Homeopathy Remedy Rumex Crispus

Rumex Crispus homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Rumex Crispus …

      A tincture is made of the fresh root of the yellow Dock. Allies. The cough as well as the skin symptoms may be compared with the Kalis, especially with Causticum


      Pains intermittent; and wandering neuralgic P. Sensitiveness to open air. Pulsations through whole body; over body in evening, with flushing of face, pulse 80. Restlessness in evening. Weakness; in a warm day; on going to bed; with somnolency, constant change of position and tired feeling in legs.


      Irritable; and restless. Depressed and in-disposed to exertion; D. as if evil impended. Indifferent to surrounding persons and things. Stagnation of ideas in evening, with lassitude and uneasiness.


      Aching; nearly all day, with bruised feeling in forehead; in forenoon; after retiring late at night; till going to sleep towards midnight returned on waking and lasted till noon; before breakfast; (<) motion; with coryza. Bruised sensation in brain in morning on waking, (<) moving, stooping or sudden movement of head, suddenly (>) after dinner at noon. Heavy aching during the day; during the day, (<) forenoon, with deep-seated soreness of eyes; during the day, (<) afternoon; in forenoon; from 10 A.M. till night, (>) after 2 P.M. Heaviness in evening. Oppression of hilarity, giving a serious expression to face. Vertigo; with nausea.

Forehead – Shooting over l. brow. Sharp pain in open air. Aching; over brow; in region of causality; at r. organ of causality; in morning on waking at 11 A.M.; in evening after singing, with heat and redness of face; at 7.30 P.M., with shooting; at 9 P.M.; (<) motion; with indisposition to think; with pungent tingling in organ of philoprogenitiveness; over l. eye, with soreness to touch; over r. brow, with stopped sensation in l. ear; in F. and temples, with fulness; burning, in l. superciliary ridge, then in r. Bruised feeling, (<) r. side, (<) moving head, when brain felt loose, (<) next morning, and on moving head sensation as if brain were loose.

Pain in temple; r., then l.; region of r. and hemisphere of cerebellum; r. in morning; l. in afternoon. Pain in vertex. Sharp, piercing pain in l. side of head. Darting pain in l. side at 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. Pain in occiput; low down in O.; intermittent, in O. in afternoon.


      Shooting in l. running to r. jaw and arm. Pain; (<) r.; in forenoon; in or over either or both; in both and over l., with soreness to touch over l.; deep-seated in r.; heavy. Lids feel inflamed and dry in evening. Lachrymation. Shooting in r. ball.


      Boring behind base of l. Pain; in r. in morning; in l. in afternoon; in r. after rising from bed; when walking; in l. and running to shoulder. Throbbing synchronous with beats of heart. Itching deep in l., then r.; in meatus. Obstructed sensation, his won voice (as well as the voice of others) has a ringing, confusing sound, and causes a kind of titillation in ear, yet hearing is as acute as ever. Ringing. Roaring in l., with feeling of a tight thread around neck just below ears.


      Inflammation at lower edge of r. side of septum, then a vesicle there. Pain; pungent drawing, in l. nostril and side of occiput, with feeling as if coryza would ensue. Sudden, sharp tingling in Schneiderian membrane, then violent and rapid sneezing, with obstruction of voice. Bleeding; from slightest picking of nose.


      Pallor when standing. Pain in l. side; in side, r. temple and ear, and in l. and in l. side of upper lip; in r. jaw and molars; in r. jaw in morning : Lip, eruption on vermilion border of lower; vesicle on inside of lower, near l. angle; sudden itching of r. side of upper; sudden itching of upper, near l. side of nose.


      Teeth. Lancinations at root of l. lower canine after retiring late at night. Grumbling stinging in r. upper molars when riding in a cold wind, with aching in forehead. Aching; in l. lower; in morning; of both sides in morning, in incisors in afternoon; and pain in lower jaw, in incisors, also on l. side, in r. molars, (<) dinner; in r. molars, (>) rinsing mouth with cold water; sharp; running; running, in upper.

Tongue coated; yellow; reddish-brown and dry, with bitterish taste. Stinging at side of tongue, near root. Soreness or r. edge of tongue; S. on touch of teeth, with excoriated feeling at edge and scalded feeling anteriorly. Tongue anteriorly felt dry and hot; T. and mouth dry at night. Flow of salvia. Taste nasty; bitter in morning on waking; bad in morning on rising; flat in morning on rising; like zinc on upper surface of tongue and on roof of mouth.


      Mucus in fauces and upper part of larynx; M. from posterior nares at night; form posterior nares at 7 A.M., soon after rising, fluent coryza began after breakfast, (<) r. nostril, (<) evening with sneezing, and in evening pain in r. nostril; thick, yellow, from posterior nares; tough, in fauces, difficult to eject; tough, in fauces in evening, with aching in pharynx and inclination to cough. Scraping in evening, with symptoms of slight cold. Excoriated feeling in velum palati. Rawness in upper part all the morning, with secretion of phlegm. Burning smarting in fauces and upper part of larynx. Sensation as if a lump were sticking in it. Soreness on l. side on swallowing; on l. side during empty swallowing; S. with feeling of lumps in to on swallowing. Ticking, then soreness; T. in pit and behind upper part of sternum. Dryness; in posterior nares; and deglutition difficult.

Clinical Catarrh of the pharynx.


      Appetite increased; decreased; lost; lost, with feeling of emptiness. Thirst in evening; at 7.30 P.M. Eructation. Empty eructations; after dinner; with distention of pit of stomach; sour, in morning on waking; forcible, in evening. Hiccough. Nausea; in morning on waking, with movements in abdomen as from a cathartic; in morning when dressing, with vertigo; in evening, (>) eructations, with fulness in abdomen as if diarrhoea were forming; on going to bed, with fulness of stomach and eructations tasting of the food; with pain in epigastrium, stomach and abdomen.

Distended sensation, (>) motion of wind in abdomen. Cutting in pit when riding in open air. Acute pain in pit. Pain; in gastric region; on waking; in digestive organs in morning on waking, and frequently; heavy, towards cardiac orifice. Burning pain during the day, and in abdomen; in pit. Pyrosis after dinner. Feeling of repletion and as if one had eaten spice, with dry feeling in anterior part of tongue. Weight in epigastrium; in pit; in epigastrium after eating. Feeling two hours after breakfast as if food had not digested; sensation of undigested food,(>) night; with upward pressure to throat-pit, every empty swallowing carried it downward, but it immediately returned.

Clinical Gastric disorder, shooting from pit of the stomach into chest and throat, with flatulence. Affections from excessive tea- drinking. Gastralgia, aching extending through to the back, obliged to take a long breath. Gastralgia, pains extend to the chest, (<) motion, (>) quiet rest.


      Distention and hardness; D. on going to bed. Movements as if stool would occur. Rumbling; in evening, with sharp pain, then dull headache; with yawning; with relaxed sensation; with colic above hypogastrium, nausea, loss of appetite, copious diarrhoea four or five times, in stream, each discharge suddenly arrested, m urging renewed on rising and on returning to the cabinet a new stream poured forth. Flatulence; in morning on waking, with emission of flatus and burnt sensation in tongue and mouth; after meals; moving about at night. Fetid flatus at night.

Cutting in evening, then diarrhoea. Sharp pain in morning after the fever, (<) deep inspiration, (>) rising. Pain in morning on waking, (>) emission of flatus; in morning, then brown diarrhoea; in morning, then diarrhoea; in evening; at night; wandering. Sensation as before D., and in rectum.

Pain in l. hypochondrium when lying on l. side; l. H. when walking rapidly after dinner; r. H. during eructations; r. side about seventh rib, about 5 P.M., with weakness on each side of umbilicus; r. side, in region of ascending colon when walking.

Umbilical Region- Griping below umbilicus after breakfast, partially (>) emission of offensive flatus. Pain; above U.; in r.

side towards evening; flatulent, in r. side (ascending colon); flatulent, in transverse colon, beginning during dinner, (>) emission of flatus; sudden, in bed before midnight, beginning on yawning or deep inspiration.

Hypogastrium- Sharp pain in morning before rising, then diarrhoea twice and pain in abdomen. Aching at dorsum of l. ilium; in l. side midway between umbilicus and crest of ilium when riding, with full sensation as from flatus.


      Haemorrhoids, with heat and irritation about anus and sensation of region body there. Movement of flatus, then pain in pubes. Shooting to l. groin like an electric shock. Pressure as if a rough stick were forced up in evening, painful on walking. Itching in anus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.