Homeopathy Remedy Rhododendron

Rhododendron homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Rhododendron…

      A tincture is made of the dried leaves of Rhododendron Chrysanthemum, L. Allies. Its botanical relatives Ledum and Kalmia; Rhus t., Clem., Aurum


      Lies on back, with feet crossed. Twitchings. Tearing in different parts, (<) l. elbow and in affected limb. Sprained sensation. Bruised feeling; in whole body in morning, disturbing sleep, with digging, drawing pain in back, shoulders and jerking sensation; D. as if in marrow, (<) bad weather. Tingling in gouty parts and abatement of pains. Discomfort in affected parts, with sensation as if a worm were creeping through them. Sensitiveness in windy and cold weather. Weakness; form a short walk, with bruised feeling in limbs. Insensibility of affected parts. Almost all symptoms reappear with rough weather (Rhus-t.). Most comfortable in bed with limbs drawn up.

Clinical Rheumatic pains, especially in the periosteum of the bones, (<) cold weather, (>) moving (Rhus-t.); these pains may affect nearly every part of the body, and are frequently associated with coldness of the extremities, especially of the feet, but the general indication is aggravation before a storm. Chronic rheumatism of small joints (Ledum). Rheumatoid arthritis.


      Delirium; and he tosses his head about and reels, then falls asleep upon his knees, tries in vain to rise but is overcome by sleep, during which he starts continually and appears terrified, but awakes cheerful. Frightful visions. Fits of anxiety. Peevish. Gloomy, indifferent. Phlegmatic. Averse to everything, especially occupation. Stupefaction. Loss of sense. Forgetfulness of what he is talking about; F. and sudden disappearance of thoughts, he omits words in writing.


      Sticking, forehead; burning, through H. Racking sensation when walking as if brain were shaken from all sides, especially from above. Aching; towards evening; in evening; with sensation in head as if everything world fall out of forehead; almost depriving him of senses in morning (the day after a glass of wine), (>) rising; beating; as if brain pressed against skull; as if catarrh would set in. (Oppression of brain as from lead, in morning after a glass of wine.) Confusion; in morning on waking, with obstruction of nose and humming in ears; after rising; (<) open air, with drawing towards eyes; (<) frontal region, (>) laying head on table and by exercise in open air, with pain in l. temple; with heaviness; with want of attention; with drowsiness. Affection as from brandy. Feelings as if he had been revelling all night. Intoxication. Vertigo; at night; when sitting; in bed; when writing, (>) motion in open air; with Dullness in forehead; as from strong tobacco; as if head would fall backward, when in bed, with anguish.

Forehead. Drawing tearing in direction of temples and eyes, (<) moving about in the house; close to bone, like a forcing, (<) wine. Aching; in l. side; in l. half, spreading towards l. temple, (<) wine; (drawing, over l. eye the day after a glass of wine); beating, (>) rest, with pressure in head as if everything in head would come out there. Pressure in l. bone as with a thumb; P. outward in region of r. bone. Drawing in l. bone, then shuddering across face. Tension in l. bone; T. in front part, with pressure. Beating in l. region. Dullness in sinciput, after rising, with heaviness; D. in sinciput, and on moving head pain in forehead.

Temples. Sticking in l. Tearing boring in l. Drawing pain under l. bone; under r. bone, pressing outward. Pain in l. Pressure in bones; painful, in l. bone; inward in l.; outward under l. bone. Cold crawling above temple.

Vertex. Pain; suppurative, on touch.

Half. Shooting in l. Tearing in r. Beating pain in r. Sore pain in l. hemisphere of brain when lying; in r. hemisphere of brain and cerebellum when sitting.

Occiput. Pain in morning; deep in evening; deep in r. side, with paroxysmal drawing upward; in r. half as if a foreign body had been forced into it; contusive, in a spot externally in r. side, alternating with drawing in direction of ear.

Scalp. Pain on touch. Biting in various parts. Itching; evening; evenings, changing on scratching to burning.

Clinical Rheumatic headache, (<) wet, cold weather, involving the forehead and temples. Headache like a tearing of the bones of the skull, (<) wet, cold weather, (>) warm wraps and from moving about, also (<) wine (Lycopodium).


      Shooting from centre of r. to inner corner. Periodical smarting in r. Burning pain, and on reading or writing heat in eyes; B. pain in evening when reading, with dim vision. Burning all day; when looking at daylight before rising from bed; when looking intently; (<) evening, with dryness; and pressure; dry; periodical, in morning. Weak feeling when reading and writing. Itching. Lachrymation; (in raw air). Contraction of pupil; of l., with dilatation of r., with pressure in l. ball; r. smaller than l. Hot sticking outward in r. ball. Lids swollen and red; twitching of upper; agglutination, with moisture of eyes; suppuration at night. Canthus, pressure in r. inner as from sand; burning in inner in morning, with pressure and increased mucus. Pressure around margin of l. orbit, with sticking and with spasmodic contraction of l. lids. Sensation of gauze before eyes.

Clinical Threatening glaucoma, always (<) the approach of a storm, (>) after the storm broke, patient strongly rheumatic. Muscular asthenopia, with darting pains through the eye, (<) before a storm. Ciliary neuralgia.


      Sticking in l.; pinching S. outward in r. Darting pain in l. ear and temple. Tearing in and about r. Periodical boring or drawing pain or around ears. Pain in r. out nearly all day. Pain in r. as if pressed asunder. Sensation as if a worm were creeping in l. Betting in l. Tickling in l. external meatus, changing to pain on boring in with finger. Humming before ears, with ringing; H. before ears in evening in bed, with ringing. Buzzing in l. in forenoon, (<) whistling; B. and sensation as if water were rushing into them, loud sounds re-echo long. Whizzing in l., (<) whistling.

Clinical Otalgia tearing pain, with roaring and buzzing.


      Stoppage in morning; S. of l. nostril; of l. morning; of l. near root, in open air, with sore pain in r. and sensation of mucus; of l. near root, (<) morning before rising, alternating during the day with stoppage of r.; (>) open air. Dryness. Itching in nostrils, with creeping. Sneezing in morning on rising, with heat of face; S. in forenoon, with increased of thin mucus. Increased mucus; in open air; with stoppage of one or other nostril near root. Fluent coryza, with headache and roughness of throat; F., with diminution of smell and taste; alternating with obstruction of one nostril. Dry coryza, with sneezing. Bleeding from l. nostril. All things smell and taste alike.


      Sudden (prickling) biting in cheek. Drawing from l. half into l. ear, leaving behind a pressure in eye. Pain in l. lower jaw and teeth all night, now (>), now (<) pressure, with otalgia, r. side of head less affected. Vesicles on inside of lower lip and lower side of tongue, causing biting when eating. Lips dry; and burning.


      Teeth. Sticking in a l. upper hollow. Prickling in incisors, with biting. Tearing in hollow; in upper molars evening, (<) warm food and staying in a warm room; occasionally in first anterior molars, now upper, now lower, now r., now l., with grumbling. Pain, (<) damp weather and before a storm. Drawing pain before a thunder-storm or cloudy, windy weather, with cutting, connected with a pain in ear; D. in l. molars; in r. lower T., (>) eating; in l. molar, with pricking and intolerance of touch. Pain as if swollen and sore between r. lower gums and cheeks. Itching of gums.

Tongue, greenish coat, with bitter taste; painful, swollen spot one side of root of T. and gums; pricking. burning during inspiration. Contractive sensation along l. Stenonian duct. Burning posteriorly in mouth, as if catarrh would set in. Dryness. Salivation; sourish, in morning. Taste sourish; T. flat, bitter; putrid bitter posteriorly on tongue; putrid in morning; sourish salt in morning, and nausea on swallowing saliva; of straw all day; all things taste alike.

Clinical Facial neuralgia, involving both dental nerves, pains drawing, tearing and jerking, (<) change of weather, (>) warmth and eating. Neuralgic toothache, (>) while eating, caused by cold.


      Hawking up of white and tenacious mucus. Stitches in uvula; drawing S. form l. submaxillary gland towards cheeks. Pain in posterior surface in evening on swallowing bread. Scraping when walking, with sensation of mucus in trachea, which he cannot cough up; S. in fauces and sensation as if lined with mucus. Roughness in morning. Contraction, with burning taste; C. in fauces, with burning. Burning in T. and palate in forenoon after bread.


      Appetite unusual, before a meal; good, but speedily satisfied; lost. Satiety, then weakness. Thirst. Eructations; empty; of oppressive wind after dinner, causing burning through chest extending to dorsal vertebrae; of bitter liquid; (of rancid fluid, causing scratching in throat). Nausea; when stooping, (>) eructations; with salivation; with pressure in stomach; with indication for stool; with paroxysmal drawing pain in upper abdomen. Vomiting; after fluid, (<) cold water; of a green bitter substance.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.