Homeopathy Remedy Ruta

Ruta homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ruta …

      A tincture is made of the fresh plant of Ruta graveolens, L. Allies.- Its rheumatic and skin symptoms are closely like those of Rhus tox; compare also Arnica and Pulsatilla


      Looked intoxicated, eyes and face red. Bruised pain in all parts on which he lies (Arnica, Cicuta, Drosera); on touch of painful parts. (<) hips and bones of legs. Nervousness. Restlessness; evenings, with headache and heat; in whole body after dinner, with pressure upon brain and great activity of nervous system; so that he dose not know where to lay his legs, with heaviness (Rhus-t.). Sensation as if he had not slept enough. Weakness; in morning; in afternoon, (>) walking, with sleepiness; in evening after playing with children; on sitting down after a short walk, (>) rising and walking (Rhus-t.), with bruised feeling in limbs and pain in sacrum and loins; after a meal, (>) open air, with heaviness and sleepiness; when sitting, with indolence; with heaviness. Faintness.


      General feeling of soreness as form a bruise. General lameness after sprains, especially of wrists and ankles. Periostitis, the result of bruised. Neuralgias; sciatic and other forms. Pains, especially in the wrist, in cold, wet weather, (>) motion (Rhus- t.).


      Fretful; in afternoon and evening, melancholy, dissatisfied with life; and mistrustful; and irresolute. Dissatisfied, especially with what he did himself, and inclined to weep. Inclined to contradict. Quarrelsome, inclined to anger and vexation. Anxiety, despondency and fear; A. all day as if he had done something wrong, if only the door opened he feared that some one had come to arrest him. Indifference; with discomfort and disinclination to work. Stupefaction. Confusion of ideas. Thought and memory slow. Frequent loss of thought, he did mechanically and at the wrong time things that had become easy from frequent repetition.


      Pain in brain in morning after rising; P. from reading a little; tensive, in brain; stupefying burning compressing, externally; confused. Oppression. Dullness; with heaviness and with tension in forehead; a kind of loss of memory. Heaviness. Uneasiness. Vertigo as if he would fall forward in morning on rising; as if he would fall to the right when walking in open air; sudden, when sitting, then heat of cheeks.

Forehead.- Sticking in l. eminence; in l. bone when reading; (<) coughing; above l. brow, with pressure; intermittent boring in r. when sitting. Gnawing. Pain above root of nose; drawing in r. side; sticking drawing, extending from frontal to temporal bone; rhythmical, in sinciput; stupefying, in sides, with cramplike tearing on molar-bone. Dullness in brain in evening before sleep, (<) morning on waking from sleep that was too sound, with throbbing pain. Heaviness.

Tearing in temporal bones. Pain as from a fall in periosteum of temporal bones, extending to occiput. Sticking drawing externally on vertex. Tensive drawing pain as from a blow or thrust, externally on sides. (Tearing on r. parietal bone, (>) evening, next morning a boil painful to touch as if suppurating.) Pain in occiput; with heaviness and tension; beating in side.

Biting-itching ulcer on l. side, and one towards nape. (Sticking in scalp, with tearing, then a pimple, at first painful to touch.) Itching behind l. ear, (>) scratching, with soreness; biting I., (<) l. side and occiput, (>) Scratching, but returning.


      Staring, with contracted pupils. Pain in r. like a pressure with obscuration of vision as if one had looked too long and intently. Pressure on inner surface of l. in open air, with lachrymation. Weary pain when reading. Fatigue as after reading too long. Heat in evening by the light, with aching while reading. Lachrymation (Senega).

Pupils contracted. Cramp in lower lid, then lachrymation. Itching in lower lid and inner canthi, that after rubbing become biting; (I. in lids in evening, with biting). Mucus in canthi in morning. Sticking in canthi, with smarting. Pressure on balls, with spasm of lower lid, which was sometimes drawn upward and sometimes towards inner canthus. Bruised pain in orbicular cartilages. Twitching of brows; of lower part. Pressure deep in orbits; on upper margin, with tearing in ball. Vision weak as if eyes were strained mornings; dim; (V. of fitting points).

Clinical Valuable in weakness of accommodation especially in near-sighted people when there are heat and aching in and over the eyes, eyes feeling like balls of fire. Asthenopia from sewing and reading.


      Itching sticking within r. Scraping pressure as with a blunt piece of wood. Pain as from pressure. Tickling, hot pressure, (<)inserting finger. Sensation as if something in it rolled back and forth on shaking head.


      Pain in upper part as if a plug were forced transversely through it, with scraping and pressure. Sharp pressure on root. Sneezing; with yawning and shivering. (Bleeding); (blowing out of blood).


      Pinching in l. cheek. Biting, goutlike pain in cheeks. Pain as from a blow below mastoid process. Numb pain as after a blow, in bones, extending into teeth and lower jaw. Papules on lips. Itching in corners of lips.


      Digging in lower teeth. Bleeding of gums on brushing or picking teeth. Pain on inner surface of r. upper gum as if sore and swollen, (<)touch, with drawing sticking. Tongue red and swollen; red on margin. Pain in hard palate, (<) when not swallowing. Soreness of velum palati when swallowing, with pressure. Dry; and glutinous at times. Salivation. Taste wooden to food.


      Cutting extending to chest when walking, (<) clavicle and Axilla, (<) walking rapidly. Pain.


      Little appetite; for dinner. Aversion to meat and vegetables. Thirst for cold water in afternoon; unquenchable, for cold water in afternoon, he drinks much and frequently without being distressed thereby. Eructations; odorless; empty; tasting of food after eating and drinking. Hiccough during the customary smoke; with nausea. Nausea on stooping; on beginning to eat; in pit of stomach, with desire for stool, momentarily (>) emission of flatus; with scraping and gnawing in umbilical region; with stupefying headache, (<) r. side of forehead, and heat in face. Violent vomiting, with vomiting of blood; violent, painful V., with spasmodic distortion of head, trunk and limbs.

(Stitches in pit.) Sticking tearing in pit. Griping in r. side of epigastric region after bread and butter. Pain. Tension, (>) drinking milk (Rhus-t.). Gnawing and emptiness; G. in pit at night and in morning; burning G. Epigastric region sensitive. Uneasiness. Warmth.

Clinical Dyspepsia resulting from straining the muscles across the stomach. Dyspepsia, every attempt to eat meat is followed by distress and eruption like nettle-rash (Pulsatilla).


      Distention in evening. Rumbling and gurgling. Emission of flatus, with sensation as if stool would follow; easy emission; offensive. Sticking extending upward on sitting down. Griping in morning on rising, with eructations. Pressure then, emptiness. Sick sensation, then two stools, soft, but difficult on account of relaxation and inactivity of rectum. Heaviness. Agreeable coolness, and in chest. Burning.

Tense oppression in upper A. and chest as if satiated, as soon as he eats anything. Gnawing in hepatic region. Pressure anteriorly in hepatic region near pit of stomach, causing restlessness. Pushing cutting griping as from flatus, in sides. Corrosive burning in l. side. Sticking jerks from below umbilicus to mons veneris on expiration, taking away the breath, (>) hard pressure. Sticking in muscles of umbilicus fossa, obliging him to retract abdomen. Tensive pressure extending from umbilicus through hypogastrium as if menses would come on, at night, (<) pressure. Coldness internally in umbilical region, with sensation as if something were becoming loose. Rumbling in hypogastrium. Pinching in hypogastrium, with aching and discomfort, as from taking cold. Sharp burning pressure in r. region.


      Evacuation of blood during stool. Tearing stitches when sitting. Tearing when not urinating, and in urethra. Frequent urging, with prolapsus and emission of flatus, stooping and still more crouching down caused protrusion, later constant protrusion. Constant desire for stool, which is soft, then dragging and urging.

Clinical Prolapsus of the rectum. Pruritus of the rectum.


      Soft. Large and difficult, as from loss of peristaltic action of rectum. A few hard faeces, almost like sheep-dung. Delayed.

Urinary Organs

      Pressure in region of neck of bladder like a painful closure of it, after micturition. Full sensation in bladder on every step after urinating, with feeling as if it moved up and down. Urging, with pain over kidneys; U., but it does not; U. even if there were only a drop, during and after micturition burning in genitals and long-continued pressure; U. only before daylight. Frequent and copious micturition. Urine deep yellow. Urine scanty, after micturition dragging in bladder.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.