally.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in region of H. Sticking pinching in region of H. at night, causing tight breath. Pressure as from a blunt piece of wood in region of H. Sometimes rapid, sometimes slow breathing of H. Pulse somewhat accelerated, while radial artery feels somewhat thinner.


      Pain between scapulae. Compressive drawing in region of scapulae. Lumbar region, jerks arresting breathing when walking in open air; bruised pain; paralytic pain; pressure in r. side.

Upper Extremities

      Soreness in r. axilla. Shoulder, stitches in l.; drawing on r.; sensation extending downward from r. as if muscles for sitting erect had been overtaxed and as if they were now relaxed. Elbow, sticking; gnawing in r. Forearm, sticking; boring sticking along l. to tip of index, where it is most violent; paralytic drawing. Hand, sticking in dorsum; drawing sticking in ball of r. Gnawing in l. palm in evening. Boring in metacarpal bones of thumbs. Drawing in r. metacarpal bones, with pressure. Fingers, swelling in morning; sticking between l. middle and index in evening; sticking in tips of ring and index, with gnawing in bones of same; sticking boring in last phalanges of index; sticking jerking in bones of l. index; gnawing in last pharynx of l. ring; gnawing in bones of r., with boring; pain in r. middle.

Lower Extremities

      Drawing gnawing in r. thigh. Gnawing in r. knee, with boring. Biting in bends of knees. Jactitation in muscles of r. calf. Painful drawing along leg, with pressure. Gnawing in region of r. outer malleolus. Foot, pricking on dorsum of r., with griping; gnawing in region of ball of l.; gnawing in heel; stinging boring in ball of r.; sticking boring along r. sole; pain in a corn in ball of r., with sticking and burning; weakness. Toes, sudden sticking in r. great, passing into burning; sudden intermittent sticking in forepart of r. great; itching stitches in l.; boring in r. great, with gnawing; gnawing in ball of r. great; tingling in l. great, with jerking.

Clinical Corns on the toes, with burning and soreness; especially painful on letting the feet hang down.


      Red spot beside r. nostril, which turns white when pressed and then causes sore pain, next day a vesicle there, with sore pain. Hard pimple below l. brow. Gangrene. Ulcers. Blister, which spreads over arm. Vesicles, with a thin, acrid, yellowish ichor, they do not heal till the ichor becomes thick and purulent.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.