Homeopathy Remedy Sarsaparilla

Sarsaparilla homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Sarsaparilla…

      A tincture is made of the dried root of the Smilax officinalis, H. and B. (from Honduras).


      Trembling of whole body, with anxiety; T. of hands and feet in forenoon, with tearing in forehead and pinching in abdomen. Mobility of whole body, hands and feet feel very light. Racking effects. Stinging now in head, now in r. ear, now in l.; in forehead and l. side of chest, mornings on walking out-doors. Lightning-like tensive pains here and there in body and about head. Sensation in all bones as if breaking. Drawing pain in scapulae and legs. Pain partially waking her at night without knowing where, but in morning she thought it must have been in abdomen (the day before menstruation). Feeling of strength. No exertion seemed to tire. Weakness; in forenoon, (>) a meal; (<) thighs, knees and feet, also during menses; with torpor, which induced him to lie on the ground, with unwillingness to move. Faintness in evening during stool. Aggravation from vinegar. Amelioration out of doors; A. from smelling camphor.

Clinical Bone-pains following gonorrhoea, or after the use of mercury, (<) dampness. Marasmus, with sore mouth, white sand in the urine, emaciation and shrivelled skin.


      Cheerful. Lively and happy. Merry; all day, and full of fun. Changeable mood. Ill humor; all day, (>) evening; in morning, with heaviness of head; in forenoon, with inclination to weep; in afternoon; with disposition to work; with indisposition to work. Easily vexed and cannot forget the cause of the vexation. Silent moroseness. Aversion to everything in forenoon. Inclination to work in afternoon. Anxiety, with fear and palpitation; A., with constriction in throat; A. in head in forenoon, then in whole body, with trembling, (<) feet. Sadness; on account of pains, with moans; with sluggishness; and absorbed in himself. Thinks that she cannot bear the headache. Inactive and awkward. Absent- minded. Inaptitude for mental application. Stupor, with weakness of head.


      Sticking, so that he shudders. Pain like lightning. Tearing here and there, (<) motion and walking; T. deep in brain on talking and walking. Hammering pain evenings, (<) night, with nausea and sour vomiting. Pain; (<) touching or walking; with unconsciousness and inability to speak; with blackness before eyes; with flickering before eyes; with cough or lightness; slowly increasing and decreasing, (<) upper part; as if screwed together at 2 P.M.; externally, like compressions and incisions. Throbbing till towards noon. Tingling as if a large bell had been struck, towards noon. Heaviness at 11 A.M., with stupidity, sometimes as if temples would be compressed together; H. (<) moving it, with tension in r. side of neck; with inclination to skin forward; with toothache. Dullness in forenoon, with stupidity; D. after sitting long, with mist before eyes, lassitude of limbs, stoppage of nose and gloomy mood; D.(>) towards evening; with flatulency. Weakness as after a fever, with stupor. Waving sensation at 2 P.M., with dull tremor. Vertigo frequently in forenoon; v. on gazing long at an object; when sitting and walking, with inclination of head to drop forward; when standing at a window he fell back unconscious, with swelling of throat, sour eructations before and afterwards, with pressure upon chest, and at night sweat; with unsteady gait; with general heat as from close air (on a cold, rainy day).

Forehead – Sticking in middle; in l. side; on l. protuberance; in forenoon, (>) open air; in r. protuberance at 7 P.M.; in l. protuberance in evening; in r. protuberance, with pain; pulsating. Tearing; at 6.30 P.M. Pain in l. side; P. in forenoon and after dinner, with heaviness; and in occiput; in l. protuberance, then stinging. Throbbing in r. side on walking in open air. Heaviness.

Temples – Sticking in r. at 1 P.M.; S. (<) touch; from r. to lower teeth at 2 P.M.; at root of r. mastoid process, (>) touch; burning, on l. bone. Stinging drawing from r. mastoid process to l. frontal protuberance. Drawing pressure on r. bone and on cartilage of ear. Heaviness in l.; in l. till noon; H., with desire to lie down.

Vertex – Sticking on r. side, with pressing; tearing S. on l. bone.

Sides – Sticking; in l. in morning, with pressing; from l. to nape; tearing, in r., so that he shudders. Stinging drawing on r. parietal and temporal bones. Pressure-like tearing in l. Pain in l., (<) temple; deep in r. half in morning, with itching; cramplike, in one, beginning with flickering and blackness before eyes, he seems unconscious, must lie down and cannot speak, because every word reverberates in his head. Sensation as if screwed together after breakfast. Throbbing deep in r. side of brain; in forenoon, with sounding.

Occiput. – Twitching on l. side. Stinging in l. side; drawing S. towards forehead, with pressure in r. temple.

Scalp – Sensitiveness to touch, with falling out of hair. Itching of r. half; on posterior part; (>) scratching; not (>) scratching; pricking.

Clinical Nervous headaches in the occiput, extending to the eyes, syphilitic or mercurial. Shooting headache from left ear to root of the nose; base of the nose and eyes swollen. Neuralgic headaches of r. side, pulsative and stitching, starting from the occiput.


      Stinging on closing them; and pain when the closed lids are pressed upon, with a red stripe from cornea to outer canthus, the inner corners blue and are swollen. Sensation as from sand, (>) open air; as from sand in l. Pain on looking at anything in the daylight; P. on reading by candle-light, paper looks red; in l., then r., with dim vision; alternating with burning. Affected by all objects in morning. Lachrymation every other day; L. when gaping. Pupils dilated. Pressing in ball in evening when reading by candle light, with red shine on paper. Lids inflamed and dry; quivering of r. upper; agglutination in morning and lachrymation in daytime; then agglutination in morning on waking, with burning; burning, sometimes alternating with pain. Vision dim; in l. eye in afternoon.


      Swelling of a gland under r., with inflammation and suppuration. Sticking deep in r. in forenoon; cartilage and external meatus of r.; in r. mornings; upward behind l. in afternoon. Ulcerative pain deep in l. in morning, and around anterior part. Constriction about r. external; in r. Compression up into temple, with pressure. Drawing in lobule of l., with twitching, later in either r. or l. Itching in l. external meatus at 6 A.M., not (>) scratching. Ringing in l. Tolling of bells in l. in afternoon.


      Eruption in l. nostril. Pricking in tip. Burning on blowing it; with dry cough. Stoppage in forenoon; of r. nostril on waking. Sneezing in morning after rising; only in morning, with fluent coryza; fails in the attempt to sneeze. Coryza, (<) r. side; C., with cough; with nausea, prostration, necessity to lie down, inability to move, pulse retarded; stopped. Thick mucus. Bleeding; from r. nostril; from l. nostril on blowing nose; each time she vomits; with feeling as if small bubbles burst in nose; light colored, from r. nostril in evening on blowing nose.


      Bruised pain about inferior orbital margins in morning on pressure, when waking. Stinging on lower inner edge of r. lower jaw on touch and on bending head back. Drawing stinging, tearing in r. masseter muscles, which are spasmodically contracted. Pain as if jaws would break. Tension in masseter muscles, which are spasmodically contracted. Pain as if jaws would break. Tension in masseter muscles and joints of jaws in forenoon on motion, with stiffness. Limpid vesicle on r. side of lower lip. Tetter on upper lip, with sticking. Twitching of r. side of upper lip.


      Teeth. Stinging in forenoon in one that had been painful for a long time. Tearing from a draught of cold air or cold drink. Aching evenings; A. in molars of l. side and one of r.; in r. in evening, (>) picking till they bled, with crawling, tingling in roots; drawing, in r. lower from 4 A.M. till evening, with heaviness of head, (<) r. side. Sensitiveness of r. upper when biting on them.

Gums – Swelling inside lower, with sore pain. Tearing in r. lower in evening; stinging, in gum and root of last r. lower molar. Pain in l. lower in afternoon on smoking tobacco.

Aphthae on tongue and palate. Tongue coated whitish in morning; sticking in T.; roughness mornings on waking, (>) eating. Mouth slimy in morning. Drawing pain in soft palate. Mouth slimy in morning. Drawing pain in soft palate. Mouth and throat dry mornings in bed; mouth, in forenoon, without thirst. Salivation; in forenoon till 1 P.M. Offensive breath.

Taste – Bitter in morning after rising; on upper lip mornings; to rye bread. Sweetish, like liquorice; insipid, S.; S. when smoking tobacco. Herbaceous; nauseous. Metallic. Fishy, disagreeable, on waking. Sour, slimy in fauces mornings, like sour dough.


      Mucus tasting like blood; M. all day, which she could not detach nor swallow; tough, mornings, which cannot be removed by hawking. Constant hawking of mucus in morning. Stinging extending out at ear. Pain in r. side as from a spelt of barley, extending out at ear, (>) afternoon after lying down. Pain on swallowing, rawness of larynx, a pressing moving about in larynx, wit cough at night and in morning, with colorless, tasteless expectoration, the pain in larynx (<) coughing. Constriction posteriorly; in t. and chest frequently during the day, with difficult breathing; spasmodic; with irritation. Tickling ulcerative sensation in fauces, causing cough. Roughness mornings during cough; in morning on waking, with hoarseness and dryness; exciting cough. Irritation posteriorly. Dryness in morning, with stinging on swallowing. Spasmodic urging to straining all night and frequent vomiting. Burning in oesophagus in morning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.